Alphabetically Sorted List of Exceptions

oaBase oaDesign oaTech oaDM oaWafer

Note: The message numbers may change between major API revisions

Numerically Sorted List of Exceptions

oaBase Exceptions

Message Id Message Number Message Text
oacAppDefExists 59 "AppDef with the same name and data type already exists.",
oacBitNotInRangeForName 54 "Bit is outside range for name",
oacBundleNameInvalid 50 "Bundle names are not valid",
oacCannotBeCalled 133 "The function/operator %s should not be used",
oacCannotCreateMutex 136 "Unable to create Mutex. %s",
oacCannotCreateProcess 172 "Unable to create process '%s'. %s",
oacCannotCreateValueInDesignDBWithNoBlocks 164 "Cannot create a value in a design database containing no blocks",
oacCannotDeleteObject 119 "Cannot use delete on an OpenAccess managed object",
oacCannotDestroyConstraintGroupContainingImplicitMem 165 "Cannot destroy a constraint group which contains implicit group member",
oacCannotDestroyDefUndo 225 "Unable to destroy session def object while Undo is enabled.",
oacCannotDestroyImplicitConstraintGroupMem 158 "Cannot destroy a constraint group member that was implicitly created",
oacCannotDowngradeDatabase 142 "%s database cannot be downgraded from '%c' mode to '%c' mode",
oacCannotKillProcess 171 "Error attempting to kill process '%d'. %s",
oacCannotMoveImplicitConstraintGroupMem 157 "Cannot move a constraint group member that was implicitly created",
oacCannotOpenHugeDatabase 149 "%s database cannot be opened because it is over the size limit of the platform that this software is running on",
oacCannotRepairCorruptedAppData 170 "%s contains inconsistent application defined data (for example oaAppObjects or oaInterPointerAppDefs) and cannot be repaired. The OpenAccess translators should still be able to read the non-application specific data and should be able to produce an accurate representation of the database contents.",
oacCannotResetMutex 135 "Unable to reset Mutex. %s",
oacCannotSaveDataModelRev 169 "The generated %s data which is to be saved cannot be on a higher data model revision than the application supports",
oacCannotUpgrade 14 "%s database revision (%d) is not compatible with current revision (%d).",
oacCannotUpgradeOverwrittenDatabase 166 "%s database cannot be upgraded from '%c' mode to '%c' mode because the database file has been overwritten and no longer matches with the current in-memory data",
oacCantDestroyOwnedConstraintParam 87 "Can't destroy an owned constraint parameter",
oacCantDestroyOwnedValue 101 "Can't destroy an owned value",
oacChecksumMismatch 226 "Checksum mismatch between the in-memory data table and its on-disk representation",
oacChildProcessError 173 "Problem encountered with child process '%d'. %s",
oacConstraintDefExists 91 "ConstraintDef already exists",
oacConstraintDefHasReference 92 "ConstraintDef has reference",
oacConstraintGroupAlreadyHasObj 114 "Constraint group member already exists in constraint group",
oacConstraintGroupMemberNotInValidDB 115 "Object not in valid database to be member in the specified constraint group",
oacConstraintGroupMustHaveOwner 219 "ConstraintGroups using this constraintGroupDef must have an owner",
oacConstraintGroupNameExists 113 "Constraint group with name %s already exists",
oacConstraintNameExists 97 "Constraint with name %s already exists",
oacConstraintParamAlreadyOwned 86 "Constraint parameter already owned",
oacConstraintParamDefExists 81 "ConstraintParamDef already exists",
oacConstraintParamDefHasReference 82 "ConstraintParamDef has reference",
oacConstraintParamNotInSameDB 89 "Constraint parameter not in same database",
oacCorruptedDatabase 131 "Corrupted database encountered: %s",
oacCreateFileMappingFailed 174 "Unable to initialize memory map for file '%s'. %s",
oacDBTypeCannotBeOwnerAndContainerConstraintGroupDef 216 "The same database type cannot be in both the validTypes and validDatabases of the same constraintGroupDef",
oacDataNotCompatibleOnOpen 143 "%s database contains features defined in OpenAccess data model version %d (release %s), and cannot be opened by software that is %s OpenAccess release %s and supports data model version %d",
oacDataNotCompatibleOnOpenInAppendMode 144 "%s database contains features defined in OpenAccess data model version %d (release %s), and cannot be opened in 'a' mode by software that is %s OpenAccess release %s and supports data model version %d",
oacDataNotCompatibleOnOpenInEditableMode 145 "%s database contains features defined in OpenAccess data model version %d (release %s), and cannot be opened in editable mode ('a' or 'A') by software that is %s OpenAccess release %s and supports data model version %d",
oacDataNotCompatibleOnSave 146 "%s database contains features defined in OpenAccess data model version %d (release %s), and cannot be saved by software that is %s OpenAccess release %s and supports data model version %d",
oacDeleteLockedTree 63 "Attempt to destroy region tree while the tree is locked.",
oacDeletedAppObject 61 "Deleted appObject.",
oacDeletedDatabase 12 "Deleted database",
oacDirCreateFailed 188 "Unable to create directory '%s'. %s",
oacEmptyArrayValue 107 "Attempt to create empty value array",
oacFailedToLoadPlugIn 229 "Failed to load plugIn because:\n%s",
oacFileCloseFailed 182 "Unable to close file '%s'. %s",
oacFileCopyFailed 186 "Unable to copy file '%s'. %s",
oacFileGetInfoFailed 185 "Unable to retrieve file information for file '%s'. %s",
oacFileMappingFailed 176 "Unable to map file '%s' into memory. %s",
oacFileNotWritable 3 "File '%s' is not writable",
oacFileOpenFailed 181 "Unable to open file '%s' in '%c' mode. %s",
oacFileReadFailed 183 "Unable to read file '%s'. %s",
oacFileSetAttrFailed 187 "Unable to set file attributes for file '%s'. %s",
oacFileTruncateFailed 179 "Unable to truncate file '%s' to size %llu. %s",
oacFileWriteFailed 184 "Unable to write to file '%s'. %s",
oacFirstCharInvalid 124 "Input name (or member): %s has improper first character %c",
oacGetFullPathFailed 180 "Unable to get full path for file '%s'. %s",
oacGroupMemberNotInDomain 25 "Group member must be in the group domain",
oacGroupMemberNotInSameDB 24 "The specified group and member must be in the same database",
oacHierNameInvalid 47 "Hierarchical names are not valid",
oacIllDefinedTblSpecified 104 "2DTbl Specified is ill defined, with rows and no columns or columns and no rows",
oacInconsistentDataModelRev 148 "Requested data model version '%d' is inconsistent with the data model version '%d' which was requested before",
oacIndexedNameInvalid 45 "Indexed names are not valid",
oacInternalError 132 "Internal OpenAccess Error: Expression [%s] returned false in file %s at line %d",
oacInvalidAPIRev 1 "Requested minor API version '%d' which is supported by OpenAccess build '%s' is newer than the minor API version '%d' of the shared library of OpenAccess build '%s'",
oacInvalidAbstractType 203 "Invalid abstract type",
oacInvalidAlignmentTypeName 160 "Invalid alignmentType Name '%s'",
oacInvalidAppDef 58 "OpenAccess expected an oaAppDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidAppObject 62 "OpenAccess expected an oaAppObject but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidAppObjectDef 60 "OpenAccess expected an oaAppObjectDef but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidBasePurposeNumber 189 "Invalid purpose number",
oacInvalidBitValue 122 "Input name (or member): %s has improper bit value, start not equal to stop",
oacInvalidBoundForRange 153 "Invalid bound for the range object",
oacInvalidBoundsForRange 151 "Lower bound value is greater than the upper bound value",
oacInvalidBusSyntax 121 "Input name (or member): %s has improper bus syntax",
oacInvalidCategoryName 139 "Invalid category name",
oacInvalidCharFollowingEscChar 125 "Input name (or member): %s has improper character '%s' following escape character",
oacInvalidCharFollowingHexChar 128 "Input name (or member): %s has improper character '%c' following hex character",
oacInvalidConcreteType 204 "Invalid concrete type",
oacInvalidConnectLayerTypeName 235 "Invalid connectLayerType name: '%s'",
oacInvalidConnectivityTypeName 208 "Invalid connectivityType name '%s'",
oacInvalidConstraintDef 90 "OpenAccess expected an oaConstraintDef object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidConstraintGroup 110 "OpenAccess expected an oaConstraintGroup object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidConstraintGroupDef 200 "OpenAccess expected an oaConstraintGroupDef object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidConstraintGroupDefTypeName 199 "Invalid constraintGroupType name",
oacInvalidConstraintGroupDefUniqueAttribute 214 "ConstraintGroupDefs that do not define a list of valid databases cannot have the 'isUnique' attribute",
oacInvalidConstraintGroupForMemberMove 116 "Constraint group members not in same group",
oacInvalidConstraintGroupHeader 117 "OpenAccess expected an oaConstraintGroupHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidConstraintGroupMem 111 "OpenAccess expected an oaConstraintGroupMem object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidConstraintGroupOperatorName 206 "Invalid constraintGroupOperator name",
oacInvalidConstraintParam 85 "OpenAccess expected an oaConstraintParam object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidConstraintParamDef 80 "OpenAccess expected an oaConstraintParamDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidConstraintParamTypeName 75 "Invalid constraintParamType Name '%s'",
oacInvalidConstraintType 96 "OpenAccess expected an oaConstraint type object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidDBForConstraintDef 94 "Invalid database for constraintDef",
oacInvalidDBForObjectDef 197 "Invalid database for %s",
oacInvalidDBTypeName 79 "Invalid DBType Name",
oacInvalidDataModelModTypeName 140 "Invalid dataModelModType name",
oacInvalidDataModelRev 147 "Requested data model version '%d' which is supported by OpenAccess build '%s' is newer than the data model version '%d' of the shared library of OpenAccess build '%s'",
oacInvalidDatabase 137 "Invalid database object",
oacInvalidDatabaseAccessMode 15 "Invalid database access mode '%c'",
oacInvalidDatabaseFile 9 "File '%s' does not exist, or is not a valid OpenAccess database.",
oacInvalidDatabaseForLayerArrayConstraint 159 "Invalid database for layer array constraint",
oacInvalidDatabaseForLayerConstraint 98 "Invalid database for layer constraint",
oacInvalidDatabaseForLayerPairConstraint 99 "Invalid database for layer pair constraint",
oacInvalidDatabaseForObject 120 "Cannot create object in database specified",
oacInvalidDatabaseForValue 130 "Cannot create value type in database specified",
oacInvalidDatabaseIndex 10 "Invalid database index",
oacInvalidDatabaseSize 11 "Invalid database size",
oacInvalidDefaultValueForTblValue 109 "Invalid default value for table value",
oacInvalidDesignObjectForAppDef 55 "Invalid object for appDef.",
oacInvalidDesignObjectForInterAppDef 56 "Invalid object for an oaInterPointerAppDef.",
oacInvalidDesignObjectForIntraAppDef 57 "Invalid object for an oaIntraPointerAppDef.",
oacInvalidDistanceMeasureTypeName 155 "Invalid distanceMeasureType Name '%s'",
oacInvalidDomainName 71 "Invalid domain name",
oacInvalidEnclosedCutTypeName 238 "Invalid enclosedCutType name: '%s'",
oacInvalidEnumValue 38 "Value not a member of enumeration set.",
oacInvalidExtrapolateTypeForTable 162 "Extrapolate type %s is invalid for the lookup table",
oacInvalidExtrapolateTypeName 70 "Invalid extrapolation type name",
oacInvalidFeature 141 "OpenAccess expected a feature object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidFileAccessMode 2 "Invalid file access mode '%c'",
oacInvalidFileSize 6 "File '%s' has zero size",
oacInvalidGateOrientationTypeName 192 "Invalid gate orientation type name '%s'",
oacInvalidGroup 21 "OpenAccess expected an oaGroup object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidGroupDef 194 "OpenAccess expected an oaGroupDef object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidGroupDefTypeName 193 "Invalid groupDefType name",
oacInvalidGroupDeleteWhenTypeName 20 "Invalid groupDeleteWhenType name",
oacInvalidGroupForLeader 28 "Attempt to add leader to collection type group",
oacInvalidGroupForMemberMove 32 "Attempt to move group members from different groups.",
oacInvalidGroupForSameObj 27 "Set type group cannot contain an object multiple times",
oacInvalidGroupLeader 30 "Attempt to set leader from different group",
oacInvalidGroupMem 31 "Invalid group member",
oacInvalidGroupObject 23 "Database objects cannot belong to a group",
oacInvalidGroupTypeForGroupMem 218 "Groups of type %s are invalid members for hierarchical groups of type %s",
oacInvalidGroupTypeForMemberMove 33 "Attempt to move group members for unordered type group.",
oacInvalidGroupTypeName 19 "Invalid groupType name",
oacInvalidInterpolateTypeForTable 161 "Interpolate type %s is invalid for the lookup table",
oacInvalidInterpolateTypeName 69 "Invalid interpolation type name",
oacInvalidLayerArrayConstraintType 212 "Invalid oaLayerArrayConstraintType (value = %d)",
oacInvalidLayerArrayConstraintTypeName 154 "Invalid layerArrayConstraintType Name '%s'",
oacInvalidLayerArrayForLayerArrayConstraint 163 "Invalid layer array for layer array constraint",
oacInvalidLayerConstraintType 210 "Invalid oaLayerConstraintType (value = %d)",
oacInvalidLayerConstraintTypeName 77 "Invalid layerConstraintType Name '%s'",
oacInvalidLayerPairConstraintType 211 "Invalid oaLayerPairConstraintType (value = %d)",
oacInvalidLayerPairConstraintTypeName 78 "Invalid layerPairConstraintType Name '%s'",
oacInvalidMajorAPIRev 138 "Requested major API version '%d' which is supported by OpenAccess build '%s' is incompatible with the major API version '%d' of the shared library of OpenAccess build '%s'",
