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 COMPONENTS numComps ;

   [- compName modelName
         [+ EEQMASTER macroName]
         [+ {FIXED pt orient | COVER pt orient | PLACED pt orient | UNPLACED}]
         [+ HALO [SOFT] left bottom right top]
         [+ ROUTEHALO haloDist minLayer maxLayer]
         [+ WEIGHT weight]
         [+ REGION regionName]
         [+ PROPERTY {propName propVal} ...] ...
   ;] ...


Defines design components, their location, and their associated attributes.

Some DEF COMPONENTS are physical-only objects, which are represented in OpenAccess in the block domain with no corresponding object in the module domain. Verilog exported from a database with physical-only objects has no data that corresponds to these objects. The physical-only COMPONENTS include:


The macroName corresponds to the cell name of the master that is electrically equivalent to the instance master.

HALO [SOFT] left bottom right top

The HALO maps to an oaAreaHalo, with the specified left, bottom, right, and top offsets. The SOFT parameter is a boolean attribute on the oaAreaHalo object.

FIXED pt orient | COVER pt orient | PLACED pt orient | UNPLACED

FIXED, COVER, PLACED, and UNPLACED corresponds to the placement status of the instance.

The following table shows the correspondence between oaPlacementStatus and DEF placement.

DEF placement oaPlacementStatusEnum
PLACED oacPlacedPlacementStatus
FIXED oacFirmPlacementStatus
COVER oacLockedPlacementStatus
UNPLACED oacUnplacedPlacementStatus
- oacNonePlacementStatus

pt orient corresponds to the location and the orientation of the instance.

PROPERTY {propName propVal} ...


REGION regionName

regionName corresponds to the name of the region cluster (a cluster associated with at least one clusterBoundary object) that the instance belongs to. Use the following API to determine this information:

   oaCluster *oaInst::getCluster() const
   oaCollection oaCluster::getBoundaries() const
   oaUInt4 oaBaseCollection::getCount() const
   oaCluster::getName(oaString &name) const

ROUTEHALO haloDist minLayer maxLayer

ROUTEHALO maps to the oaLayerHalo object for routing layers between minLayer and maxLayer. The haloDist value maps to the top, bottom, left, and right offsets associated with the oaLayerHalo object.


This information corresponds to the source attribute for the instance. The following table shows the correspondence between the DEF source and the oaSourceEnum value:

DEF source oaSourceEnum
NETLIST oacNetlistSource
TIMING oacTimingSource
DIST oacDistSource
USER oacUserSource
- oacTestSource

WEIGHT weight

The weight value corresponds to the priority attribute for the instance, and it is found by using the following API:

   oaUInt4 oaInst::getPriority() const