Implant1 Enclosure
Implant2 Enclosure


Some technologies add implant shapes to vias between the Metal1 and Diffusion layers. The implant enclosure via parameters specify the minimum width and height for the implant that surrounds the layer.

If there are no layer offsets, the implant enclosures are centered on the cut relative to the layer enclosure. When layer offset is applied, it affects both the layer enclosure and the implant enclosure. (The layer rectangles and the implant rectangles always have a common center.)

For example, an implant1 enclosure value of (10, 10) adds a spacing of 10 units around each side of Layer1. If the Layer1 width and height are (1000, 2000), then the total size of the implant1 shape is (1020, 2020).

Use the corresponding get functions to return this information from the database.

Note: The layer number for the implant layers is not a via parameter. The layer number, and whether the layers exist at all, are specified in the oaStdViaDef.

Parameter Example

The following figure shows two examples: One with the default offset (0,0) and one with a specified offset.

For vias that require Layer1 or Layer2 rectangles that are not centered at the cut center, use the Layer1 Offset or Layer2 Offset parameters.

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