oacInvalidMangedTypeForFlatGroupDef 217 "Invalid type %s for flatGroupDef",
oacInvalidMapFileWindow 7 "Unable to map a window on an unmapped part of file '%s'",
oacInvalidMoveLeader 34 "Attempt to move leader",
oacInvalidName 39 "Input name is not valid to add member to, it has no members.",
oacInvalidNameChar 43 "Invalid character '%c' in input name: %s",
oacInvalidNameIndex 48 "Invalid name index",
oacInvalidNameKeywordConflict 126 "Input name : %s conflicts with namespace keyword",
oacInvalidNameLength 41 "Length of input name (or member) %s is not valid",
oacInvalidNameRef 223 "Invalid name index",
oacInvalidNameSyntax 42 "Input name (or member): %s has improper syntax",
oacInvalidNameTypeName 40 "Invalid nameType name",
oacInvalidNeighborLayerMetalTypeName 239 "Invalid neighborLayerMetalType name: '%s'",
oacInvalidNumberSyntax 127 "Input name (or member) section: %s contains invalid syntax. Number expected",
oacInvalidObjForConstraintDef 95 "Invalid object for constraintDef",
oacInvalidObjForConstraintGroup 112 "Attempt to create or get a constraint group for an invalid object",
oacInvalidObjForConstraintGroupHeader 118 "Attempt to find a constraint group header in a non-database object",
oacInvalidObjForConstraintParam 88 "Attempt to create constraint parameter for a non-database object",
oacInvalidObjForGroup 22 "Attempt to create group for a non-database object",
oacInvalidObjForObjectDef 198 "Invalid object for %s",
oacInvalidObjForProp 18 "Invalid database object to add a property",
oacInvalidObjForValue 103 "Attempt to create a value for an invalid database object failed",
oacInvalidObject 168 "OpenAccess expected an oaObject object but the %s object was passed",
oacInvalidObjectTypeName 67 "Invalid objectType name",
oacInvalidOperationOnUserDefinedConstraintGroupDef 201 "Invalid operation on user-defined constraintGroupDef",
oacInvalidOperationOnUserDefinedConstraintGroupType 207 "Invalid operation on oacUserDefinedConstraintGroupType",
oacInvalidOrientName 68 "Invalid orient name",
oacInvalidParamTypeName 72 "Invalid paramType name",
oacInvalidParenSyntax 123 "Input name (or member): %s has improper paren syntax",
oacInvalidProp 16 "OpenAccess expected an oaProp object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidPurposeArrayForLayerArrayConstraint 190 "Invalid purpose array for layer array constraint",
oacInvalidRangeTypeName 150 "Invalid rangeType Name '%s'",
oacInvalidReference 224 "Invalid reference%s",
oacInvalidRepeat 233 "Cannot repeat the expression. The repeat value is too large.",
oacInvalidResourceAccess 231 "Invalid access to protected resource.",
oacInvalidSession 74 "Database is not a session database",
oacInvalidSessionObject 167 "Invalid session object",
oacInvalidSetMapWindowFile 8 "Unable to set file for a window that is currently mapped",
oacInvalidShapeAngleTypeName 205 "Invalid shape angle type name '%s'",
oacInvalidSimpleConstraintType 209 "Invalid oaSimpleConstraintType (value = %d)",
oacInvalidSimpleConstraintTypeName 76 "Invalid simpleConstraintType Name '%s'",
oacInvalidSpacingDirectionTypeName 191 "Invalid spacing direction type name '%s'",
oacInvalidSpacingMeasureTypeName 237 "Invalid spacingMeasureType name: '%s'",
oacInvalidSpacingTypeName 236 "Invalid spacingType name: '%s'",
oacInvalidStringRef 222 "Invalid string index",
oacInvalidThreadUseModelName 240 "Invalid oaThreadUseModel name: '%s'",
oacInvalidTypeForRange 152 "Invalid range type for the range object.",
oacInvalidUniqueGroupName 26 "Invalid unique group name",
oacInvalidValueArrayValue 108 "Cannot add valueArray value to another valueArray value",
oacInvalidValueForConstraintDef 93 "Invalid value for constraintDef",
oacInvalidValueForCopy 106 "Attempt to copy array of values to a different database",
oacInvalidValueForFloatRange 37 "Value %g for property '%s' not in specified range: [%g %g]",
oacInvalidValueForIntRange 36 "Value %d for property '%s' not in specified range: [%d %d]",
oacInvalidValueType 102 "OpenAccess expected an oaValue type object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidVectorValue 49 "Input name has a start, step or stop value is not valid",
oacInvalidViaExtensionTypeName 234 "Invalid viaExtensionType name: '%s'",
oacInvalidWidthLengthTableTypeName 156 "Invalid widthLengthTableType Name '%s'",
oacLockSystemAlreadyInitialized 230 "Lock system is already initialized",
oacMemGetFailed 64 "A memory allocation for %u bytes failed.\n The process heap is %lluMB, and OpenAccess is using %lluMB.\n The available system memory is %lluMB, and physical system memory is %lluMB. %s",
oacMemMapCloseFailed 177 "Unable to close memory map at '%" oacPointerFmt "x' for file '%s'. %s",
oacMemMapWriteFailed 178 "Unable to write changes in memory to disk for file '%s'. %s",
oacMemResizeFailed 65 "A memory resize for %u bytes failed.\n The process heap is %lluMB, and OpenAccess is using %lluMB.\n The available system memory is %lluMB, and physical system memory is %lluMB. %s",
oacMismatchDatabaseID 13 "On-Disk database ID (%d) does not match expected ID (%d) for a %s database",
oacMissingAppDefDefault 221 "Missing default value for appDef '%s', and the data cannot be read from disk.",
oacMultipleGroupLeader 29 "Attempt to add multiple leaders to group",
oacNameNotIndexed 53 "Name does not have index",
oacNoObjectDB 66 "No database associated with object of this type",
oacNotASession 73 "OpenAccess expected a session object but a %s object was passed",
oacNotYetSupported 129 "This API is not yet supported",
oacOSError 0 "OS error code: '%d': \"%s\"",
oacObjectDefExists 195 "%s %s already exists",
oacObjectDefHasReference 196 "%s has references",
oacObjectHasConstraintGroupOfSameType 202 "Object already has a constraint group of the same type",
oacOpenAccessNotInitialized 228 "The OpenAccess sub-system must be initialized before using any of its features.",
oacParamTypeDoesNotMatchWithGetFunction 213 "The type of the param object does not match with the get() function",
oacProgrammableCharInvalid 52 "Cannot set programmable character, invalid character specified",
oacProgrammableCharTaken 51 "Cannot set programmable character, the specified character is already used",
oacPropNameUsed 17 "Attempt to create a property '%s' on an object that already has one with that name",
oacPropRecursiveOwnership 232 "Cannot move property '%s' to property '%s' because it would create a recursive reference.",
oacResetFileMappingFailed 175 "Unable to reset file mapping for file '%s'. Could not close file mapping object. %s",
oacSocketGeneralError 134 "Socket error code: '%d': \"%s\"",
oacStepNameInvalid 44 "Stepped names are not valid",
oacStringOverflow 227 "Cannot copy or concatenate two strings as the result would exceed %d characters",
oacThreadMutexError 241 "Mutex related error: %s",
oacUnableToDestroyBuiltInType 83 "Unable to destroy built in type",
oacUnableToOpenDir 35 "Unable to open directory %s due to %s",
oacUnableToRemove 4 "Unable to remove %s from disk due to %s",
oacUnableToRename 5 "Unable to rename %s to %s due to %s",
oacUniqueConstraintGroupAlreadyExists 215 "A constraint group associated with the '%s' constraintGroupDef already exists in the database",
oacUnknownSizeOfUInt8RangeTbl 220 "The oaUInt8RangeValue data table has an unknown size, and the data cannot be read from disk.",
oacValueAlreadyOwned 100 "Value already owned",
oacValueInvalidForConstraintParamDef 84 "Invalid value for constraintParamDef",
oacValueNotInSameDatabase 105 "Value not in same database or the referenced databases",
oacVectorNameInvalid 46 "Vector names are not valid",

oaDesign Exceptions

Message Id Message Number Message Text
oacAnalysisOpPtOpPointNotInSameTech 1278 "The opPoint is from a tech DB which is not in the tech graph the analysisOpPoint's design is associated with",
oacAnalysisPointNameExists 1276 "The analysisPoint name already exists",
oacAncestorInductorWithoutId 1488 "Higher level inductor must have an id for mutuals connecting between partitions",
oacAncestorNodeWithoutId 1487 "Higher level node must have an id for devices connecting between partitions",
oacArcAnglesInvalid 1033 "Invalid start- and/or stop-angle for arc",
oacArcEllipseBBoxInvalid 1032 "Invalid ellipse bounding-box for an arc",
oacArcNumSidesInvalid 1047 "Number of sides for converting an arc to line must be greater than two, %d is given",
oacArcPointsColinear 1034 "Points used to specify an arc are collinear",
oacArcTooLarge 1035 "Arc formed by three points is greater than 180 degrees",
oacArcWrongNumIntercepts 1036 "The arc bounding box incorrectly intersects the ellipse bounding box",
oacAreaHaloAlreadyExists 1335 "An area halo with the specified type already exists on this object",
oacBindRowToIncorrectSiteDefOnCopy 1538 "Cannot copy a row to a different design so that it will bind to a different siteDef as a result",
oacBindRowToIncorrectSiteDefOnMove 1539 "Cannot move a row to a different design so that it will bind to a different siteDef as a result",
oacBindViaToIncorrectViaDefOnCopy 1536 "Cannot copy a via to a different design so that it will bind to a different viaDef as a result",
oacBindViaToIncorrectViaDefOnMove 1537 "Cannot move a via to a different design so that it will bind to a different viaDef as a result",
oacBitOrderBusNetDefImplicit 1154 "Cannot change the bitOrder on an implicit busNetDef",
oacBitOrderBusTermDefImplicit 1159 "Cannot change the bitOrder on an implicit busTermDef",
oacBitOrderVectorInstDefImplicit 1088 "Cannot change the bitOrder on an implicit vectorInstDef",
oacBlockageHasExtraPoints 1332 "Points for blockage contains coincident or collinear vertices",
oacBlockageSpacingWidthExclusive 1560 "Blockage spacing and effectiveWidth attributes are mutually exclusive",
oacBlockageTooFewPoints 1333 "Number of points for a blockage must be at least three",
oacBoundaryHasExtraPoints 1245 "Points for boundary contains coincident or collinear vertices",
oacBoundaryInvalidEdgeNames 1605 "Improper edgeNames parameter supplied for oaBoundary.",
oacBoundaryNameExists 1247 "Boundary with name '%s' already exists",
oacBoundaryTooFewPoints 1246 "Number of points for a boundary must be at least three",
oacBusDefIsBlockDomainSpecific 1379 "Bus definition is block specific",
oacBusDefIsModuleDomainSpecific 1378 "Bus definition is module specific",
oacBusNetBaseNameMatchesScalarName 1100 "Bus net base name in name '%s' matches a scalar net name that already exists",
oacBusNetDefAlreadyExists 1153 "Bus net definition with name '%s' already exists",
oacBusNetNameMatchesAutoName 1097 "Cannot create a bus net with a basename that has the format of '%s123'",
oacBusTermBaseNameMatchesScalarName 1144 "Bus terminal base name in name '%s' matches a scalar terminal name that already exists",
oacBusTermDefAlreadyExists 1158 "Bus terminal definition with name '%s' already exists",
oacCMapInvalidGCellIndex 1341 "Invalid gCell xIndex or/and yIndex",
oacCMapInvalidGCellPattern 1340 "There should be at least one pair of horizontal and vertical gCellPattern defined.",
oacCMapLayerNotExists 1274 "The layer doesn't exist in the cMap",
oacCannotAddBlockageToImplicitInst 1457 "Cannot set owner of a blockage to an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotAddFigToImplicitNet 1109 "Cannot add a figure to a net that was implicitly created",
oacCannotAddFigToRouteOnDifferentNet 1448 "Route has net which different than the net of the object being added to it",
oacCannotAddInstToNet 1442 "Instances cannot be added to a net",
oacCannotAddNetFigToPin 1444 "Figures that belong to a net cannot be added to a pin",
oacCannotAddPinFigToNet 1441 "Figures that belong to a pin cannot be added to a net",
oacCannotAddPinFigToRoute 1445 "Figures that belong to a pin cannot be added to a route",
oacCannotAddRouteConnFigToRoute 1447 "Figures that act as route connecting objects cannot be part of a route",
oacCannotAddRouteFigToNet 1440 "Figures that belong to a route cannot be added to a net",
oacCannotAddRouteFigToPin 1443 "Figures that belong to a route cannot be added to a pin",
oacCannotAddSameFigToRouteAgain 1449 "Attempt to add same figure again to the route",
oacCannotAddSteinerToNonBitNet 1271 "Cannot add steiner to a net that is not a bitNet",
oacCannotAddViaToNonBitNet 1424 "Cannot add a via to a net that is not a bitNet",
oacCannotAppendNonSubMasterDesignToFile 1563 "Cannot append a non subMaster design to the given file.",
oacCannotAppendSubMasterToFileInUnwritableMode 1565 "Cannot append subMaster design to a file %s which is not opened in writable mode.",
oacCannotAppendSubMasterToUnopenedFile 1564 "Cannot append subMaster design to a file %s which is NULL or is not open.",
oacCannotBlockOverrideNetSignalType 1580 "Block overrides cannot be created on a net that is not a sigType of 'power', 'ground', 'tieoff', 'tieHi' or 'tieLo'",
oacCannotBlockOverrideNonScalarizedDesign 1579 "Block overrides cannot be created on a design that is not scalarized",
oacCannotChangeFromScratchMode 1010 "Cannot modify the access mode of a scratch design",
oacCannotChangeGlobalNetName 1602 "Cannot change the name of a global net that spans multiple occurrences in the hierarchy",
oacCannotChangeUndoModel 1520 "Cannot change undo model while undo is enabled on this design",
oacCannotChangeWidthForBothCustomEnds 1473 "Cannot change segStyle width if both endStyles are custom",
oacCannotClusterImplicitInst 1077 "Cannot add or remove an implicitly created instance to or from a cluster",
oacCannotConvertPolygonToRect 1049 "Polygon must be orthogonal with four points to be converted to a rectangle",
oacCannotCopyBlockageWithOwner 1334 "Cannot copy a blockage that is owned by another object to a different design",
