minParallelViaSpacing (oacMinParallelViaSpacing)


The built-in layer constraint oacMinParallelViaSpacing specifies the minimum spacing for vias that have parallel edges with an overlap greater than 0. This constraint applies to cut layers only when vias do not share the same metal above or below. The constraint uses an integer to specify the required spacing.

Constraint at a Glance

Constraint type: oaLayerConstraint
Value types: oaIntValue
Database types: oaDesign, oaTech
Object types: oaAppObject


The following value types are supported by this constraint:


The following parameters are supported by this constraint:

Name Value Type Units Default Description
oaIntValue Enum ExceptSameMetalConnectivityType

This parameter supports the following three enum values:

  • sameNetConnectivityType: The parallel overlap rule does not apply to same-net cuts.
  • contiguousShapesConnectivityType: The parallel overlap rule does not apply to cuts that share the same metal shapes either above or below the cuts.
  • sameViaConnectivityType: The parallel overlap rule does not apply to cuts that share the same metal shapes above and below metal layers to cover the overlap area between the cuts.

This parameter is represented by an oaConnectivityType enumeration:

Value Name
oacAnyConnectivityType anyConnectivityType
oacSameNetConnectivityType sameNetConnectivityType
oacContiguousShapesConnectivityType contiguousShapesConnectivityType
oacDirectShapesConnectivityType directShapesConnecitivtyType
oacSameViaConnectivityType sameViaConnectivityType



Manufacturing Reasons

This rule requires extra space between cuts that overlap orthogonally to avoid stress migration failures between them.

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