Base Types

For consistency and portability, the following base data types are defined. No other equivalents are acceptable.

oaByte An unsigned byte. This type is used when a raw byte object is required.
oaChar A typedef char
oaCoord A typedef signed 4-byte object.
oaDist A typedef unsigned 4-byte object.
oaInt2 A signed 2-byte object.
oaUInt2 An unsigned 2-byte object.
oaInt4 A signed 4-byte object.
oaUInt4 An unsigned 4-byte object.
oaInt8 A typedef long long
oaUInt8 A typedef unsigned long long
oaFloat A single-precision floating-point number.
oaDouble A double-precision floating-point number.
oaBoolean A logical binary value. Note that the only values that are assigned to an oaBoolean object are true or false, never 1 or 0.
oaOffset A typedef signed 4-byte object.
oaTblIndex A typedef unsigned 4-byte object.
oaUIntPtr A typedef unsigned int

Note: Floats are always 4-bytes wide; doubles are always 8-bytes wide.

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