oacCannotCopyDerivedBlockage 1410 "Cannot copy a derived blockage object to a different design",
oacCannotCopyImplicitInst 1080 "Cannot copy an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotCopyMoveUnboundRowToStrangerDesign 1553 "Cannot %s unbound row to design which uses different tech database",
oacCannotCopyMoveUnboundViaToStrangerDesign 1552 "Cannot %s unbound via to design which uses different tech database",
oacCannotCopyPcellInst 1496 "Cannot copy pcell instance when superMaster is not found",
oacCannotCreateAssignmentImplicitInst 1233 "Cannot create an assignment on an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotCreateBlockOnlyInModuleDesign 1510 "Cannot create a block that is not visible in the module domain if the design includes a module",
oacCannotCreateBlockageWithImplicitInst 1456 "Cannot create blockage with an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotCreateParasiticsOnPcell 1626 "Cannot create parasitic data on a pcell design",
oacCannotCreateRecursiveDesign 1631 "Cannot create reference of %s/%s/%s because it would result in a recursive reference.",
oacCannotCreateTermWithBlockOnlyNet 1129 "Cannot create a terminal visible in the module domain with a net that isn't visible to the module domain",
oacCannotCreateTermWithImplicitNet 1128 "Cannot create a terminal with an implicit net",
oacCannotDefineSuperMasterWithParasitics 1627 "Cannot define as pcell master a design that contains parasitic data",
oacCannotDestroyBusNetDefWithNets 1155 "Cannot delete a busNetDef that still contains busNets or busNetBits",
oacCannotDestroyBusTermDefWithTerms 1160 "Cannot delete a busTermDef that still contains busTerms or busTermBits",
oacCannotDestroyIEvalTextWithLinkExist 1217 "Cannot destroy IEvalText when an evalText link still references it",
oacCannotDestroyIPcellWithLinkExist 1208 "Cannot destroy IPcell when a pcell link still references it",
oacCannotDestroyImplicitBusNetDef 1152 "Cannot delete a busNetDef that was implicitly created",
oacCannotDestroyImplicitBusTermDef 1157 "Cannot delete a busTermDef that was implicitly created",
oacCannotDestroyImplicitInst 1070 "Cannot delete an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotDestroyImplicitInstTerm 1176 "Cannot delete an instTerm that was implicitly created",
oacCannotDestroyImplicitNet 1110 "Cannot delete a net that was implicitly created",
oacCannotDestroyImplicitTerm 1518 "Cannot delete a terminal that was implicitly created",
oacCannotDestroyImplicitVectorInstDef 1086 "Cannot delete a vectorInstDef that was implicitly created",
oacCannotDestroyNetInNonUniqueSpan 1111 "Cannot delete a net in a hierarchy where the occurrences are not unique",
oacCannotDestroyNetOnHiddenInstTerm 1633 "Cannot destroy a net that has a hidden instTerm.",
oacCannotDestroyNetOnHiddenTerm 1586 "A net that owns a hidden term cannot be destroyed",
oacCannotDestroyNetWithOverriddenInstTerm 1637 "Cannot destroy a module net that has an overridden instTerm.",
oacCannotDestroyNetWithOverriddenTerm 1635 "Cannot destroy a module net that has an overridden term.",
oacCannotDestroyOverriddenInstTerm 1623 "Cannot destroy an overridden module instTerm",
oacCannotDestroyOverriddenTerm 1582 "An oaTerm that is overridden cannot be destroyed",
oacCannotDestroyVectorInstDefWithInsts 1089 "Cannot delete a vectorInstDef that still contains vectorInsts or vectorInstBits",
oacCannotDetachTopModule 1568 "Cannot detach the top module of the design.",
oacCannotEditNetOnHiddenInstTerm 1634 "Cannot modify a net that has a hidden instTerm.",
oacCannotEditNetOnHiddenTerm 1587 "A net that owns a hidden term cannot be edited",
oacCannotEditNetWithHiddenConnectivity 1639 "Cannot modify a net that has hidden connectivity",
oacCannotEditNetWithOverriddenInstTerm 1638 "Cannot modify a module net that has an overridden instTerm.",
oacCannotEditNetWithOverriddenTerm 1636 "Cannot modify a module net that has an overridden term.",
oacCannotEditOverriddenInstTerm 1624 "Cannot edit an overridden module instTerm",
oacCannotEditOverriddenTerm 1583 "An oaTerm that is overridden cannot be edited",
oacCannotFindDesign 1005 "Open of %s/%s/%s failed - cellView for the design was not found",
oacCannotFindLibrary 1025 "Library %s not found",
oacCannotFindObjectForViaMaster 1023 "Attempt to find design data object from via master",
oacCannotFindSpecAssignedDefOccNet 1454 "Cannot find default net as per the specified inherited connections specification",
oacCannotFindSpecAssignedOccNet 1455 "Cannot find net as per the specified inherited connections specification",
oacCannotFindTechForDesign 1022 "Tech database for design %s/%s/%s/ not found",
oacCannotGetImplicitInstOccurrence 1081 "Cannot get the master occurrence for an implicit inst",
oacCannotGetVectorInstOccurrence 1082 "Cannot get the master occurrence for a vector instance",
oacCannotHideBlockOnlyInstTerm 1517 "Cannot hide an instTerm that does not exist in the module domain",
oacCannotHideBlockOnlyTerm 1578 "oaTerms that do not exist in the module domain cannot be hidden",
oacCannotHideImplicitInstTerm 1516 "Cannot hide an instTerm that was implicitly created",
oacCannotHideImplicitTerm 1577 "Implicitly created oaTerms cannot be hidden",
oacCannotLockDatabase 1453 "Unable to lock database file for %s/%s/%s",
oacCannotMergeNetsWithDiffNumBits 1115 "Cannot merge nets that have different number of bits",
oacCannotMergeToImplicitNet 1617 "Cannot merge a net to a net that was implicitly created",
oacCannotMimimizeDiskOnOpenDesign 1603 "Cannot minimize disk on an open design. Close the design then call minimizeDisk API.",
oacCannotMinimizeDiskParasiticDB 1604 "Cannot minimize disk; the design contains parasitic database.",
oacCannotModifyImplicitInstTerm 1177 "Cannot modify an instTerm that was implicitly created",
oacCannotModifyImplicitNetEquivalence 1609 "Cannot modify implicitly equivalent net",
oacCannotModifyImplicitRef 1434 "Cannot modify a reference object that was implicitly created",
oacCannotModifyImplicitTerm 1618 "Cannot modify a terminal that was implicitly created",
oacCannotModifyInstTermInNonUniqueHier 1184 "Cannot modify an instTerm that is in a hierarchy where the occurrences are not unique",
oacCannotModifyReadModeDesign 1011 "Cannot modify a read-only design",
oacCannotMoveDerivedBlockage 1409 "Cannot move a derived blockage object",
oacCannotMoveImplicitInst 1079 "Cannot move an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotMovePcellInst 1497 "Cannot move pcell instance when superMaster is not found",
oacCannotMoveToBlockOnlyNet 1131 "Cannot move terminal visible to the module domain to a net that isn't visible to the module domain",
oacCannotMoveToImplicitNet 1130 "Cannot move terminal to an implicit net",
oacCannotProcessDomainArgument 1585 "A domain argument of this type cannot be processed for this function",
oacCannotReadNonSubMasterDesignFromFile 1561 "Cannot read a non subMaster design from the given file.",
oacCannotReadSubMasterFromUnopenedFile 1562 "Cannot read subMaster design from a file %s which is NULL or is not open.",
oacCannotRemoveRouteFigFromNet 1439 "Figures that belong to a route cannot be removed from a net",
oacCannotRenameToImplicitBusNet 1508 "Cannot rename busNet because an implicit net with that name and range already exists",
oacCannotRenameToImplicitBusTerm 1509 "Cannot rename busTerm because an implicit terminal with that name and range already exists",
oacCannotSaveAsRecursiveDesign 1632 "Cannot save the design to %s/%s/%s because it would result in a recursive reference.",
oacCannotSaveUnboundSuperMaster 1209 "Cannot save super master when IPcell '%s' is unbound",
oacCannotScalarizeImplicitInst 1078 "Cannot scalarize an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotScalarizeImplicitInstTerm 1179 "Cannot scalarize an instTerm that was implicitly created",
oacCannotScalarizeImplicitNet 1106 "Cannot scalarize an implicit net",
oacCannotScalarizeImplicitTerm 1126 "Cannot scalarize an implicit terminal",
oacCannotSensitizeImplicitTerm 1619 "Cannot set sensitivity on a terminal that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetAntennaDataOnImplicitTerm 1125 "Cannot modify antennaData on an implicit terminal",
oacCannotSetAssignmentImplicitInst 1234 "Cannot set an assignment to an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetBlockageOwner 1430 "Cannot set owner for blockage that has been pushed down",
oacCannotSetBlockagePushedDown 1431 "Cannot push down blockage that is owned by an object",
oacCannotSetBusTermBitTermType 1147 "Cannot set the terminal type on a bus terminal bit",
oacCannotSetConnStatusImplicitNet 1498 "Cannot set the connection status of an implicit net",
oacCannotSetGlobalOnImplicitNet 1612 "Cannot set the global attribute on a net that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetIsInterfaceOfImplicitTerm 1136 "Cannot set the isInterface attribute of an implicit terminal",
oacCannotSetMasterImplicitInst 1071 "Cannot change the master of an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetMaxBits 1264 "Cannot set maxBits without an existing partition name",
oacCannotSetModeToScratch 1009 "Cannot set a design's access mode to scratch",
oacCannotSetNameOfImplicitInst 1069 "Cannot change the name of an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetNameOfImplicitNet 1103 "Cannot set the name of an implicit net",
oacCannotSetNameOfImplicitTerm 1123 "Cannot set the name of an implicit terminal",
oacCannotSetNameOfNetInBundleNet 1104 "Cannot set the name of a net that is a member of a bundle net",
oacCannotSetNameOfNetInBusNet 1621 "Cannot set the name of a net that is a member of a bus net",
oacCannotSetNameOfOverriddenTerm 1584 "An oaTerm that is overridden cannot be renamed",
oacCannotSetNameOfTermInBundleTerm 1124 "Cannot set the name of a net that is a member of a bundle terminal",
oacCannotSetNameOfTermInBusTerm 1622 "Cannot set the name of a term that is a member of a bus term",
oacCannotSetOriginalNetImplicitNet 1499 "Cannot set the original net for an implicit net",
oacCannotSetParamsImplicitInst 1072 "Cannot change the parameters of an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetParasiticConfImplicitNet 1105 "Cannot set the parasitic confidence of an implicit net",
oacCannotSetPinConnectMethodOnImplicitTerm 1620 "Cannot set the pin connection method on a terminal that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetPlacementStatusImplicitInst 1073 "Cannot change the placement status of an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetPositionOfBlockOnlyTerm 1141 "Cannot set the position of a terminal that is visible only in the block domain",
oacCannotSetPositionOfImplicitTerm 1140 "Cannot set the position of an implicit terminal",
oacCannotSetPriorityImplicitInst 1074 "Cannot change the priority of an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetPriorityOnImplicitNet 1614 "Cannot set the priority value on a net that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetRangeOfBusInBundleNet 1108 "Cannot set the range on a bus net that is a member of a bundle net",
oacCannotSetRangeOfImplicitBus 1107 "Cannot set the range on an implicit bus net",
oacCannotSetRouteMethodOnImplicitTerm 1149 "Cannot set the route method on an implicit terminal",
oacCannotSetRouteObjAsRouteConn 1190 "Cannot set an object that is part of a route as a route connection object",
oacCannotSetRoutePattenImplicitNet 1502 "Cannot set the route pattern on an implicit net",
oacCannotSetSigTypeOnImplicitNet 1613 "Cannot set the sigType attribute on a net that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetSourceImplicitInst 1075 "Cannot change the source of an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetSourceOnImplicitNet 1615 "Cannot set the source on a net that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetUsageImplicitInst 1076 "Cannot change the usage of an instance that was implicitly created",
oacCannotSetVoltageImplicitNet 1501 "Cannot set the voltage on an implicit net",
oacCannotShieldImplicitNet 1503 "Cannot shield an implicit net",
oacCannotTransferNetWithInstTerm 1114 "Cannot transfer instTerms to a net with a different number of bits",
oacCannotTransferNetWithTerm 1113 "Cannot transfer terminals to a net with a different number of bits",
oacCannotTransferToImplicitNet 1616 "Cannot transfer a net to a net that was implicitly created",
oacCannotUndoUniquify 1551 "Cannot uniquify when undo is enabled on this design",
oacCannotUndoWithoutCpInPostModel 1522 "Cannot undo with no checkpoint set when this design is in postCheckPoint undo model",
oacCannotUnsetGlobalStateOfNetInTopModule 1546 "Cannot unset the global state of net in the top module of the design",
oacCannotUnsetNonEmptyCp 1521 "Cannot unset a checkpoint when the checkpoint has undo records",
oacClusterAlreadyHasParent 1239 "Attempt to add cluster to multiple parents",
oacClusterAndInstNotSameBlock 1238 "Attempt to add an instance to cluster in different block",
oacClusterNameExists 1236 "Cluster with name '%s' already exists",
oacConflictingOpPointsInTechAssociatedWithDesign 1542 "Conflicting opPoints of the name %s in the tech(s) associated with the design",
oacConflictingSiteDefsInTechAssociatedWithDesign 1540 "Conflicting siteDefs of the name %s in the tech(s) associated with the design",
oacConflictingViaDefsInTechAssociatedWithDesign 1541 "Conflicting viaDefs of the name %s in the tech(s) associated with the design",
oacConnNodeNotInSameDomain 1417 "Node and conn object should be in the same domain",
oacConnectDefImplicitNet 1258 "Cannot create a ConnectDef on a net that was implicitly created",
oacConnectDefImplicitTerm 1260 "Cannot create a ConnectDef on a terminal that was implicit created",
oacConstraintGroupNotInTechAssociatedWithDesign 1533 "The constraint group does not belong to the tech DB associated with the design",
