Welcome to OpenAccess 2.2

OpenAccess is a standard EDA database designed to promote interoperability in design flows.

The 2.2 version of OpenAccess contains significant enhancements to the supported data model and additional utility software that supports the core databases.

OpenAccess is managed and supported by the non-profit OpenAccess Coalition:

OpenAccess is available to the entire EDA industry, both for EDA vendors and designers. It may be used and applications built on it may be distributed by members of the OpenAccess Coalition after signing the terms of use. There are restrictions on your rights to modify OpenAccess and to distribute modifications.

Complete C++ source code is distributed with the OpenAccess development environment and you may use this source to debug your applications, to suggest changes to the Coalition, and to recompile OpenAccess on your choice of platform.

OpenAccess is supported by its community of users. It requires donated effort to grow and improve. Please submit your suggestions for improvements through the OpenEDA web page. Although adding features to the software is often a major effort, many users have simple ideas for places that the documentation can improve. Let us hear your questions and ideas.

Release Compatibility

This release is not compatible with any 2.0 or 2.1 releases of OpenAccess. Programs written for those releases will have to be modified, and databases written by those programs must be converted. See Migrating to OpenAccess 2.2 for more details.

Future 2.2 releases of OpenAccess are intended to be compatible with this release. Wherever possible, we will ensure that programs that are working on 2.2.0 will work on 2.2.1, and that databases are interoperable between programs on those two versions. This is subject to the impact of bug fixes and the discovery of substantial deficiencies in the software that require incompatible changes to be made.

This compatibility does not extend to the list of Beta quality components, and it does not extend to the translator APIs that may be used by developers to extend OpenAccess translators. Compatibility of the plug-in interfaces is also not guaranteed. Starting in future releases, plug-in interface compatibility will be handled by supporting multiple versions of the interface.

More Information

For ongoing access to the OpenAccess documentation, including release notes and other documentation referenced here, go to the Topic Index and bookmark that page.

For information about installing OpenAccess and getting set up to use it, see the Installation and Configuration Notes.

OpenAccess comes in kits that are pre-built for a number of common EDA platforms. For platform information, go to supported platforms.

For a detailed list of changes through each of the development builds since early in the 2.2 development, see the Incremental Release Notes.

For all of the C++ API for the OpenAccess databases and supporting infrastructure go to OpenAccess C++ API List of Classes. Developers will want to bookmark this page.

For documentation on OpenAccess translators and all other documentation, go to the Topic Index.


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