oaFont Member List

This is the complete list of members for oaFont, including all inherited members.
calcBBox(const oaPoint &origin, const oaString &text, oaDist height, oaTextAlign textAlign, oaOrient orient, oaBoolean hasOverbar, oaBox &bBox)oaFont
calcBBox(const oaPoint &origin, const oaChar *text, oaDist height, oaTextAlign textAlign, oaOrient orient, oaBoolean hasOverbar, oaBox &bBox)oaFont
getName() constoaFont
oaFont()oaFont [inline]
oaFont(oaFontEnum valueIn)oaFont [inline]
oaFont(const oaString &name)oaFont
operator oaFontEnum() constoaFont [inline]
~oaFont()oaFont [inline]

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