How to Write a Library Definition File Plug-In

This document describes

For general information about creating plug-ins, refer to How to Write a Plug-In.

Managing Library Definition Files

OpenAccess uses library definition files to establish a mapping between a logical library name and a physical file system pathname to that library. OpenAccess provides a default plug-in that manages the interactions between OpenAccess and library definition files. A plug-in developer can create an alternative library definition file plug-in that extends the syntax or symantics of the default OpenAccess plug-in. OpenAccess provides the infrastructure and plug-in interfaces for this purpose.

How OpenAccess and a Library Definition File Plug-In Interact

OpenAccess interacts with a library definition file plug-in through APIs and the ILibDef plug-in interface.

The following example shows an application calling oaLibDefList::openLibs to open all the libraries in the specified library definition file. The plug-in interface provides the infrastructure for the interaction between the application, OpenAccess, and the plug-in.

In addition, an application can call the oaLibDefList APIs to interact with the library definition file through the plug-in. The following example shows an application getting a pointer to an existing oaLibDefList, adding an oaLibDef and an oaLibDefListRef to that list, then issuing the oaLibDefList::open command:

And here is a sample flow for an application calling oaLibDefList::save:

Creating a Library Definition File Plug-In

Before starting this project, you might want to read How to Write a Plug-In, which is a more generic document describing the general concept of plug-ins and how they work.

You can create a library definition file plug-in by creating a shared library that is loaded by OpenAccess at runtime. The shared library must do the following:

In addition, you must Create a plug-in registration file.

Creating a Plug-in Factory

OpenAccess provides the oaCommon::Factory<T>  templated class for defining a factory object for a plug-in. The factory object is used to create instances of a plug-in. Each plug-in has a classID, which is stored in a factory table. When OpenAccess needs to create an instance of a plug-in, it uses the classID to find the factory for the plug-in. For more information about creating a plug-in factory, see Understanding the Plug-in Factory in How to Write a Plug-in.

Implementing the Entry Point Function

You must also implement the getClassObject entry point function. When called, this function returns a pointer to the plug-in factory. For more information about implementing the getClassObject entry point function, see Implementing the Entry Point Function in How to Write a Plug-in.

Defining a Class Derived from PlugInBase<ILibDef>

To create a library definition file plug-in, you must define a new class derived from the PlugInBase<ILibDef> class. The new class must implement all virtual functions of the ILibDef class. Refer to the API documentation for ILibDef for a detailed description about these virtual functions.

Plug-in Registration Files

The plug-in registration file registers the plug-in shared library. The registration file can be installed in $(OA_HOME)/data/plugins when the plug-in shared library is installed. Alternatively, the OA_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable can be used to reference a .plg file outside of $(OA_HOME)/data/plugins. Refer to Writing the Plug-In Registration File in How to Write a Plug-In for more information.

OpenAccess always uses the oaLibDefSystem.plg file to locate the library file plug-in to use. It points to a second file called oaLibDef.plg that refers to the default library definition file plug-in for OpenAccess ( A different library definition file plug-in can be specified with these two files.

Example: Creating a Library Definition File Plug-In Named myLDFPlugin

A plug-in is a shared library that is installed in the OpenAccess installation hierarchy in the $(OA_HOME)/data/plugins directory. Applications load the plug-in at runtime to select a customized implementation. The following describes the steps for creating a plug-in.

  1. Define the entry point function getClassObject():
    extern "C" long 
    getClassObject(const char *classID, const Guid &interfaceID, void **ptr);
  2. Implement the entry point function as:
    getClassObject(const char  *classID,
                   const Guid  &interfaceID,
                   void        **ptr)
        return FactoryBase::getClassObject(classId, interfaceID, ptr);
  3. Define a new class derived fromPlugInBase<oaLibDef>, and implement the required functions.
    For example:
    class myLibDefPlugin : public  PlugInBase<ILibDef>,
                          private oaObserver<oaLibDefListMem>  {
        virtual oaLibDefList            *open();
        virtual oaLibDefList            *open(const oaString &filePath,
                                              oaBoolean      openReferences);
        virtual void                    save(const oaLibDefList *libList);
        virtual void                    saveAs(const oaLibDefList *libList,
                                               const oaString     &path);
        virtual void                    getDefaultPath(oaString   &defaultPath);
        virtual void                    getDefaultFileName(oaString  &filename);
        virtual oaBoolean               hasPath() const;
        virtual oaBoolean               hasWritePath() const;
        virtual void                    getLibPath(const oaLibDef *libDef,
                                                   oaString       &libPath);
        virtual void                    getLibWritePath(const oaLibDef *libDef,
                                                        oaString       &libWritepath);
        virtual void                    init(ILibDefAccess *libDefAccess);
        static  IFactory                *getFactory();
        static  const oa::oaString      &getComponentName();
        virtual long                    queryInterface(const Guid   &idIn,
                                                       void         **iPtr);
  4. Optionally implement an ICompatibility::validate function to verify whether or not the version of OpenAccess is compatible with the plug-in. If the implemented plug-in supports the ICompatibility API, OpenAccess invokes the validate() function and throws exception if the OpenAccess version is not compatible with the plug-in.
    virtual bool                validate();
  5. Declare a Factory static member variable (inside the class myLibDefPlugin):

    class myLibDefPlugin : public oaCommon::PlugInBase<oaPlugIn::ILibDef> {
           static oaCommon::Factory<myLibDefPlugin> myFactory;

  6. Initialize the Factory static member variable (of class myLibDefPlugin):

    Factory<myLibDefPlugin>	 myLibDefPlugin::myFactory("myLibDefPlugin")
  7. Write the plug-in registration file myLibDefPlugin.plg with the following contents:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <plugIn lib="myLibDefPlugin"/>
    The registration file can be installed in $(OA_HOME)/data/plugins when the plug-in shared library is installed. Alternatively, the OA_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable can be used to reference a .plg file outside of $(OA_HOME)/data/plugins. Refer to Writing the Plug-In Registration File in How to Write a Plug-In for more information.

  8. (Optional) Designate that your library definition file plug-in is the default plug-in by editing $(OA_HOME)/data/oaLibDefSystem.plg as follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <plugIn treatAs="myLibDefPlugin"/>  

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