minOppositeSpanSpacing (oacMinOppositeSpanSpacing)


A spacing which applies to wires with two neighbor wires on opposite edges that has projected parallel run length < 0. The neighbor wires are classified either as a end-of-line or a T or L joint.

In the case where the neighbor wire is and end-of line, the rule may only apply if the neighbor end-of-line has a width < eolWidth, and possibly if the end-of-line length is >= minLength along both sides. Below is an illustration of how eolWidth and minLength should be calculated if the line below was a neighbor wire.

The neighbor wire end edge may also be considered a joint. There may be a requirement that it has width < jointWidth (if specified, otherwise < eolWidth), span > spanLength, and is not an EOL edge. If the spacing rule is specified as "joint to end" at least,one of the distance from the end points of the joint to the ends of the edge that containing the joint must be < jointToEdgeEndLength. A T or L configuration depicted below is a typical joint, but joints are not restricted to those configurations. Joints could be any edges that fulfill the above definition.

Constraint at a Glance

Constraint type: oaLayerConstraint
Value types: oaValueArrayValue
Database types: oaDesign, oaTech
Object types: oaAppObject


The following value types are supported by this constraint:


The following parameters are supported by this constraint:

Name Value Type Units Default Description
oaIntValue DBU (Required)

Corresponds to W.

oaIntValue DBU (Required)

This parameter specifies the end of line width value (eolWidth).

oaIntValue DBU None

This parameter specifies the end of line length (minLength). If this parameter is not present, there is no requirement related to the length of the edge, adjacent to an end edge.

oaIntValue DBU (Required)

This parameter specifies the joint span length (spanLength).

oaIntValue DBU None

This parameter specifies the joint width (jointWidth).

oaIntValue DBU None

This parameter specifies the joint to edge end length (jointToEdgeEndLength).

oaValueArrayValue DBU None

This oaValueArrayValue is mapped to a list of oaDualIntValues corresponding to edgeLength and maxPRL, or oaIntValues corresponding to just edgeLength. If this parameter is not present, there is no requirement related to the parallel run length of the edges on either side of the center shape. The rule does not apply if both of the joint or end neighbor edges have a length >= edgeLength, and, for oaDualIntValues, the projected parallel run is <= maxPRL. The valueArrayValue may contain up to 2 entries.



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