oacCoreBoxSpecInvalidRowNumber 1391 "Invalid core box spec row number",
oacCoreBoxSpecNoSiteDef 1390 "Site definition for core box spec not found",
oacCorruptedGroundSensitivityTerms 1556 "%s/%s/%s contains inconsistent groundSensitivity terminal data and cannot be repaired",
oacCorruptedMustJoinTerms 1554 "%s/%s/%s contains inconsistent mustJoin terminal data and cannot be repaired",
oacCorruptedSteinerConnRoutes 1569 "%s/%s/%s contains inconsistent steiner begin/endConn and cannot be repaired",
oacCorruptedSupplySensitivityTerms 1555 "%s/%s/%s contains inconsistent supplySensitivity terminal data and cannot be repaired",
oacCoupledInductorWithoutId 1320 "Inductor must have an id to be connected to a non-local mutual inductor",
oacCoupledNodeWithoutId 1318 "Node must have an id to be connected to a non-local couplingCap",
oacCouplingCapHasNoConn 1317 "Other endpoint of couplingCap is a node, not a conn",
oacCustomEndStyleNotAllowed 1466 "Custom end style cannot be specified without custom extensions",
oacCustomEndStyleNotAllowedForBegin 1468 "Custom end style cannot be used as the begin endStyle without custom extensions",
oacCustomEndStyleNotAllowedForEnd 1470 "Custom end style cannot be used as the end endStyle without custom extensions",
oacCustomViaDefSameNameAsStdViaDef 1571 "Cannot create %s because a stdViaHeader exists with the same name as the specified customViaDef.",
oacDesignCannotGetReadAccess 1458 "Cannot obtain read access for library %s to access design database",
oacDesignCannotGetWriteAccess 1459 "Cannot obtain write access for library %s to access design database",
oacDesignFollowerFileDoesNotExist 1007 "Open of %s/%s/%s failed - follower file for design does not exist on disk",
oacDesignHasNoTopBlock 1486 "The design specified for move/copy has no top block",
oacDesignHasReadNeedWriteAccess 1460 "Cannot obtain write access for library %s to access design database: library has read access",
oacDesignInvalidUndoModel 1607 "Only preCheckPoint or postCheckPoint undo model is allowed.",
oacDesignIsBlockDomainSpecific 1349 "Cannot create the top module in a block specific design",
oacDesignIsModuleDomainSpecific 1350 "Cannot create the top block in a module specific design",
oacDesignNoLongerExists 1576 "Design cellView %s/%s/%s no longer exists",
oacDesignPrimaryFileDoesNotExist 1006 "Open of %s/%s/%s failed - primary file for design is invalid.",
oacDestroyCannotFindDesign 1018 "Destroy of design %s/%s/%s failed because design not found",
oacDestroyDesignOpen 1017 "Cannot destroy a design which is open",
oacDetailedParasiticsFileDoesNotExist 1008 "Open of %s/%s/%s failed - detailed parasitics file for design does not exist on disk",
oacDeviceNameExists 1305 "Device with name '%s' already exists",
oacDeviceNetNotInSameDomain 1415 "Device and net should be in the same domain",
oacDeviceNotConnectedToNode 1315 "Node and device are not connected",
oacDiffHierPathOfBundleMembers 1601 "Path portions of bundle net members's hierarchical names are different",
oacDonutNumSidesInvalid 1038 "Number of sides for converting a donut to polygon must be greater than three, %d is given",
oacDonutRadiiInvalid 1037 "Invalid radius value for a donut",
oacDriverAnalysisPointNotInSameDesign 1482 "Driver and analysisPoint must be in the same design to create a reducedModel",
oacDriverReceiverNotInSameDesign 1483 "Receiver and driver of a reducedModel must be in the same design",
oacDriverReceiverNotInSameDomain 1413 "Driver and receiver of a reduced model should be in the same domain",
oacEllipseBBoxInvalid 1039 "Invalid bounding-box for an ellipse",
oacEllipseNumSidesInvalid 1040 "Number of sides for converting an ellipse to polygon must be greater than three, %d is given",
oacEmbedDesignConflictingModuleNames 1608 "Cannot embed design because the module name %s conflicts with the name of a module in the destination design.",
oacErrorCanOnlyHaveOneUnorderedSet 1269 "Can only have one unordered set",
oacEvalTextLinkExists 1216 "EvalText Link with name '%s' already exists",
oacEvenWidthRequiredForSegStyle 1467 "The width specified for segStyle must be an even number",
oacFailedToGetTextPlugIn 1544 "Failed to get text plugIn '%s' because %s",
oacFailedToInitTextPlugIn 1545 "Failed to initialize text plugIn because %s",
oacFigAlreadyInFigGroup 1527 "Fig already belongs to a figGroup",
oacFigGroupCircularMembership 1532 "Attempt to create a circular figGroup membership relation",
oacFigGroupMemberNotInSameDB 1531 "The specified figGroup members must be in the same database",
oacFigGroupMemberNotInSameFigGroup 1530 "The specified figGroup members must be in the same figGroup",
oacFigGroupNameExists 1528 "FigGroup with name '%s' already exists",
oacHierPathCrossDesign 1599 "Path portion of hierarchical name crosses design boundary",
oacHierPathDoesNotExist 1598 "Path portion of hierarchical name does not exist",
oacImplicitBlockNetExists 1385 "An implicit, block specific net with name '%s' already exists",
oacImplicitBlockTermExists 1387 "An implicit, block specific terminal with name '%s' already exists",
oacImplicitModuleNetExists 1384 "An implicit, module specific net with name '%s' already exists",
oacImplicitModuleTermExists 1386 "An implicit, module specific terminal with name '%s' already exists",
oacImplicitNetCannotBeOriginalNet 1500 "An implicit net cannot be the original net for another net",
oacImplicitNetCannotShieldNet 1504 "An implicit net cannot shield another net",
oacInductorNetNotInSameDesign 1313 "Inductor and other net for mutual inductor endpoints are not in the same design",
oacInductorsNotInRelatedPartitions 1490 "Inductors must be in hierarchically related partitions",
oacInductorsNotInSameDesign 1312 "Inductors for mutual inductor endpoints are not in the same design",
oacInductorsNotInSameNetwork 1314 "Inductors for mutual inductor endpoints are not in the same network",
oacInstAlreadyInCluster 1237 "Cannot add an instance to cluster multiple times",
oacInstAndAssignmentNotInSameBlock 1231 "Instance and assignment not in same block",
oacInstHasAssignment 1230 "Instance already has assignment named '%s'",
oacInstMustBeInUniqueOccHier 1084 "Cannot %s in a hierarchy where the occurrences are not unique",
oacInstNameExists 1066 "Instance with name '%s' already exists",
oacInstNameOverlapsOtherInst 1063 "Cannot use instance name '%s'; it would overlap with other instances with the same base name",
oacInstTermAlreadyExists 1166 "InstTerm already exists",
oacInstTermAlreadyExistsInModuleDomain 1630 "InstTerm already exists in the module domain.",
oacInstTermAlreadyInScanChain 1573 "%sInstTerm is already in a ScanChainInst",
oacInstTermBatchCreateHasInstTerms 1523 "Cannot batch create instTerms on instance with existing instTerms",
oacInstTermBitAlreadyExists 1178 "An instTerm already exists at bit %d of the desired connection",
oacInstTermConnectsByName 1172 "InstTerm connects by name and has no position",
oacInstTermConnectsByPosition 1171 "InstTerm connects by position and has no name",
oacInstTermInstImplicit 1175 "Cannot create an instTerm with an implicit inst",
oacInstTermInstMustBeInUniqueOccHier 1182 "The instTerm instance must be in a hierarchy where the occurrences are unique",
oacInstTermInstUsesTermName 1174 "The instance uses connection by terminal name",
oacInstTermInstUsesTermPosition 1173 "The instance uses connection by terminal position",
oacInstTermIterFlagNotApplicableOnNets 1180 "The specified iterator flag bits are not applicable to the collection of instTerms on a net",
oacInstTermMustBeByName 1170 "Connection to the instance must be to a terminal or by terminal name",
oacInstTermMustBeByPosition 1169 "Connection to the instance must be by position",
oacInstTermMustBeInUniqueModule 1181 "Cannot create instTerm because occurrence containing instance is not unique",
oacInstTermNetImplicit 1168 "Cannot create or modify an instTerm with an implicit net",
oacInstTermNetMismatchInRepeatedMembers 1513 "Cannot create instTerm because bit nets don't match across repeated member entries",
oacInstTermNetMustBeInUniqueOccHier 1183 "The instTerm net must span a hierarchy where the occurrences are unique",
oacInstsInHierHaveDifferentProps 1594 "Instances in the hierarchy have different property sets that match the parameters of the super master.",
oacInterBlockBoundaryCopyInvalid 1251 "Cluster boundaries cannot be copied inter-block",
oacIntraBlockBoundaryCopyInvalid 1252 "Snap and PR boundaries cannot be copied intra-block",
oacInvalidAccessDirForPin 1194 "The accessDir value is not a valid input",
oacInvalidAnalysisOpPoint 1277 "OpenAccess expected an oaAnalysisOpPoint object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidAnalysisPoint 1275 "OpenAccess expected an oaAnalysisPoint object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidArrayInstCols 1068 "Array instance must have at least one column",
oacInvalidArrayInstRows 1067 "Array instance must have at least one row",
oacInvalidAssignment 1229 "OpenAccess expected an oaAssignment object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidAssignmentAttrTypeName 1232 "Invalid assignmentAttrType name",
oacInvalidAssignmentDef 1227 "Cannot create a VirtualTerm using an AssignmentDef with empty string values for name or default",
oacInvalidBBoxAfterTransform 1596 "The bounding-box resulting from the transform is invalid",
oacInvalidBitIndexIntoInst 1083 "Invalid bitIndex value into this instance",
oacInvalidBitOrderName 1150 "Invalid bit order type name",
oacInvalidBlock 1027 "OpenAccess expected an oaBlock object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidBlockDomainVisibilityName 1346 "Invalid blockDomainVisibility name",
oacInvalidBlockNetIterFlags 1059 "Invalid flags value for the collection of nets in the block",
oacInvalidBlockObject 1550 "OpenAccess expected an oaBlock object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidBlockTermIterFlags 1060 "Invalid flags value for the collection of terminals in the block",
oacInvalidBlockage 1331 "OpenAccess expected an oaBlockage object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidBlockageDensityValue 1397 "Invalid density value for blockage",
oacInvalidBlockageOwner 1399 "Invalid owner type for blockage",
oacInvalidBlockageTypeForDensity 1398 "Invalid blockage type for density",
oacInvalidBlockageTypeName 1253 "Invalid blockageType Name",
oacInvalidBoundary 1243 "OpenAccess expected an oaBoundary object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidBoundaryType 1244 "Invalid boundary type",
oacInvalidBuiltInTechConstraintGroupInDesign 1534 "Cannot refer to a built-in tech constraint group",
oacInvalidBundleNetMemberIndex 1101 "Invalid index for accessing bundle net member: %d",
oacInvalidBundleTermMemberIndex 1145 "Invalid bundleTerm member index: %d",
oacInvalidBusNetBitIndex 1102 "Invalid index for accessing bus net bit: %d",
oacInvalidBusNetDef 1151 "Invalid busNetDef",
oacInvalidBusStartStopRange 1148 "Cannot change start/stop range because it would alter the number of bits",
oacInvalidBusTermDef 1156 "Invalid busTermDef",
oacInvalidCMap 1273 "OpenAccess expected an oaCMap object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidCellTypeName 1019 "Invalid cellType name",
oacInvalidChildCluster 1241 "Attempt to add a child cluster which is an ancestor of the parent cluster",
oacInvalidCluster 1235 "OpenAccess expected an oaCluster object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidClusterTypeName 1242 "Invalid clusterType name",
oacInvalidConnStatusName 1095 "Invalid connectivity status name",
oacInvalidConnectDef 1256 "OpenAccess expected an oaConnectDef object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidCoreRowFlipTypeName 1389 "Invalid core row flip type name",
oacInvalidCouplingCapConnType 1300 "Invalid couplingCap conn type (must be an instTerm, scalarTerm or busBitTerm)",
oacInvalidCouplingCapId 1319 "Id must be specified for couplingCaps between different networks",
oacInvalidDataTypeForParam 1205 "Datatype for input parameter '%s' does not match the definition",
oacInvalidDataTypeForTimeStamp 1228 "Invalid datatype for timeStamp",
oacInvalidDefaultTechConstraintGroupInDesign 1535 "Cannot refer to a default tech constraint group in a tech DB not associated with the design.",
oacInvalidDesign 1000 "OpenAccess expected an oaDesign object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidDesignAttrTypeName 1020 "Invalid designAttrType name",
oacInvalidDesignDataTypeName 1322 "Invalid DesignDataType name",
oacInvalidDesignObject 1478 "OpenAccess expected an oaDesign object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidDesignViewType 1014 "Invalid viewType of \"%s\" not supported for design database open",
oacInvalidDevice 1304 "OpenAccess expected an oaDevice object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidDeviceIdSpecified 1485 "oacInvalidDeviceID is not a valid user-specified ID for a device",
oacInvalidDriverTermType 1281 "Driver term type must be input or inputOutput",
oacInvalidElmore 1286 "OpenAccess expected an oaElmore object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidEndStyleName 1425 "Invalid segStyle name",
oacInvalidEndpointTypeName 1303 "Invalid endpointType name",
oacInvalidEquivalentNetIterFlags 1610 "Invalid flag bit combination specified for the collection of equivalent nets",
oacInvalidFig 1549 "OpenAccess expected an oaFig object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidFigGroup 1525 "OpenAccess expected an oaFigGroup object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidFigGroupMem 1548 "OpenAccess expected an oaFigGroupMem object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidFigGroupStatusTypeName 1526 "Invalid figGroupStatusType name",
