gateClearance (oacGateClearance)


This constraint specfies spacing ranges for the clearance between a gate and neighboring poly shapes. In addition, it is okay to violate the rule if a poly shape on one side of the gate comes =< a certain percentage P% of the gate width.

In the example shown below, one of the gate's width is indicated as L. To the left of the gate is a poly extension that is L1 shorter than the device gate. If L1/L<P% then the rule may be ignored. Similarly, if L2/La<P% or L3/Lb<P% the rule may be ignored.

Constraint at a Glance

Constraint type: oaLayerConstraint
Value types: oaIntRangeArrayValue
Database types: oaDesign, oaTech
Object types: oaAppObject


The following value types are supported by this constraint:


The following parameters are supported by this constraint:

Name Value Type Units Default Description
oaFltValue Percent (Required)

The minLengthRatio (oaFloatValue) parameter is used to indicate the allowed ratio. The rule does not apply for ratios less than those indicated by the parameter.

oaIntValue DBU None

This rule may apply only to gates up to a certain gate shape width (channel length). The maxChannelLength (oaIntValue) parameter is used to indicate the maximum channel length.



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