Command-Line Help for Command-Line Applications

When working with a command-line executable, users need quick access to information about that executable. A user might want to report a bug or consider compatibility issues. In this case, knowing the version number of the executable is critical. Also, users working at the command line need information about the syntax of the executable and its arguments. The most efficient way to provide this information is with command-line help. Command-line help must convey a great deal of information in a small amount of space, and a standard, concise approach for presenting this information is critical.

Version Information

Users access version information for the executable by typing the executable name followed by -version or -v.

For example:

% mytool -version 
% mytool 02.03.040-p001 

Usage Information

Users access command-line help by typing the command name followed by -help or -h.

Use the following standards to create command-line help for command-line executables.

The following example shows the correct format for command-line help.

mytranslator2oa version 02.03.040-p001
Usage:  Translates a file to the destination OpenAccess library.

Syntax: mytranslator2oa         
        -xyz fileList           Quoted, space-separated list of files  
                                to translate
        -lib library            Destination library 
        -topCell name           Top-level cell to translate
        [-cellMap file]         Cell map file
        [-dbuPerUU number]      dbuPerUU value
        [-fontMap file]         Font map file
        [-help | -h]            Print help
        [-hierDepth number]     Hierarchical depth to translate to
        [-ignoreBoxes]          Ignores Stream Box Records
        [-layerMap file]        Layer map file 
        [-logFile file]         Output log file 
        [-noOverwrite]          Existing cells are not overwritten
        [-propMap file]         Property map file
        [-propSeparator char]   Property separator character
        [-refLibList file]      refLibList file
        [-techLib library]      Technology library
        [-techPath path]        Path to the technology library. This arg 
                                is valid only if -techLib is specified.
        [-template file]        Template file
        [-toLower]              Convert cell and instance names to lower
        [-toUpper]              Convert cell and instance names to upper 
        [-view view]            Destination view name. The default name
                                is myview.
        [-version | -v]         Print version information

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