oacInvalidFigGroupTypeForMemberMove 1529 "Attempt to move figGroup members for unordered type figGroup",
oacInvalidFontName 1323 "Invalid font name",
oacInvalidGCellPattern 1272 "OpenAccess expected an oaGCellPattern object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidGlobalNet 1524 "Invalid global net",
oacInvalidGroupByDefIterFlags 1557 "Invalid flags value for the collection of groups in the design by group def",
oacInvalidGroupByNameIterFlags 1396 "Invalid flags value for the collection of groups in the design by name",
oacInvalidGuide 1338 "OpenAccess expected an oaGuide object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidHeaderForSetMaster 1593 "OpenAccess expects a regular header or a sub header, but instead a super header is specified.",
oacInvalidHierBundleNetName 1404 "Invalid hierarchical bundle net name",
oacInvalidHierInstName 1406 "Pseudo-hierarchy delimiters not allowed in explicit instance name '%s'",
oacInvalidHierNetName 1407 "Pseudo-hierarchy delimiters not allowed in explicit net name '%s'",
oacInvalidHierPath 1452 "Attempt to generate occurrence shape with invalid hierPath",
oacInvalidHierTermName 1408 "Pseudo-hierarchy delimiters not allowed in explicit term name '%s'",
oacInvalidInst 1061 "OpenAccess expected an oaInst object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidInstAttrTypeName 1062 "Invalid instAttrType name",
oacInvalidInstHeader 1162 "OpenAccess expected an oaInstHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidInstTerm 1163 "OpenAccess expected an oaInstTerm object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidInstTermAttrTypeName 1164 "Invalid instTerm attribute type name",
oacInvalidInstTermBitIndex 1512 "Invalid instTerm bit index",
oacInvalidLPPHeader 1161 "OpenAccess expected an oaLPPHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidLayerForLayerBlockage 1336 "Invalid layer number for layer blockage",
oacInvalidLayerHeader 1330 "OpenAccess expected an oaLayerHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidMarker 1218 "OpenAccess expected an oaMarker object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidMarkerCopy 1220 "Invalid copy operation, cannot copy marker to new block",
oacInvalidMarkerDeleteWhenTypeName 1325 "Invalid markerDeleteWhenType name",
oacInvalidMarkerMemType 1222 "Invalid Marker object type, cannot attach to marker",
oacInvalidMarkerMove 1219 "Invalid move operation, cannot move marker to new block",
oacInvalidMarkerSeverityTypeName 1403 "Invalid marker severity type name",
oacInvalidMaskRangeForLayerRangeBlockage 1567 "Invalid mask range for layer range blockage",
oacInvalidMaster 1199 "Operation cannot be performed on a subMaster",
oacInvalidModAssignment 1363 "OpenAccess expected a module assignment object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModBusNetDef 1359 "OpenAccess expected a module busNetDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModBusTermDef 1360 "OpenAccess expected a module busTermDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModConnectDef 1362 "OpenAccess expected a module connectDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModDesignInst 1352 "OpenAccess expected a module instance design object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModInst 1351 "OpenAccess expected a module instance object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModInstHeader 1354 "OpenAccess expected a module instHeader design object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModInstTerm 1358 "OpenAccess expected a module instTerm object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModModuleInst 1353 "OpenAccess expected a module instance module object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModModuleInstHeader 1355 "OpenAccess expected a module instHeader module object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModNet 1356 "OpenAccess expected a module net object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModTerm 1357 "OpenAccess expected a module term object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModVectorInstDef 1361 "OpenAccess expected a module vectorInstDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModule 1342 "OpenAccess expected an oaModule object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidModuleEmbedMaster 1421 "Invalid master design for module embedding",
oacInvalidModuleNetIterFlags 1392 "Invalid flags value for the collection of nets in the module",
oacInvalidModuleTermIterFlags 1393 "Invalid flags value for the collection of terminals in the module",
oacInvalidMutualInductorId 1321 "Id must be specified for mutual inductors between different networks",
oacInvalidNet 1092 "OpenAccess expected an oaNet object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidNetAttrTypeName 1094 "Invalid netAttrType name",
oacInvalidNetIndex 1090 "Invalid net index",
oacInvalidNetName 1514 "Empty names not valid for nets",
oacInvalidNetPriority 1091 "Net priority is limited to values in the range -128 to 128",
oacInvalidNode 1298 "OpenAccess expected an oaNode object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidNodeConnNet 1519 "Node and conn object must be on the same or equivalent nets",
oacInvalidNodeConnType 1299 "Invalid node conn type (must be an instTerm, scalarTerm or busBitTerm)",
oacInvalidNodeIdSpecified 1484 "oacInvalidNodeID is not a valid user-specified ID for a node",
oacInvalidObjectForAttrDisplay 1606 "OpenAccess expected an inst, net, term, instTerm, assignment object or a design but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccAssignment 1377 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence assignment object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccBusNetDef 1373 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence busNetDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccBusTermDef 1374 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence busTermDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccConnectDef 1376 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence connectDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccDesignInst 1366 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence instance design object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccInst 1365 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence instance object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccInstHeader 1368 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence instHeader design object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccInstTerm 1372 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence instTerm object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccModuleInst 1367 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence instance module object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccModuleInstHeader 1369 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence instHeader module object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccNet 1370 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence net object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccObject 1364 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence domain object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccShape 1435 "OpenAccess expected an oaOccShape object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccTerm 1371 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence term object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccVectorInstDef 1375 "OpenAccess expected an occurrence vectorInstDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccurrence 1028 "OpenAccess expected an oaOccurrence object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOccurrenceNetIterFlags 1394 "Invalid flags value for the collection of nets in the occurrence",
oacInvalidOccurrenceTermIterFlags 1395 "Invalid flags value for the collection of terminals in the occurrence",
oacInvalidOpPointHeader 1279 "OpenAccess expected an oaOpPointHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidOperationOnDesignBeingPurged 1625 "Attempt to %s a design that is being purged",
oacInvalidParasiticConfidenceValue 1096 "Invalid parasitic confidence value (must be between 0 and 100)",
oacInvalidParasiticNetwork 1289 "OpenAccess expected an oaParasiticNetwork object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidPath 1030 "Invalid path",
oacInvalidPathExtensionValue 1041 "Invalid begin or end extension value for the path",
oacInvalidPathSegPoints 1428 "Begin and end points do not specify a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal pathSeg",
oacInvalidPathSegTransformAngle 1429 "The transform angle for a pathSeg must be a multiple of Pi/2",
oacInvalidPathStyleName 1326 "Invalid pathStyle name",
oacInvalidPcellMaster 1206 "Invalid parameterized design",
oacInvalidPin 1192 "OpenAccess expected an oaPin object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidPinConnectMethodName 1127 "Invalid pinConnectMethod name",
oacInvalidPinTypeName 1559 "Invalid pinType name: %s",
oacInvalidPlacementStatusTypeName 1324 "Invalid placementStatusType name",
oacInvalidPointsAfterTransform 1595 "The points resulting from the transform are invalid",
oacInvalidPoleResidue 1287 "OpenAccess expected an oaPoleResidue object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidPolygon 1031 "Invalid polygon",
oacInvalidPurposeNumber 1558 "Cannot use the 'oaAny' and 'oaNo' purposes for this operation",
oacInvalidReceiverTermType 1282 "Receiver term type must be output, inputOutput, or tristate",
oacInvalidReducedModel 1280 "OpenAccess expected an oaReducedModel object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidReducedModelDomain 1411 "Invalid domain for reduced model parasitics",
oacInvalidReducedModelObjectType 1412 "Invalid object type for reduced model parasitics",
oacInvalidRef 1432 "OpenAccess expected an oaRef object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidRefHeader 1433 "OpenAccess expected an oaRefHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidRoute 1185 "OpenAccess expected an oaRoute object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidRouteConnObj 1191 "Invalid route connection object",
oacInvalidRouteMethodName 1120 "Invalid routeMethod name",
oacInvalidRoutePatternTypeName 1093 "Invalid routePatternType name",
oacInvalidRouteStatusTypeName 1026 "Invalid routeStatusType name",
oacInvalidRouteTopologyName 1187 "Invalid routeTopology name",
oacInvalidRow 1224 "OpenAccess expected an oaRow object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidRowHeader 1225 "OpenAccess expected an oaRowHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidRowSpacingTypeName 1388 "Invalid row spacing type name",
oacInvalidScanChain 1265 "OpenAccess expected an oaScanChain object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidScanChainInst 1261 "OpenAccess expected an oaScanChainInst object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidScanChainInstTerm 1262 "Invalid InstTerm for ScanChain",
oacInvalidScanChainName 1267 "Invalid name for ScanChain",
oacInvalidScanChainObject 1511 "Only a BitTerm, InstTerm or ScanChainInst can be start/stop object for a ScanChain object",
oacInvalidScanChainSet 1268 "OpenAccess expected an oaScanChainSet object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidScanChainSetTypeName 1263 "Invalid scanChainSetType name",
oacInvalidSegStyleBeginExtValue 1426 "Invalid begin extension value for a segStyle with extend or truncate end style",
oacInvalidSegStyleEndExtValue 1427 "Invalid end extension value for a segStyle with extend or truncate end style",
oacInvalidShape 1029 "Invalid shape",
oacInvalidSigTypeForBlockOverrideNet 1628 "A net that owns a hidden or overriding instTerm or term must have a sigType that is equivalent to either power or ground",
oacInvalidSigTypeName 1327 "Invalid sigType name",
oacInvalidSourceName 1328 "Invalid source name",
oacInvalidStdViaHeader 1255 "Invalid standard viaHeader object",
oacInvalidStdViaMaster 1451 "Invalid stdVia master",
oacInvalidSteiner 1270 "OpenAccess expected an oaSteiner object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidSubMaster 1197 "Invalid subMaster design",
oacInvalidSubNetwork 1292 "OpenAccess expected an oaSubNetwork object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidSuperMaster 1198 "Invalid superMaster design",
oacInvalidSymmetryName 1021 "Invalid symmetry name",
oacInvalidTerm 1122 "OpenAccess expected an oaTerm object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidTermAttrTypeName 1121 "Invalid termAttrType name",
oacInvalidTermIndex 1118 "Invalid terminal index",
oacInvalidTermName 1515 "Empty names not valid for terminals",
oacInvalidTermTypeName 1119 "Invalid termType name",
oacInvalidTextAlignName 1329 "Invalid textAlign name",
oacInvalidTextDisplayCopy 1214 "Cannot copy a textDisplay across block boundaries",
oacInvalidTextDisplayFormatName 1215 "Invalid textDisplayFormat name",
oacInvalidTopOccurrence 1401 "Invalid top occurrence",
oacInvalidTrackPattern 1223 "OpenAccess expected an oaTrackPattern object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidTypeForLayerBlockage 1337 "Invalid blockage type for layer blockage",
oacInvalidVectorInstDef 1085 "OpenAccess expected an oaVectorInstDef object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidVia 1423 "OpenAccess expected an oaVia object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidViaDirectionTypeName 1436 "Invalid via direction type name specified",
oacInvalidViaHeader 1254 "OpenAccess expected an oaViaHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacLineTooFewPoints 1048 "Number of points for a line must be at least two",
oacLocalDeviceIdExists 1306 "Local device with id '%d' already exists",
