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GCell Grid

    {X start DO numColumns+1 STEP space} ...
    {Y start DO numRows+1 STEP space ;} ...]

This statement defines the gcell grid for a standard cell-based design.

The gcellGrid information is obtained by iterating over the gCellPatterns objects in the design. The GCELLGRID statements are stored in OpenAccess as oaGCellPatterns. An X GCELLGRID (vertical lines) is mapped to a horizontal oaGCellPattern, and a Y GCELLGRID (horizontal lines) is mapped to a vertical oaGCellPattern.

X | Y

This information indicates whether the pattern is horizontal or vertical. It is obtained using:

   oaBoolean oaGCellPattern::isHorizontal() const

A TRUE value corresponds to X, FALSE corresponds to Y.


This information corresponds to the starting coordinate of the gCellPattern. It is obtained using:

   oaInt4 oaGCellPattern::getStartCoord() const

numColumns | numRows

This information corresponds to the count attribute of the gCellPattern. It is obtained using:

   oaUInt4 oaGCellPattern::getCount() const


This information corresponds to the spacing attribute of the gCellPattern. It is obtained using:

   oaUInt4 oaGCellPattern::getSpacing() const