topics.gif classes.gif classes.gif exceptions.gif progguide.gif infomodel.gif index.gif help.gif


 SITE siteName

   [SYMMETRY {X | Y | R90} ... ;]
   [ROWPATTERN {siteName siteOrient} ... ;]
   SIZE width BY height ;

 END siteName

The SITE CLASS attribute determines the oaSiteDefType attribute for the oaSiteDef, with the following mapping:

PAD oacPadSiteDefType
CORE oacCoreSiteDefType


The SITE CLASS attribute is stored in OpenAccess by using the oaSiteDef::SiteDefType attribute. The table below shows the mapping of LEF SITE CLASS to the oacSiteDefTypeEnum values.

SITE CLASS oacSiteDefTypeEnum
CORE oacCoreSiteDefType (default)
PAD oacPadSiteDefType

ROWPATTERN {siteName siteOrient} ...

The LEF SITE with a ROWPATTERN attribute is stored in OpenAccess using the oaArraySiteDef object. The siteName and siteOrient pairs are stored in an oaSitePattern, which is used to create the oaArraySiteDef. The referenced siteName must exist in the database.

SIZE width BY height ;

The SITE SIZE attributes are stored in OpenAccess by using the oaSiteDef::sizeX (width) and oaSiteDef::sizeY (height) attributes.

SYMMETRY {X | Y | R90} ...

The SITE SYMMETRY attributes are stored in OpenAccess using the symmetry attributes on oaSiteDef, with the following mapping:

SITE SYMMETRY Attribute oaSiteDef Attribute
X SymmetricInX
Y SymmetricInY
R90 SymmetricInRot