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 [STYLES numStyles ;

     {- STYLE styleNum pt pt ... ;} ...


The DEF STYLEs are stored in OpenAccess as oaSegStyles with oacCustomEndStyle begin- and end-styles. The polygon shapes in DEF are converted to a set of extensions as used in the definition of oaSegStyles. Two point line styles are supported by converting them to an oaSegStyle with oacTruncateEndStyle begin- and end-styles.

Because a DEF style can be used on segments in any of the eight possible directions, a single DEF STYLE maps to eight oaSegStyles. When a DEF route references a certain styleNum, the segment direction is used to select the right oaSegStyle.

DEF default STYLEs are also mapped to OpenAccess custom oaSegStyles, as there is no built in equivalent in OpenAccess. These default styles are not explicitly listed in the DEF file, but are created on the fly for diagonal segments that do not reference an explicit STYLE.

If the STYLE in DEF represents a single line, this is stored in OpenAccess as an oaSegStyle with oacTruncateEndStyle begin and end styles.