oacMarkerNotOnThisObject 1597 "This marker is not on the specified object.",
oacMergeNetsMustBeInUniqueOccHier 1116 "Cannot merge nets that are in a hierarchy where the occurrences are not unique",
oacMergeNetsNotInSameBlock 1054 "The two nets to merge must be in the same block",
oacMismatchViewTypeForOpen 1015 "Open of %s/%s/%s with viewType %s failed because view already exists with viewType %s",
oacMismatchViewTypeForSaveAs 1572 "Cannot save design into %s/%s/%s because its viewType '%s' does not match the already existing destination cellView type '%s'.",
oacMismatchedHierPath 1600 "Path portion of hierarchical name does not match the path of the net",
oacModuleAndOccurrenceNotInSameDesign 1402 "Occurrence must be in same design as its module in order to be uniquified",
oacModuleDetachDesignExists 1422 "Design %s/%s/%s already exists",
oacModuleDetachRequiresUndoToBeDisabled 1480 "Since detaching a module is not undoable, it is required that undo be disabled for the design",
oacModuleExists 1343 "Module %s already exists",
oacModuleNotDerived 1344 "Module was not derived from another module",
oacModuleNotDerivedFromModule 1345 "Module was not derived from specified module",
oacModulesNotInSameDesign 1400 "Modules are not in the same design",
oacMoveToNetNotInSameBlock 1055 "The net to move the terminal to must be in the same block",
oacMoveToNetNotInSameDesign 1419 "The net to move the terminal to must be in the same design",
oacMustSpecifyValidNetTypeFilterFlag 1588 "Must specify oacNetIterAll, oacNetIterSingleBit, or oacNetIterBundle as part of the filter flag",
oacNetAlreadyHasConnectDef 1257 "Net already has a NetConnectDef",
oacNetAndInstNotInSameDesign 1052 "Net and instance must be in the same design to create an instTerm",
oacNetAndInstNotInSameModule 1405 "Net and instance must be in the same module to create a module instTerm",
oacNetEquivNetNotInSameBlock 1051 "The specified net and equivalent net must be in the same block",
oacNetEquivNetNotInSameDesign 1420 "The specified net and equivalent net must be in the same design",
oacNetExists 1098 "Net with name '%s' already exists",
oacNetFigNotInSameBlock 1050 "The specified net and figure must be in the same block",
oacNetHasNoEquivNet 1112 "Specified net has no equivalent nets",
oacNetInstTermWidthMismatchForInstTerm 1167 "Net width does not match instance/terminal width",
oacNetSetBaseNameConflictsInInstTerms 1506 "Cannot change the busNet baseName due to conflict with existing member instTerms",
oacNetSetBaseNameConflictsInTerms 1505 "Cannot change the busNet baseName due to conflict with existing member terminals",
oacNetSetRangeConflictsWithOtherNets 1507 "Cannot change the busNet range due to conflict with existing member terminals or instTerms",
oacNetTermWidthMismatch 1146 "Name width for terminal does not match net width",
oacNetworkConnNotInSameDomain 1416 "Parasitic network and conn object should be in the same domain",
oacNoConnForLocalCouplingCaps 1316 "Local coupling caps cannot be connected directly to a conn",
oacNoMasterForTextDisplay 1211 "Cannot bind instance to create textDisplay",
oacNoParasiticNetworkToLoad 1291 "No parasitic network exists to load for net and analysis point",
oacNodeConnNotInSameDesign 1310 "Node and other conn for couplingCap endpoints are not in the same design",
oacNodeIdExists 1302 "Node with id '%d' already exists",
oacNodeNameExists 1301 "Node with name '%s' already exists",
oacNodeNetNotInSameDesign 1309 "Node and other net for device endpoints are not in the same design",
oacNodesNotInRelatedPartitions 1489 "Nodes must be in hierarchically related partitions",
oacNodesNotInSameDesign 1308 "Nodes for device endpoints are not in the same design",
oacNodesNotInSameNetwork 1311 "Nodes for device endpoints are not in the same network",
oacNonDesignTextDisplay 1210 "Cannot associate a textDisplay with a non-design object",
oacNonLocalDeviceIdExists 1307 "Non-local device with id '%d' already exists",
oacNotADesign 1001 "Database is not a design",
oacNotADetailedData 1288 "Database is not a detailed parasitic db",
oacNotExistInDefaultParam 1204 "Parameter does not exist in the default parameter list",
oacObjMarkerNotInSameBlock 1221 "Object and Marker are not in the same block",
oacObjectAlreadyOnMarker 1418 "Object already added to marker",
oacObjectAlreadyShieldsNet 1188 "Object already shields given net",
oacObjectNetworkNotInSameDomain 1414 "Parasitic network and object should be in the same domain",
oacObjectNotValidForRoute 1186 "Invalid route object in specified route object array",
oacOccDestroyRequiresUndoToBeDisabled 1481 "Since destroying an occurrence is not undoable, it is required that undo be disabled for the design",
oacOnlyCustomEndStyleAllowedForBegin 1471 "Only custom endStyle is acceptable as the begin endStyle",
oacOnlyCustomEndStyleAllowedForEnd 1469 "Only custom endStyle is acceptable as the end endStyle",
oacOnlyCustomEndStylesAllowed 1472 "Only custom endStyles are acceptable for both begin and end endStyles",
oacOpenOnDesignBeingPurged 1012 "Attempt to open a design that is being purged",
oacOpenUndefinedModeDesign 1004 "Attempt to open a design with an undefined access mode",
oacOriginalNetNotInSameBlock 1057 "The net and original net must be in the same block",
oacOverridingTermAlreadyExist 1581 "An overriding term with this name already exists in this design",
oacPRBoundaryExists 1248 "PR boundary already exists in the block",
oacPRBoundaryInvalidRotation 1575 "Angle of rotation of a PRBoundary with a core box spec or IOBox must be a multiple of 90 degrees",
oacParamsSuppliedForNonPCellInstMaster 1438 "Parameters supplied for creating an instance with a non-pcell master",
oacParamsSuppliedForNonPCellViaMaster 1437 "Parameters supplied for creating customVia while customViaDef specifies a non-pcell master",
oacParasiticInstTermMustBeScalar 1285 "InstTerms must be scalar for parasitics",
oacParasiticNetworkExists 1290 "Parasitic network already exists for net and analysis point '%s'",
oacParasiticNetworkPartialLoaded 1465 "Attempt to access partially loaded parasitic network failed",
oacParasiticNetworkPartitionNameExists 1464 "Partition with name '%s' already exists",
oacParasiticTermMustBeScalar 1284 "Terminals must be scalar for parasitics",
oacParasiticsDataCannotGetReadAccess 1461 "Cannot obtain read transaction for library %s to access parasitics data",
oacParasiticsDataCannotGetWriteAccess 1462 "Cannot obtain write transaction for library %s to access parasitics data",
oacParasiticsDataHasReadNeedWriteAccess 1463 "Cannot obtain write transaction for library %s to access parasitics data: library has read transaction",
oacPathHasExtraPoints 1042 "Points for path contains coincident or collinear vertices",
oacPathTooFewPoints 1043 "Number of points for a path must be at least two",
oacPcellEvaluationFailed 1201 "Pcell evaluation failed",
oacPcellEvaluatorNotFound 1495 "Pcell evaluator '%s' not found: %s",
oacPcellInvalidPcellDef 1202 "Invalid PcellDef Object",
oacPcellLinkExists 1207 "Pcell Link with name '%s' already exists",
oacPcellMasterNotBound 1203 "Cannot create pcell instance because master not bound",
oacPcellObserverBindFailed 1200 "Failed to bind callback data with superMaster",
oacPhysOnlyInstTermNetMustBeInSameOcc 1592 "A physical-only instTerm cannot connect to a net located in a different occurrence",
oacPhysOnlyTermNetMustBeInSameOcc 1591 "A physical-only term cannot connect to a net located in a different occurrence",
oacPinAndFigNotInSameBlock 1450 "The specified pin and figure must be in the same block",
oacPinCannotUseImplicitInst 1196 "Cannot use an implicitly created instance for a pin figure",
oacPinExists 1193 "Pin with name '%s' already exists",
oacPinTermNotInSameBlock 1058 "The pin and terminal must be in the same block",
oacPolygonHasExtraPoints 1044 "Points for polygon contains coincident or collinear vertices",
oacPolygonTooFewPoints 1045 "Number of points for a polygon must be at least three",
oacPropNotOnInstanceMaster 1212 "Prop does not belong to instance's master for instPropDisplay",
oacPurgeOnDesignBeingPurged 1013 "Attempt to purge a design that is being purged",
oacReceiverNetDoesNotMatchDriverNet 1283 "Reduced model driver and receiver must be on same net",
oacRecoverFileAlreadyOpened 1590 "Cannot open the %s recover file for %s/%s/%s because the database is already open in memory",
oacRecoverFileDoesNotExist 1589 "The %s recover file for %s/%s/%s does not exist on disk",
oacRectBBoxInvalid 1046 "Invalid bounding-box for a rectangle",
oacRegionQueryAlreadyInitialized 1475 "Region query plugIn already initialized",
oacRegionQueryFailedToGetPlugIn 1477 "Region query fail to get plugIn '%s' because %s",
oacRegionQueryNotInitialized 1476 "Region query plugIn is not initialized",
oacRouteAndConnNotInSameBlock 1189 "The specified connection object and route not in the same block",
oacRouteAndObjectNotInSameBlock 1446 "Figures to be added to a route need to be in the same block as the route",
oacRouteOptimizerInternalError 1339 "An internal error occurred in the Route Optimizer",
oacRowNameExists 1226 "Row Name Exists",
oacRowZeroNumSitesNotAllowed 1479 "A row needs to have at least one site",
oacSameCluster 1240 "Attempt to add a cluster to itself",
oacSaveReadOnlyDesign 1002 "Attempt to save a read-only design",
oacSaveScratchModeDesign 1003 "Attempt to save a scratch-mode design",
oacScalarNetNameMatchesBusBaseName 1099 "Bus net with base name '%s' already exists",
oacScalarTermNameMatchesBusBaseName 1143 "Bus terminal with base name '%s' already exists",
oacScanChainExists 1266 "ScanChain with name '%s' already exists within ScanChainDomain",
oacScanChainInstTermsNotOnSameInst 1574 "InInstTerm and outInstTerm are not on the same instance",
oacScriptEngineLinkExists 1494 "Script Engine Link with name '%s' already exists",
oacShieldNetNotInSameBlock 1056 "The net and shield net must be in the same block",
oacSiteDefNotInTechAssociatedWithDesign 1492 "The siteDef does not belong to the tech DB in the tech graph associated with the design",
oacSnapBoundaryExists 1249 "Snap boundary already exists in the block",
oacSnapBoundaryNotRectangle 1250 "Attempt to create snap boundary with non rectangle points",
oacStdViaDefSameNameAsCustomViaDef 1570 "Cannot create %s because a customViaHeader exists with the same name as the specified stdViaDef.",
oacSubMasterParamsDoNotMatchSpec 1566 "The params stored in the subMaster cache does not match with the params specified at subMaster evaluation.",
oacSubNetworkDeviceNotSameDesign 1296 "Attempt to add a device to subNetwork in different design",
oacSubNetworkNameExists 1293 "SubNetwork with name '%s' already exists",
oacSubNetworkNodeNotSameDesign 1294 "Attempt to add a node to subNetwork in different design",
oacSubNetworkNodeNotSameNetwork 1295 "Attempt to add a node to subNetwork in different parasitic network",
oacSubNetworkNotShapeOrVia 1297 "Fig for subNetwork must be a shape or a via",
oacTermAlreadyHasConnectDef 1259 "Terminal already has a NetConnectDef",
oacTermCannotBeImplicit 1195 "Pin terminal cannot be implicit",
oacTermExists 1138 "Terminal with name '%s' already exists",
oacTermExistsInModuleDomain 1629 "Term %s already exists in the module domain.",
oacTermHasNoMustJoinTerm 1547 "Specified terminal has no mustJoin terminals",
oacTermMemberExists 1139 "Terminal with member name '%s' already exists",
oacTermMustJoinCannotBeImplicit 1133 "Cannot edit mustJoin information on implicit terminals",
oacTermMustJoinSameNet 1134 "MustJoin terminals cannot have same or equivalent net",
oacTermMustJoinTermNotInSameBlock 1132 "MustJoin terminals must be in the same block",
oacTermNetMismatchInRepeatedMembers 1611 "Cannot create bundle term '%s' because bit nets don't match across repeated member entries",
oacTermNetMustBeInUniqueOccHier 1137 "Cannot create or modify a terminal with a net in a hierarchy where the occurrences are not unique",
oacTermNotInInstMasterForInstTerm 1165 "Terminal not in instance's master",
oacTermPositionAlreadyTaken 1142 "The terminal position %d is already assigned to another terminal",
oacTermSensitivityTermNotInSameBlock 1135 "Sensitivity terminals must be in the same block",
oacTextLinkAlreadyInitialized 1543 "A text plug-in is already initialized",
oacTextNotInInstanceMaster 1213 "Text not in instance's master for textOverride",
oacTopBlockAlreadyExists 1347 "The top block in the design already exists",
oacTopModuleAlreadyExists 1348 "The top module in the design already exists",
oacTransferNetsMustBeInUniqueOccHier 1117 "Cannot transfer between nets that are in a hierarchy where the occurrences are not unique",
oacTransferNetsNotInSameBlock 1053 "Transferring net objects requires them to be in the same block",
oacUndoNotEnabled 1474 "Undo is not enabled properly",
oacVectorDefInstMustBeDesignInst 1383 "Instances for the vector instance definition must be design instances",
oacVectorDefInstMustBeModuleInst 1382 "Instances for the vector instance definition must be module instances",
oacVectorDefIsBlockDomainSpecific 1381 "Vector instance definition is block specific",
oacVectorDefIsModuleDomainSpecific 1380 "Vector instance definition is module specific",
oacVectorInstBitNameMatchesAutoName 1065 "Cannot create a vectorBit instance with a basename that has the format of '%s123'",
oacVectorInstDefAlreadyExists 1087 "Vector instance definition with name '%s' already exists",
oacVectorInstNameMatchesAutoName 1064 "Cannot create a vector instance with a basename that has the format of '%s123'",
oacViaDefNotInTechAssociatedWithDesign 1491 "The viaDef does not belong to the tech DB in the tech graph associated with the design",

oaTech Exceptions

Message Id Message Number Message Text
