minCutClassSpacing (oacMinCutClassSpacing)


This oaLayerConstraint is used to specify spacing between cuts of different classes on the same layer.

Different spacing rules are applicable for cuts of different classes. This constraint enables cut class aware spacing rules. Spacing requirements depend on the following factors:

Constraint at a Glance

Constraint type: oaLayerConstraint
Value types: oaInt2DTblValue
Database types: oaDesign, oaTech
Object types: oaAppObject


The following value types are supported by this constraint:


The following parameters are supported by this constraint:

Name Value Type Units Default Description
oaIntValue Enum any

Restricts the constraint to cut shapes of a certain connectivity type.

This parameter is represented by an oaConnectivityType enumeration:

Value Name
oacAnyConnectivityType anyConnectivityType
oacSameNetConnectivityType sameNetConnectivityType
oacContiguousShapesConnectivityType contiguousShapesConnectivityType
oacDirectShapesConnectivityType directShapesConnecitivtyType
oacSameViaConnectivityType sameViaConnectivityType
oaInt2DTblValue Enum edgeToEdge

The spacing measure type for a given cut class clearance. The table layout is identical to the constraint value table.

This parameter is represented by an oaSpacingMeasureType enumeration:

Value Name
oacEdgeToEdgeSpacingMeasureType edgeToEdge
oacCenterToCenterSpacingMeasureType centerToCenter
oaInt2DTblValue DBU 0

Optionally specifies an extension distance applied to cut shapes of certain cut classes before measuring cut spacing. The table layout is identical to the constraint value table. This parameter is only valid if there is no parallel overlap between cut shapes.

oaIntValue DBU 0

The value of this parameter can be defined as follows:

  • If this constraint applies only when there is no parallel run length, the parameter should be set to -1
  • If this constraint applies only when the parallel run length is >=0, the parameter should be set to 0 (Default).
  • If this constraint applies only when the parallel run length is strictly greater than 0, the parameter should be set to 1.
  • If this constraint applies when the parallel run length is greater than a specific value, then the parameter should be set to the value.
oaValueArrayValue DBU None

Stores the cut class dimensions in an array of oaDualInts, each with the width and length of a cut class.



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