oaTaperHalo (oacTaperHalo)


The oacTaperHalo simple constraint specifies the offset in database units around pin figures within which tapering must be performed according to the spacing and width constraints specified in the taper constraint group. A single value designates the offset from the pin figure on all sides.

Constraint at a Glance

Constraint type: oaSimpleConstraint
Value types: oaIntValue
Database types: oaDesign, oaTech
Object types: oaInstTerm, oaScalarTerm, oaBusTermBit, oaScalarNet, oaBusNetBit, oaPin


The following value types are supported by this constraint:



Manufacturing Reasons

To ensure adequate current capacity through pins and connecting wires, routers need the ability to specify how wide wires taper down to minimum width pins that have minimum spacing between them. Routers also need the ability to specify how wide pins taper down to minimum width wires that have minimum spacing.

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