oacAllParamsNeededForViaVariant 2125 "All Parameters in viaVariant must be set.",
oacAnalysisLibNameExists 2040 "AnalysisLib with name '%s' already exists",
oacAntennaRatioValueNotInSameTech 2047 "AntennaRatioValue and array must be in the same tech database",
oacAttachLibraryHasLocalTech 2104 "Cannot attach library '%s' to library '%s' because library '%s' already contains a technology database",
oacCannotChangeReservedPurpose 2026 "Cannot change reserved purpose",
oacCannotCopyUnboundViaTopologyArrayValue 2136 "Cannot copy unbound viaTopologyArrayValue.",
oacCannotDestroyReservedPurpose 2027 "Cannot destroy reserved purpose",
oacCannotFindInheritedTechLib 2056 "Specified attached technology library \"%s\" was not found",
oacCannotFindLibraryTech 2006 "Tech database for library %s not found",
oacCannotLockTech 2011 "Unable to lock tech database for library %s",
oacCannotMimimizeDiskOnOpenTech 2146 "Cannot mimimize disk on an open tech. Close the tech then call minimizeDisk API.",
oacCantDestroyOwnedDerivedLayerParam 2077 "Can't destroy an owned derived layer parameter",
oacCloseOnTechBeingPurged 2094 "Attempt to close a tech that is being purged",
oacConflictingClearanceMeasureInTech 2099 "The ClearanceMeasure attribute cannot be set to '%s' because it would introduce conflicts in the specified tech graph",
oacConflictingDBUPerUUInTech 2102 "The DBUPerUU attribute for viewType '%s' cannot be set to %d because it would introduce conflicts in the specified tech graph",
oacConflictingDefaultManufacturingGridInTech 2100 "The DefaultManufacturingGrid attribute cannot be set to %d because it would introduce conflicts in the specified tech graph",
oacConflictingGateGroundedInTech 2101 "The GateGrounded attribute cannot be set to '%s' because it would introduce conflicts in the specified tech graph",
oacConflictingLayerNamesInTech 2096 "Layer '%s' has conflicts in the specified tech graph",
oacConflictingLayerNumbersInTech 2097 "Layer number %d has conflicts in the specified tech graph",
oacConflictingProcessFamilyInTech 2116 "Process family '%s' has conflicts in the specified tech graph.",
oacConflictingUserUnitsInTech 2103 "The UserUnits attribute for viewType '%s' cannot be set to '%s' because it would introduce conflicts in the specified tech graph",
oacConflictingViaDefNamesInTech 2098 "ViaDef '%s' has conflicts in the specified tech graph",
oacConflictingViaVariantNamesInTech 2135 "ViaVariant '%s' has conflicts in the specified tech graph.",
oacConstraintGroupNotInRefTech 2071 "The constraint group is not from a referenced tech database",
oacConstraintGroupNotTechConstraintGroup 2072 "The constraint group is not from a technology database",
oacDerivedLayerDefExists 2085 "DerivedLayerDef '%s' already exists",
oacDerivedLayerDefHasReference 2086 "DerivedLayerDef has reference",
oacDerivedLayerParamAlreadyOwned 2076 "Derived layer parameter already owned",
oacDerivedLayerParamDefExists 2081 "DerivedLayerParamDef '%s' already exists",
oacDerivedLayerParamDefHasReference 2082 "DerivedLayerParamDef has reference",
oacDerivedLayerParamNotInSameDB 2079 "Derived layer parameter not in same database",
oacDestroyTechOpen 2059 "Cannot destroy a technology database which is open",
oacDestroyWithAttachProperty 2112 "Cannot destroy because library '%s' has an attachment.",
oacDetachNoAttachment 2105 "Cannot detach from library '%s' because there is no attachment",
oacExcludedLayerAlreadyExists 2119 "Cannot exclude layer '%s'. This layer already exists in the tech graph.",
oacGetAttachmentNoAttachment 2106 "Cannot get attachment from library '%s' because there is no attachment",
oacInvalidACCurrentDensityValue 2048 "Invalid value type for AC current density",
oacInvalidAnalysisLib 2039 "OpenAccess expected an oaAnalysisLib object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidAntennaModelName 2046 "Invalid antennaModel name",
oacInvalidBuiltInTechConstraintGroupInTech 2073 "Cannot create a tech constraint group that references a built-in tech constraint group",
oacInvalidClearanceMeasureTypeName 2008 "Invalid clearanceMeasure name",
oacInvalidDBForDerivedLayerDef 2089 "Invalid database for derivedLayerDef",
oacInvalidDBUPerUU 2009 "Invalid DBU per user-unit specified: '%d'",
oacInvalidDCCurrentDensityValue 2049 "Invalid value type for DC current density",
oacInvalidDataTypeForTechParam 2128 "Datatype for input parameter '%s' does not match the definition",
oacInvalidDerivedLayerConnectivityTypeName 2069 "Invalid derivedlayerConnectivityType Name '%s'",
oacInvalidDerivedLayerDef 2084 "OpenAccess expected an oaDerivedLayerDef object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidDerivedLayerParam 2075 "OpenAccess expected a derived layer parameter object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidDerivedLayerParamDef 2080 "OpenAccess expected an oaDerivedLayerParamDef object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidDerivedLayerParamTypeName 2068 "Invalid derivedlayerParamType Name '%s'",
oacInvalidLayer 2012 "OpenAccess expected an oaLayer object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidLayerOpName 2019 "Invalid layerOp name",
oacInvalidMaterialName 2017 "Invalid material name",
oacInvalidNumLayersForDerivedLayerDef 2087 "Invalid number of layers for derivedLayerDef",
oacInvalidObjForDerivedLayerParam 2078 "Attempt to create derived layer parameter for a non-database object",
oacInvalidObjForViaVariant 2124 "Owner must be a design or technology database.",
oacInvalidObjForViaVariantHeader 2131 "Owner must be a %s database.",
oacInvalidOpPoint 2037 "OpenAccess expected an oaOpPoint object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidPrefRoutingDirName 2018 "Invalid preferred routing direction name",
oacInvalidPurpose 2022 "OpenAccess expected an oaPurpose object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidPurposeTypeName 2025 "Invalid purposeType name",
oacInvalidSiteDef 2033 "OpenAccess expected an oaSiteDef object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidSiteDefTypeName 2036 "Invalid siteDefType name",
oacInvalidSizeOpName 2020 "Invalid sizeOp name",
oacInvalidTech 2000 "Invalid tech",
oacInvalidTechConflictTypeName 2145 "Invalid tech conflict type name specified",
oacInvalidTechDataTypeForTimeStamp 2138 "Invalid datatype for timeStamp",
oacInvalidTechDataTypeName 2041 "Invalid TCDataType name",
oacInvalidTechHeader 2074 "OpenAccess expected an oaTechHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidTechLayerHeader 2092 "OpenAccess expected an oaTechLayerHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidTechObject 2054 "Invalid tech object",
oacInvalidTechViaDefHeader 2093 "OpenAccess expected an oaTechViaDefHeader but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidTechViewType 2010 "Invalid viewType %s not supported for tech data access",
oacInvalidUserUnitsTypeName 2007 "Invalid userUnitsType name",
oacInvalidValueForDerivedLayerDef 2088 "Invalid value for derivedLayerDef",
oacInvalidViaCutLayerNum 2061 "Invalid via cut layer number",
oacInvalidViaDef 2031 "Invalid viaDef",
oacInvalidViaParamColumnNumber 2043 "Invalid via param cut column number",
oacInvalidViaParamRowNumber 2042 "Invalid via param cut row number",
oacInvalidViaParamTypeName 2058 "Invalid via parameter type name",
oacInvalidViaSpec 2028 "OpenAccess expected an oaViaSpec object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidViaVariant 2123 "OpenAccess expected an oaViaVariant object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidViaVariantForViaTopologyArrayValue 2141 "Cannot create tech viaTopologyArrayValue with design viaVariant '%s'.",
oacInvalidViaVariantHeader 2130 "OpenAccess expected an oaViaVariantHeader object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidViaVariantHeaderType 2132 "Invalid viaVariantHeader type %s.",
oacLayer1Layer2NotInSameTech 2016 "Layer1 and layer2 must be in the same tech database",
oacLayerConflictsInTech 2122 "Layer '%s' has conflicts in the specified tech graph",
oacLayerDerivationExists 2015 "Derived layer '%s' '%s' '%s' already exists",
oacLayerExclusionConflictInTech 2121 "Layer '%s' is excluded in the specified tech graph",
oacLayerIsExcluded 2117 "Cannot create layer '%s'. This layer is specified as an excluded layer in the tech graph.",
oacLayerNameExists 2014 "Layer with name '%s' already exists",
oacLayerNotInReferencedTech 2090 "Layer '%s' belongs to a tech that is not referenced by the specified tech",
oacLayerNumberExists 2013 "Layer number %d already exists",
oacNotATech 2001 "Database is not a technology database",
oacNotExistInDefaultTechParam 2127 "Parameter does not exist in the default parameter list",
oacOpPointNameExists 2038 "OpPoint with name '%s' already exists",
oacOpenOnTechBeingPurged 2005 "Attempt to open a technology database that is being purged",
oacOpenUndefinedModeTech 2142 "Attempt to open or reopen a technology database with an undefined access mode: %c",
oacPurgeOnTechBeingPurged 2095 "Attempt to purge a tech that is being purged",
oacPurposeNameExists 2024 "Purpose with name '%s' already exists",
oacPurposeNumberExists 2023 "Purpose number %d already exists",
oacPurposeNumberIsReserved 2120 "Cannot create a user-defined purpose with a reserved purpose number.",
oacRecoverTechFileAlreadyOpened 2143 "Cannot open the %s recover file for tech database of library %s because the tech database is already open in memory",
oacRecoverTechFileDoesNotExist 2144 "The %s recover file for tech database of library %s does not exist on disk",
oacRepeatedNameInExcludedLayersList 2137 "Invalid excluded layers list. Layer \"%s\" is specified multiple times",
oacReservedTechConstraintGroupName 2070 "The name '%s' is reserved for the built-in constraint groups in a tech database",
oacSaveReadOnlyTech 2003 "Attempt to save a read-only technology database",
oacSetRefsTechOpen 2139 "Cannot set references on technology database that is being opened.",
oacSiteDefExists 2034 "SiteDef with name %s already exists",
oacSiteDefNotFound 2035 "SiteDef with name %s not found",
oacSizedLayerExists 2021 "Sized layer '%s' '%s' '%d' already exists",
oacStdViaDefDoesNotHaveImplant1 2114 "Cannot get implant1 layer number for stdViaDef '%s' because implant1 layer is not set.",
oacStdViaDefDoesNotHaveImplant2 2115 "Cannot get implant2 layer number for stdViaDef '%s' because implant2 layer is not set.",
oacTechAlreadyExists 2004 "Attempt to create a tech which already exists",
oacTechAttachedTechLibDetected 2055 "Library specified for tech create - \"%s\" - already refers to another library for its technology database",
oacTechCannotChangeUndoModel 2148 "Cannot change undo model while undo is enabled on this tech",
oacTechCannotObtainReadAccess 2051 "Cannot obtain read access for library %s in order to access tech database",
oacTechCannotObtainWriteAccess 2052 "Cannot obtain write access for library %s in order to access tech database",
oacTechCannotSetDuplicateRefs 2065 "Cannot set duplicate references - duplicate reference found for technology library \"%s\"",
oacTechCannotUndoWithoutCpInPostModel 2150 "Cannot undo with no checkpoint set when this tech is in postCheckPoint undo model",
oacTechCannotUnsetNonEmptyCp 2149 "Cannot unset a checkpoint when the checkpoint has undo records",
oacTechFileDoesNotExist 2057 "Attempt to open a technology database that does not exist on disk",
oacTechHasReadNeedWriteAccess 2053 "Cannot obtain write access for library %s in order to access tech database: library has read access",
oacTechInvalidUndoModel 2151 "Only preCheckPoint or postCheckPoint undo model is allowed.",
oacTechLibNotFound 2002 "Library not found",
oacTechSetRefsCannotOpenAllRefGraphs 2067 "Unable to set references on tech because cannot open all the techs in reference tech-graphs - tech '%s' referred by tech '%s' cannot be opened",
oacTechSetRefsCircularReference 2113 "Unable to set references because circular references would result. ",
oacTechSetRefsConflicts 2066 "Unable to set references on tech because conflicts would result",
oacTechSetRefsExcludedLayer 2118 "Unable to set references on tech because layer '%s' is excluded in current tech DB.",
oacTechUndoNotEnabled 2147 "Undo is not enabled properly",
oacUnsetClearanceMeasureNotSet 2107 "Cannot unset ClearanceMeasure attribute because it is not set",
oacUnsetDBUPerUUNotSet 2110 "Cannot unset DBUPerUU attribute because it is not set for viewType '%s'",
oacUnsetDefaultManufacturingGridNotSet 2108 "Cannot unset DefaultManufacturingGrid attribute because it is not set",
oacUnsetGateGroundedNotSet 2109 "Cannot unset GateGrounded attribute because it is not set",
oacUnsetRefsTechOpen 2140 "Cannot unset references on technology database that is being opened.",
oacUnsetUserUnitsNotSet 2111 "Cannot unset UserUnits attribute because it is not set for viewType '%s'",
oacValueInvalidForDerivedLayerParamDef 2083 "Invalid value for derivedLayerParamDef",
oacViaDef2DTblViaDefNotInSameTech 2050 "ViaDef2DTbl values not in the same tech database",
oacViaDefExists 2032 "ViaDef with name %s already exists",
oacViaDefNotInReferencedTech 2091 "ViaDef '%s' belongs to a tech that is not referenced by the specified tech",
oacViaParamCutColsNumNotSet 2062 "Attempted cut pattern value specification while number of cut columns not set",
oacViaParamCutRowsNumNotSet 2063 "Attempted cut pattern value specification while number of cut rows not set",
oacViaSpecAndViaDefNotInSameTech 2030 "Attempt to create viaSpec with viaDef2DTbl value and layers of different tech",
oacViaSpecExists 2029 "ViaSpec with layers '%s' and '%s' already exists",
oacViaTopology2DTblViaTopologyNotInSameDB 2133 "ViaTopology2DTbl values not in the same database.",
oacViaVariantNameExists 2126 "ViaVariant with name '%s' already exists.",
oacViaVariantNotInReferencedTech 2134 "ViaVariant '%s' belongs to a tech that is not referenced by the specified tech.",
