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LEF Properties

PROPERTY {propName propVal}... 

LEF properties are stored using oaProp objects. Whether a property is stored as an oaIntProp, oaIntRangeProp, oaDoubleProp, oaDoubleRange, or an oaStringProp depends on the type of the value. The API you use to store the property is:

    oaCollection<oaProp, oaObject> oaObject::getProps() const;
    oaIter<oaProp>::oaIter<oaProp>(const oaBaseCollection &coll)
    oaProp *oaIter<oaProp>::getNext()
    void oaProp::getName(oaString  &name) const;
    void oaProp::getValue(oaString &value) const;

Note: Any property name used in LEF must be defined in a PROPERTYDEFINITIONS statement.