How to Write a Change Management System (CMS) Tracking Plug-In

A CMS tracking plug-in is responsible for recording the changes made to a design. A tracking plug-in

The sections that follow provide a general guide for writing a tracking plug-in.

For an overview of the CMS system, refer to Change Management System (CMS) in the Programmers Guide.

How Database Changes Are Tracked by Applications

An application captures information about design changes through CMS using the public oaChangeMgr class and a tracking plug-in. All interactions between CMS and the plug-in are managed by the oaChangeMgr singleton public class.

The tracked changes can be exported with an export plug-in, then imported by a different application with the appropriate import plug-in.

Refer to Tracking Changes in the Change Management System (CMS) document for an overview of the sequence of interactions between the end user, the application, the oaChangeMgr instance, and the tracking plug-in.

Creating a CMS Tracking Plug-In

Before starting this project, you might want to read How to Write a Plug-In, which is a more generic document describing the general concept of plug-ins and how they work.

In order to create an CMS tracking plug-in, you need to:

OpenAccess provides infrastructure support for implementing a CMS plug-in. The functions in oaCommon.h provide basic plug-in support such as the ability to get the globally unique identifier (Guid) and manage the plug-in lifetime. Functions in oaCM.h provide support for all CMS objects.

Note that a sample tracking plug-in is provided at <install_dir>/oa/examples/cms/src/tracking.

To create a basic tracking plug-in:

  1. Create a factory for your tracking plug-in and construct a static member of it:

    const oa::oaString myTrackingPlugIn::plugInName("myTrackingPlugIn");
    oaCommon::Factory<myTrackingPlugIn> myTrackingPlugIn::factory(myTrackingPlugIn::getPlugInName());

  2. Define the entry point function getClassObject(). Use:

    extern "C" long
    getClassObject(const char *classID,
                   const Guid &interfaceID,
                   void       **ptr);

  3. Implement the entry point function as:

    getClassObject(const char           *classID,
                   const oaCommon::Guid &interfaceID,
                   void                 **ptr)
         return oaCommon::FactoryBase::getClassObject(classID, interfaceID, ptr);

  4. Define a new class inherited from ITracking, and implement the required functions. For example:

    class myCMTracking : public oaCommon::PlugInBase<oaPlugIn::ITracking> {
         virtual void                             init();

         virtual void                             getProtocols(oa::oaCMProtocolArray &out) const;
         virtual void                             setProtocol(const oa::oaCMProtocol &in);

         virtual void                             beginTracking(const oa::oaString &name);
         virtual void                             endTracking();

         static oaCommon::IFactory                *getFactory();
         static const oaString                    &getPlugInName();

         oaCMProtocolArray                        m_protocols;
         oaCMProtocol                             m_protocol;
         oaChangeSet                              *m_cs;

         static const oa::oaString                plugInName;
         static oaCommon::Factory<myCMTracking>   factory;

    Refer to Sample Interface Implementations for details about these interfaces and how they might be implemented.

  5. Optionally implement an ICompatibility::validate function to verify whether or not the version of OpenAccess is compatible with the plug-in. The validate() function should check the OpenAccess API version and either throw an exception with a description of the requirements or simply return false. REVIEWERS: Need to describe how an app might check if an interface has an ICompatibility component and if so, how to use it.
    virtual bool                validate()
  6. Write the plug-in registration file myTrackingPlugIn.plg. Use:
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>      
    <plugIn lib="myTrackingPlugIn"/>
    Note: The registration file can be installed in $(OA_HOME)/data/plugins when the plug-in shared library is installed. Alternatively, the OA_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable can be used to reference a .plg file outside of $(OA_HOME)/data/plugins. Refer to Writing the Plug-In Registration File in How to Write a Plug-In for more information.

Sample Interface Implementations

The following are sample implementations of the interface functions shown in Step 4 above.

init( )

This function initializes the plug-in and establishes the protocol. It could be implemented as:

    oaCMAttrArray   fixed;
    oaCMAttrArray   mod;
    fixed.append(oaCMAttr("Format", "File"));

    m_protocols.append(oaCMProtocol("myTracking", "myCMTracking", fixed, mod));

getProtocols( )

This function returns the protocol array for the plug-in and could be implemented as:
myCMTracking::getProtocols(oa::oaCMProtocolArray   &out) const
    out = m_protocols;

setProtocol( )

This function sets the protocols of this plug-in and could be implemented as:

myCMTracking::setProtocol(const oa::oaCMProtocol   &in)
    if (!m_protocols.validate(in)) {
        throw oaError(oacCMInvalidPlugInProtocol);

    m_protocol = in;

beginTracking( )

This function starts tracking database changes and enables the observers. It could be implemented as:

myCMTracking::beginTracking(const oa::oaString  &name)
    m_cs = new oaChangeSet(name);


endTracking( )

This function ends the tracking of database changes disables the observers. It could be implemented as:

    if (m_cs) {

getFactory( )

This function returns the factory interface for this plug-in and could be implemented as:

inline oaCommon::IFactory*
    return &factory;

getPlugInName( )

This function returns the string name of the plug-in and could be implemented as:

inline const oa::oaString&
    return plugInName;


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