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 [REGIONS numRegions ;

       [- regionName {pt pt} ...
           [+ TYPE {FENCE | GUIDE}]
           [+ PROPERTY {propName propVal} ...] ...
       ;] ...


In OpenAccess, a DEF region is modeled by a cluster object associated with one to several cluster boundary objects, and each cluster boundary represents an area (pair of points) of the region. The numRegions value corresponds to the number of cluster objects representing a region in a design. A cluster object represents a region if it is associated with at least one clusterBoundary object.

regionName {pt pt} ...

The regionName is obtained using:

   void oaCluster::getName(oaString &name) const

Each pair of points corresponds to the lower left and upper right points of the bounding box of a clusterBoundary for the cluster. All the clusterBoundary objects of the cluster must be taken into account.

   oaCollection oaCluster::getBoundaries() const
   oaIter<oaClusterBoundary>::oaIter<oaClusterBoundary>(const oaBaseCollection &coll)

   oaClusterBoundary *oaIter<oaClusterBoundary>::getNext()

   void oaFig::getBBox(oaBox &bBox) const
   oaInt4 oaBox::left() const
   oaInt4 oaBox::bottom() const
   oaInt4 oaBox::right() const
   oaInt4 oaBox::top() const


The TYPE information is obtained using the following API:

   oaClusterType oaCluster::getClusterType() const

The following table shows the correspondence between DEF TYPE and oaClusterType.

DEF TYPE oaClusterTypeEnum
FENCE oacClusterTypeExclusive
GUIDE oacClusterTypeSuggested
- oacClusterTypeInclusive

PROPERTY {propName propVal} ...