oaKeySizedHashSet<K, true> Member List

This is the complete list of members for oaKeySizedHashSet<K, true>, including all inherited members.
add(K obj)oaHashTbl<K>
addAtSlot(K obj, oaHashTblSlotId< K > &slot)oaHashTbl<K>
beginHash(oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride) constoaHashTbl<K>
calcVMSize() constoaHashTbl<K> [virtual]
compare(K key, const void *data) constoaKeySizedHashSet<K, true> [protected, virtual]
compare(K key1, K key2) const=0oaKeySizedHashSet<K, true> [protected, pure virtual]
endHash(oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride) constoaHashTbl<K>
find(const K &key) constoaKeySizedHashSet<K, true>
oaHashTbl< K >::find(oaUInt4 loc, oaUInt4 stride, const void *data) constoaHashTbl<K> [protected]
findSlot(oaUInt4 start, oaUInt4 stride, const void *data, oaHashTblSlotId< K > &slot)oaHashTbl<K> [protected]
genHash(const char *str, oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride) constoaHashTbl<K>
genHash(oaUInt4 value, oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride) constoaHashTbl<K>
genHash(oaUInt8 value, oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride) constoaHashTbl<K>
genHash(void *ptr, oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride) constoaHashTbl<K>
genHash(oaUInt4 scope, oaUInt4 index, oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride) constoaHashTbl<K>
getHashTbl() constoaKeySizedHashSet<K, true> [protected]
getLocation(K obj, oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 &deletedKeyLoc) constoaHashTbl<K> [protected]
getNextLoc(oaUInt4 &loc, oaUInt4 stride, oaUInt4 &start) constoaHashTbl<K> [protected]
getNumEntries() constoaHashTbl<K>
hash(K obj, oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride) const=0oaHashTbl<K> [protected, pure virtual]
oaHashIter< T > classoaHashTbl<K> [friend]
oaHashTbl(oaUInt4 sizeIn=32)oaHashTbl<K> [protected]
oaKeySizedHashSet(oaUInt4 sizeIn=32)oaKeySizedHashSet<K, true>
oaKeySizedHashSetIter< K, true > classoaKeySizedHashSet<K, true> [friend]
remove(K obj)oaHashTbl<K>
removeFromSlot(oaHashTblSlotId< K > &slot)oaHashTbl<K>
resize(oaUInt4 newSize)oaHashTbl<K> [protected, virtual]
updateHash(const char *str, oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride, oaBoolean toLower=false) constoaHashTbl<K>
updateHash(const char c, oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride, oaBoolean toLower=false) constoaHashTbl<K>
updateHash(oaInt4 x, oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride) constoaHashTbl<K>
updateHash(oaUInt4 value, oaUInt4 &start, oaUInt4 &stride) constoaHashTbl<K>
~oaHashTbl()oaHashTbl<K> [protected, virtual]

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