Help Using OpenAccess Documentation

The OpenAccess 2.2 C++ API documentation set includes:

Navigating the Documentation

The API Reference, Programmers Guide, Information Model, Coding Style and Standards, and other OpenAccess documentation share a common navigation scheme in the form of a navigation bar at the top of each page. The API Reference, Programmers Guide, and Information Model documentation are interlinked for easy cross-reference.

The navigation bar contains an top-level OpenAccess Topics index, as well as API class and index icons that link to different organizational and functional views of the OpenAccess API reference documentation. The Programmers Guide icon links to a top-level page that lists Programmers Guide topics. The Information Model navigation bar icon links to a page that lists the information model diagrams in alphabetical order.

The Help icon links to this page. From any page in the documentation, you can navigate to any other top-level page using the navigation bar.

Finding API Reference Documentation

Three navigation bar icons link to different views or organizations of the API reference documentation. These icons are:

The All Classes icon links to a page that lists all standard public API classes in alphabetical order. Each list entry links to the documentation page for that class.

The Class Selections icon links to a page that provides links to separately compiled alphabetical listings of different API class categories. Each class category selection comprises a separate area of OpenAccess functionality.

The Index icon links to a page that provides links to different OpenAccess all-class indexes, including functions, globals, files, hierarchy, and namespace indexes.

Understanding the Documentation Format

Each API class has a class reference page in the documentation set. If applicable, an inheritance diagram appears at the top of each class page that shows ancestor and derived classes. By clicking a shaded box in the diagram, you jump directly to the documentation for the depicted ancestor or derived class.

An Inherited Members link appears next. This link provides an alphabetical listing of all member functions for the class, including links to each member function inherited from a parent class.

Next to the an Inherited Members link, a link to a Schema Diagram page for the class is included if the class appears as a primary class on a schema legend page.

Next, a list of the methods and attributes available to the class is given, followed by the detailed description of the class. This list is followed by a description of each class member function.