oaHierPath Member List

This is the complete list of members for oaHierPath, including all inherited members.
getDepth() constoaHierPath [inline]
getLevel(oaUInt4 index, oaRef *&ref, oaUInt4 &row, oaUInt4 &col) constoaHierPath [inline]
getTransform(oaTransform &result) constoaHierPath
oaHierPath(oaUInt4 sizeIn=10)oaHierPath [inline]
oaHierPath(const oaHierPath &pathIn)oaHierPath
operator!=(const oaHierPath &pathIn) constoaHierPath [inline]
operator=(const oaHierPath &pathIn)oaHierPath
operator==(const oaHierPath &pathIn) constoaHierPath [inline]
popLevel()oaHierPath [inline]
pushLevel(oaRef *ref, oaUInt4 row=0, oaUInt4 col=0)oaHierPath
reset()oaHierPath [inline]
setLevel(oaUInt4 level, oaRef *ref, oaUInt4 row, oaUInt4 col)oaHierPath [inline]
setSize(oaUInt4 sizeIn)oaHierPath [inline]
~oaHierPath()oaHierPath [inline]

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