oaMinViaSpacing (oacMinViaSpacing)


The oacMinViaSpacing layer constraint specifies the via cut spacing for cuts on the same net or for cuts on the same metal. An optional parameter determines whether cut spacing is measured edge-to-edge or center-to-center. Another optional parameter designates whether the constraint applies to shapes having any connectivity, to shapes having only same-net connectivity, or only to cut shapes on the same metal. An optional area parameter controls whether cuts must have an area larger than a specified value before the spacing applies.

Constraint at a Glance

Constraint type: oaLayerConstraint
Value types: oaIntValue, oaInt1DTblValue, oaInt2DTblValue
Database types: oaDesign, oaTech
Object types: oaAppObject


The following value types are supported by this constraint:


The following parameters are supported by this constraint:

Name Value Type Units Default Description
oaBooleanValue Boolean False

This parameter is a boolean that designates whether cut clearance is measured from the center of one cut to the center of the other cut. If not specified, cut clearance is measured from edge to edge.

oaIntValue Enum any

This parameter uses an enumerated value of oacAnyConnectivityType to designate that the constraint must be met for any type of connectivity, uses oacSameNetConnectivityType to designate that the constraint only applies to cuts on the same net.

This parameter is represented by an oaConnectivityType enumeration:

Value Name
oacAnyConnectivityType anyConnectivityType
oacSameNetConnectivityType sameNetConnectivityType
oacContiguousShapesConnectivityType contiguousShapesConnectivityType
oacDirectShapesConnectivityType directShapesConnecitivtyType
oacSameViaConnectivityType sameViaConnectivityType
oaIntValue DBU Square None

This oaAreaType parameter uses an oaIntValue to specify the cut area, which when exceeded, requires the specified clearance. The value for this parameter is assumed to be greater than the default clearance value.

oaIntValue DBU 0

The value of this parameter can be defined as follows:

  • If this constraint applies only when there is no parallel run length, the parameter should be set to -1
  • If this constraint only applies when the parallel run length is >=0, the parameter should be set to 0 (Default).
  • If this constraint only applies when the parallel run length is strictly greater than 0, the parameter should be set to 1.
  • If this constraint applies when the parallel run length is greater than a specific value, then the parameter should be set to the value.
oaIntValue DBU None

The constraint only applies if the parallel run is exactly this value. This parameter is mutually exclusive with parallelRunLength parameter.

oaIntValue Enum euclidian

This parameter should be set to oacManhattanDistanceMeasureType for a max XY rule. The default value for this parameter is oacEuclidianDistanceMeasureType.

This parameter is represented by an oaDistanceMeasureType enumeration:

Value Name
oacEuclidianDistanceMeasureType euclidian
oacManhattanDistanceMeasureType manhattan
oaBooleanValue Boolean False

When this parameter value is true, then the spacing has to be exactly the value of the constraint. This parameter would only be used together with exactParallelRunLength.



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