minSameNetClearance (oacMinSameNetClearance)


The built-in layer pair constraint definition oacMinSameNetClearance specifies the minimum clearance between two electrically equivalent geometries on different layers. This rule is required if the same-net clearance is smaller than the different-net clearance specified with the oacMinClearance constraint, or if vias on different layers have special stacking rules.

This constraint definition is symmetric, implying that the minimum clearance between layer1 and layer2 is the same as the minimum clearance between layer2 and layer1.

Constraint at a Glance

Constraint type: oaLayerPairConstraint (Symmetric: yes)
Value types: oaIntValue
Database types: oaDesign, oaTech
Object types: oaAppObject


The following value types are supported by this constraint:



Manufacturing Reasons

This constraint is used to eliminate notch filling in certain situations. When the minimum same net clearance constraint is present, the notch only needs to be filled if the gap is smaller than the value of the constraint.

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