minNumCut (oacMinNumCut)


The built-in oacMinNumCut layer constraint specifies the number of cuts a via object or via instance must have when connecting between two wide wire shapes or when connecting a wide shape to a pin. An optional parameter can be used to define the distance at which additional cut shapes cannot be counted for meeting this constraint.

The oacMinNumCut constraint is specified for cut layers only.

Constraint at a Glance

Constraint type: oaLayerConstraint
Value types: oaInt1DTblValue
Database types: oaDesign, oaTech
Object types: oaAppObject


The following value types are supported by this constraint:


The following parameters are supported by this constraint:

Name Value Type Units Default Description
oaIntValue DBU None

The optional distanceWithin parameter is an oaIntValue represented by oacDistanceWithinConstraintParamType to specify the distance at which cuts cannot be counted toward the minimum number of required cuts. Cuts must be closer than the specified distance in order to be counted.

oaIntValue Enum UpperLowerLayerMetalType

This parameter specifies the cut layers to which this constraint applies. If this parameter is not specified, the constraint applies to both upper and lower metal layers.

This parameter is represented by an oaNeighborLayerMetalType enumeration:

Value Name
oacUpperLowerLayerMetalType upperLower
oacUpperLayerMetalType upper
oacLowerLayerMetalType lower



Manufacturing Reasons

Usually wide wires carry more current. If you are changing layers between two wide pieces of geometry, you need sufficient vias to carry an equivalent amount of current. Using several via cuts, instead of just one, also increases reliability. Air pockets can be created in the metal during processing, and over time, these pockets tend to move toward the vias. While an open results if the pocket moves under one via, if the first via stops the pocket from drifting, having additional vias allows the circuit to continue operating.

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