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 [FILLS numFills ;

     [- LAYER layerName [+ OPC]
         {RECT pt pt | POLYGON pt pt pt ...} ...
     ;] ...
     [- VIA viaName [+ OPC] pt ... ;] ...


The DEF FILLS construct maps to OpenAccess as rectangles (oaRect objects) or as polygons (oaPolygon) on the pre-defined purpose oavPurposeNumberFill.

LAYER layerName [+ OPC]

The OPC parameters map as rectangles (oaRect objects) on the pre-defined purpose oavPurposeNumberFillOPC.

RECT pt pt

POLYGON pt pt pt ...

VIA viaName [+ OPC] pt ...

VIA maps to an oaVia object with the oacFillPurposeType. If the +OPC parameter is present, the oaVia has the purpose type oacFillOPCPurposeType.