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Bus Bit Characters

 BUSBITCHARS delimiterPair ;

The BUSBITCHARS statement is not persistently stored in OpenAccess. It is stored in the temporary oaDefNS namespace for use during parsing of the DEF file.


The delimiterPair value is determined as follows: If the technology database associated with the design contains a hierarchical-type property named "LEF Legacy", and this property contains a string property named BUSCHAR, the delimiterPair value is the BUSCHAR property, otherwise the value is [ ].

Use the following function to search for the properties:

    oaProp *oaProp::find(oaObject *object,
                         const oaString &name,
                         oaBoolean crossDomain = false)


If found, re-use the same function with the found hierarchical property object as the first parameter and the BUSCHAR string for the property name.

The value of a property is found using:

   void oaProp::getValue(oaString &value) const