oacViaVariantViaDefParamExists 2129 "ViaVariant with the viaDef and parameters already exists.",
oacZeroColumnsSpecifiedForViaParam 2044 "Cannot specify zero columns for via param cut matrix",
oacZeroRowsSpecifiedForViaParam 2045 "Cannot specify zero rows for via param cut matrix",
oacZeroViaCutDimensions 2060 "Zero width and/or height value(s) specified for a via cut",

oaDM Exceptions

Message Id Message Number Message Text
oacCVExists 3018 "A cellView with cell name \"%s\" and view name \"%s\" already exists with viewType \"%s\"",
oacCVSetViewPrimaryFileDoesNotExist 3098 "Cannot setView with viewType \"%s\" on cellView because a file with that viewType does not exist in this cellView",
oacCVSetViewPrimaryFileExists 3019 "Cannot setView with viewType \"%s\" on cellView because a file with that viewType already exists in this cellView",
oacCVSetViewPrimaryFileLocked 3020 "Cannot lock primary file in order to set view on cellView",
oacCannotHaveMultiLevelFollowers 3043 "Cannot have multiple levels of follower DMFiles from a leader",
oacCannotLockDMData 3079 "Unable to lock DMData database file",
oacCannotOpenLibDataFile 3109 "Cannot open .oalib file in the library.",
oacCannotOpenOpenedLib 3058 "Unable to open library %s again; it is already opened",
oacCellNotFound 3004 "Cell %s not found",
oacCellViewNotInSameLib 3017 "Cell and view must be in the same library",
oacCellViewOwnerDoesNotExist 3097 "CellView owner does not exist",
oacCloseOnDMDataBeingPurged 3081 "Attempt to close a DMData that is being purged",
oacDMDataCannotGetReadAccess 3086 "Cannot obtain read access for library %s to access DMData",
oacDMDataCannotGetWriteAccess 3087 "Cannot obtain write access for library %s to access DMData",
oacDMDataDoesNotExist 3078 "Open of DMData failed - database file '%s; does not exist on disk",
oacDMDataHasReadNeedWriteAccess 3088 "Cannot obtain write access for library %s to access DMData: library has read access",
oacDMFileCannotLockFollower 3025 "Locking of follower DMFile is not permitted",
oacDMFileCannotSetLeaderOnLocked 3027 "Cannot set leader on locked DMFile",
oacDMFileCannotUnlockFollower 3026 "Unlocking of follower DMFile is not permitted",
oacDMFileCouldNotCreate 3024 "Cannot create DMFile",
oacDMFileDoesNotExistOnDisk 3023 "DMFile '%s' does not exist on disk",
oacDMFileExists 3022 "DMFile with name %s already exists for this parent",
oacDestroyDMDataDoesNotExist 3085 "Destroy of oaDMData object failed because it does not exist",
oacDestroyDMDataOpen 3084 "Cannot destroy an oaDMData which is open",
oacFailedToGetDMInterface 3041 "Could not access DMSystem plug-in for %s, library %s: #%d: %s",
oacFailedToGetLibDefInterface 3116 "Could not access LibDef plug-in for %s: #%d: %s",
oacFailedToGetLockingInterface 3046 "Locking interface not available for plugIn %s, library %s",
oacInterfaceException 3042 "Received exception from %s plug-in when accessing library %s: #%d: %s",
oacInvalidCell 3011 "OpenAccess expected an oaCell object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidCellView 3016 "OpenAccess expected an oaCellView object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidContainer 3010 "OpenAccess expected an oaDMContainer object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidDMData 3077 "OpenAccess expected an oaDMData object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidDMDataObject 3076 "Database is not a DMData database",
oacInvalidDMDataTypeForTimeStamp 3089 "Invalid datatype for timeStamp",
oacInvalidDMDataTypeName 3073 "Invalid DMDataType name",
oacInvalidDMFile 3021 "OpenAccess expected an oaDMFile object but an %s was passed",
oacInvalidDMObject 3009 "Invalid DM object",
oacInvalidDMSystemName 3108 "Invalid DMSystem name on library path: %s",
oacInvalidLib 3000 "OpenAccess expected a library object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidLibAccessLevelName 3090 "Invalid LibAccessLevel name",
oacInvalidLibAccessName 3028 "Invalid libAccess name",
oacInvalidLibDataTypeName 3008 "Invalid LibDataType name",
oacInvalidLibDefList 3061 "OpenAccess expected an oaLibDefList object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidLibDefListMem 3062 "OpenAccess expected an oaLibDefListMem object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidLibDefListMemCreate 3064 "The following member object has to be in the same libDefList",
oacInvalidLibDefListMemMove 3063 "Cannot move after a list member object in a different libDefList",
oacInvalidLibModeName 3029 "Invalid libMode name ",
oacInvalidLibName 3059 "Invalid library name %s",
oacInvalidReservedViewTypeName 3015 "Invalid reservedViewType name",
oacInvalidSaveRecoverTypeName 3111 "Invalid saveRecoverType name: %s",
oacInvalidVCCapName 3047 "Invalid Version Control Capability name",
oacInvalidVCMessageTypeName 3050 "Invalid Version Control Message Type name",
oacInvalidVCObserverResultName 3051 "Invalid Version Control Callback Result name",
oacInvalidVCOperationName 3049 "Invalid Version Control Operation name",
oacInvalidVCQueryDepthName 3052 "Invalid Version Control Query Depth Name",
oacInvalidVersionCompName 3048 "Invalid Version Comparison name",
oacInvalidView 3012 "OpenAccess expected an oaView object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidViewType 3013 "OpenAccess expected an oaViewType object but an %s object was passed",
oacLeaderFollowerNotInSameParent 3045 "Leader DMFile and follower DMFile must have the same parent",
oacLibAccessCannotUpgrade 3054 "Library %s: cannot upgrade library access from read to write",
oacLibAccessDenied 3057 "Access to library is denied for %s; need to acquire access first",
oacLibCouldNotCreate 3006 "Unable to create library %s at path %s: %s",
oacLibCouldNotOpen 3007 "Unable to open library %s at path %s: %s",
oacLibDataFileSyntaxError 3110 "Syntax error in .oalib file of the library.",
oacLibDefExists 3065 "The libDef object of the name %s already exists in the list",
oacLibDefFileCannotAppendSymbolicLink 3103 "Attempt to open a lib defs file which is a symbolic link in append mode: %s",
oacLibDefFileRecursiveInclude 3032 "LibDefFile recursive libDefRef in list: %s",
oacLibDefFileUndefinedVarIncludePath 3101 "Invalid or undefined variable used in lib defs file on include path: %s",
oacLibDefFileUndefinedVarLibPath 3100 "Invalid or undefined variable used in lib defs file on library path: %s",
oacLibDefFileUndefinedVarWritePath 3102 "Invalid or undefined variable used in lib defs file on library write path: %s",
oacLibDefListDirNotWritable 3106 "Unable to save the libDefList file. The directory %s is not writable",
oacLibDefListExists 3119 "libDefFile object %s already exists",
oacLibDefListFileNotReadable 3069 "The file at path %s for libDefList object is not readable",
oacLibDefListFileNotWritable 3068 "The file at path %s for libDefList object is not writable",
oacLibDefListRefExists 3066 "The reference to the libDefList at path %s already exists in the list",
oacLibDefMemMoveAfterSelf 3118 "Cannot move a list member after itself",
oacLibExists 3091 "Library already exists",
oacLibHasNoAccess 3056 "Library %s has no transaction",
oacLibNameExists 3002 "Library named %s exists",
oacLibNotFound 3003 "Library %s not found",
oacLibReleaseNoAccess 3055 "Unable to release access: library %s is not being accessed",
oacMismatchViewType 3107 "Cannot create cellView %s/%s/%s with viewType '%s' because it already exists with viewType '%s'.",
oacNoWriteAccessOnReadOnlyLib 3104 "Library %s: cannot obtain write access for read only library",
oacNotADMData 3075 "Invalid DMData",
oacNotALib 3001 "Database is not a library database",
oacOpenOnDMDataBeingPurged 3080 "Attempt to open a DMData that is being purged",
oacOpenUndefinedModeDMData 3074 "Attempt to open or reopen DMData with an undefined access mode: %c",
oacPlugInInterfaceException 3117 "Received exception from %s plug-in #%d: %s",
oacPrimaryCannotBeFollower 3044 "Cannot set a primary DMFile to be a follower DMFile",
oacPurgeOnDMDataBeingPurged 3082 "Attempt to purge a DMData that is being purged",
oacReleaseLockNoLock 3095 "Unable to release lock: file not locked by process",
oacSaveReadOnlyDMData 3083 "Attempt to save a read-only DMData",
oacSaveReadOnlyLibDefList 3070 "Attempt to save a read-only libDefList",
oacSaveRecoverDMDataFileAlreadyOpened 3113 "Cannot open the '%s' recover file because the DMData database is already open in memory",
oacSaveRecoverFileDoesNotExistOnDisk 3112 "SaveRecover file '%s' does not exist on disk",
oacSaveRecoverViewDMDataNotSupported 3115 "SaveRecover feature not yet supported for oaViewDMData database",
oacUnableToCreateTempFile 3096 "Unable to create tempFile, file already exists",
oacUndefinedLibDefListMode 3067 "Undefined libDefList mode: %c",
oacVersionControlNotInstalled 3053 "Version Control System not Installed for library %s",
oacViewNotFound 3005 "View %s not found",
oacViewTypeExists 3014 "ViewType %s already exists",

oaWafer Exceptions

Message Id Message Number Message Text
oacCannotDestroyOpenWafer 4008 "Cannot destroy a wafer database which is open",
oacCannotFindWafer 4010 "Open of %s/%s/%s failed - wafer cellView not found",
oacCannotLockWafer 4013 "Unable to lock wafer database file for %s/%s/%s",
oacDesignInstAlreadyExists 4038 "DesignInst with name '%s' already exists",
oacDesignInstInvalidMapLayer 4039 "DesignInst does not contain mapping layers",
oacDestroyCannotFindWafer 4009 "Destroy of wafer %s/%s/%s failed because wafer not found",
oacFrameAlreadyExists 4021 "Frame with name '%s' already exists",
oacFrameInstAlreadyExists 4042 "FrameInst with name '%s' already exists",
oacFrameInstOwnerAndMasterAreSame 4043 "Attempt to create frameInst with master as the same as the owning frame",
oacFrameInstOwnerAndMasterDiffWafer 4044 "Attempt to create frameInst with master in different wafer",
oacImageAlreadyExists 4026 "Image with name '%s' already exists",
oacImageHasExtraPoints 4027 "The image boundary points contain coincident or collinear vertices",
oacImageStepperMapNotInSameWafer 4024 "Image and stepperMap not in the same wafer database",
oacImageTooFewPoints 4028 "Number of points in an image boundary must be at least three",
oacInvalidAccessMode 4005 "Invalid access mode '%c'",
oacInvalidDesignInst 4037 "OpenAccess expected an oaDesignInst object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidFrame 4020 "OpenAccess expected a frame object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidFrameInst 4041 "OpenAccess expected an oaFrameInstObject but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidImage 4025 "OpenAccess expected an oaImage object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidReticle 4029 "OpenAccess expected a oaReticle object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidReticleRef 4045 "OpenAccess expected a reticle reference object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidReticleUsageName 4040 "Invalid reticle usage name",
oacInvalidStepperMap 4022 "OpenAccess expected an oaStepperMap object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidTotalDiamValue 4019 "Total diameter must be greater or equal to the usable diameter",
oacInvalidUsableDiamValue 4018 "Usable diameter must be less than or equal to the total diameter",
oacInvalidWafer 4000 "Invalid wafer database",
oacInvalidWaferDataTypeForTimeStamp 4052 "Invalid datatype for timeStamp",
oacInvalidWaferDataTypeName 4001 "Invalid wafer dataType name",
oacInvalidWaferDesc 4016 "OpenAccess expected a wafer description object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidWaferFeature 4033 "OpenAccess expected an oaWaferFeature object but an %s object was passed",
oacInvalidWaferFeatureName 4015 "Invalid wafer feature name",
oacInvalidWaferObject 4051 "OpenAccess expected a wafer object but a %s object was passed",
oacInvalidWaferUnitsTypeName 4014 "Invalid waferUnits type name",
oacNotAWafer 4002 "Database is not a wafer database",
oacReticleAlreadyExists 4032 "Reticle with name '%s' already exists",
oacReticleHasExtraPoints 4030 "The reticle boundary points contain coincident or collinear vertices",
oacReticleRefAlreadyExists 4046 "Reticle reference already exists",
oacReticleRefAndRefInSameWafer 4047 "Attempt to create reticle reference for reticle in the same wafer",
oacReticleTooFewPoints 4031 "Number of points in a reticle boundary must be at least three",
oacSaveReadOnlyWafer 4003 "Attempt to save a read-only wafer database",
oacStepperMapAlreadyExists 4023 "StepperMap with name '%s' already exists",
oacViewNotWafer 4012 "Cannot open wafer database %s/%s/%s - view exists with viewType '%s'",
oacWaferAlreadyHasWaferDesc 4017 "A wafer can only have one wafer description",
oacWaferBeingPurged 4007 "Cannot modify a wafer database that is being purged",
oacWaferCannotChangeScratchMode 4006 "Cannot modify the access mode of a scratch wafer database",
oacWaferCannotGetReadAccess 4048 "Cannot obtain read access for library %s in order to access wafer database",
oacWaferCannotGetWriteAccess 4049 "Cannot obtain write access for library %s in order to access wafer database",
oacWaferFeatureAlreadyExists 4034 "Wafer Feature with name '%s' already exists",
oacWaferFeatureHasExtraPoints 4035 "The wafer feature boundary points contain coincident or collinear vertices",
oacWaferFeatureTooFewPoints 4036 "Number of points in a wafer feature boundary must be at least three",
oacWaferHasReadNeedWriteAccess 4050 "Cannot obtain write access for library %s in order to access wafer database: library has read transaction",
oacWaferLibNotFound 4004 "Library '%s' not found",
oacWaferPrimaryFileDoesNotExist 4011 "Open of %s/%s/%s failed - primary file for wafer does not exist on disk",

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