minParallelSpanSpacing (oacMinParallelSpanSpacing)


This constraint defines the minimum spacing between two shapes on the same layer where the maximum span length of both shapes is greater than the defined span length and the parallel run length of each span section is greater than the defined parallel run length between shapes.

Constraint at a Glance

Constraint type: oaLayerConstraint
Value types: oaInt2DTblValue
Database types: oaDesign, oaTech
Object types: oaAppObject


The following value types are supported by this constraint:


The following parameters are supported by this constraint:

Name Value Type Units Default Description
oaIntValue DBU None

The constraint only applies if the parallel run length is > this value. The parallel run length is measured as a continuous summed length among the objects, but turning corners would break up the parallel run length calculation into pieces.



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