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Pin Properties


     [- {compName pinName | PIN pinName}
           [+ PROPERTY {propName propVal} ...] ...


This statement defines pin properties in the design. The PINPROPERTIES are stored in OpenAccess as oaProps of the type that are specified by the preceding PROPERTYDEFINITION.

The num value corresponds to the number of properties on the terminals and instTerms objects. See PROPERTIES for information about the API to iterate over properties.

compName pinName

This information corresponds to an oaInstTerm object with at least one property. compName is the name of the instance associated with the instTerm. pinName is the name of the terminal associated with the oaInstTerm.

   oaInst *oaInstTerm::getInst() const
   void oaInst::getName(const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &name) const

   void oaInstTerm::getTermName(const oaNameSpace &ns,
                                oaString &name ) const

PIN pinName

The pinName information corresponds to a terminal object with at least one property. The pinName value is the terminal name.

   void oaTerm::getName(const oaNameSpace &ns, oaString &name) const

PROPERTY {propName propVal} ...