minAreaEdgeLength (oacMinAreaEdgeLength)


Some processes require shapes with certain characteristics have a larger area than their general minimum area rule. Specifically, a polygon could be required to have a larger minimum area if all of the edges of the polygon are less than a given length (minEdgeLength), or if a rectangle sized minLength by minWidth cannot fit inside of the polygon.

Constraint at a Glance

Constraint type: oaLayerConstraint
Value types: oaIntValue
Database types: oaDesign, oaTech
Object types: oaAppObject


The following value types are supported by this constraint:


The following parameters are supported by this constraint:

Name Value Type Units Default Description
oaIntValue DBU None

This parameter corresponds to the minEdgeLength specification. This constraint applies if all edges are less than this value.

oaDualIntValue DBU None

This oaDualIntValue parameter corresponds to the minWidth and minLength. This constraint applies if a rectangle with this width and length cannot fit inside the shape.

oaIntValue DBU None

This parameter stores the minWidth value in database units. This constraint does not apply if the shape is wider than this parameter value

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