LEF/DEF Translators Error Messages

Message Number   Message Text
50000   "Failed to initialize the parser. Translation was terminated. Check whether the application is installed correctly.",
50001   "Parse Error. Translation was terminated. Check whether the syntax is correct.",
50002   "A library was not specified. Translation was terminated. You must specify a library.",
50003   "A cell was not specified. Translation was terminated. You must specify a cell.",
50004   "A view was not specified. Translation was terminated. You must specify a view.",
50005   "A technology library was not specified. Translation was terminated. You must specify a technology library.",
50006   "Cannot open file %s. Translation was terminated. Check whether the file exists and whether file permissions are correct.",
50007   "The library %s was not found. Translation was terminated. Check whether the specified library exists.",
50008   "A technology database was not found in library %s. Translation was terminated. Specify a technology library, or check whether the library has a technology database or is attached to a technology library.",
50009   "The constraint group %s was not found in the technology database. Default routing information cannot be processed. Check whether the default routing rule is defined in your technology database.",
50010   "A zero-sized rectangle is not supported and was ignored.",
50011   "PROPERTY %s: This property name was not defined. The property value was ignored. Verify that all properties are defined in the PROPERTYDEFINITIONS section.",
50012   "NAMECASESENSITIVE OFF: OpenAccess only supports case sensitive names. The translation was case sensitive. Verify that the name case used in LEF matches the name case used in DEF.",
50013   "BUSBITCHARS \"%s\": These are not valid bus characters. The bus characters defaulted to \"[ ]\". Verify that all bus names use the correct syntax.",
50014   "DIVIDERCHAR \"%s\": This is not a valid hierarchy character. The hierarchy character defaulted to \"/\". Verify that all hierarchical names use the correct syntax.",
50015   "UNITS DATABASE %d: This is not a supported value. The default value of 100 was used for the database units. Check whether the database units are correct.",
50016   "UNITS DATABASE %d: The value is different from the technology value of %d. The technology value was used.",
50017   "UNITS DATABASE %d: The value is different from the technology value of %d. The data was scaled to the technology value, and the scaling might cause a loss of precision.",
50018   "ANTENNAINPUTGATEAREA %g: The value cannot be negative. The antenna data was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50019   "ANTENNAOUTPUTDIFFAREA %g: The value cannot be negative. The antenna data was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50020   "ANTENNAINOUTDIFFAREA %g: The value cannot be negative. The antenna data was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50021   "INPUTPINANTENNASIZE %g: The value cannot be negative. The antenna data was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50022   "OUTPUTPINANTENNASIZE %g: The value cannot be positive. The antenna data was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50023   "INOUTPINANTENNASIZE %g: The value cannot be positive. The antenna data was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50024   "The layer %s was not found. The geometry was ignored. Verify that the technology data contains the correct layer definitions.",
50025   "The terminal %s was not found. The connectivity was ignored. Verify that the correct instance master is used.",
50026   "The instance %s was not found. The connectivity was ignored. Verify that the data in this file matches the design.",
50027   "The terminal %s on instance %s was not found. The connectivity was ignored. Verify that the correct instance master is used.",
50028   "SPACING %s %s: Inter-layer spacing rules can only be specified for cut layers. This spacing rule was ignored. Verify that the SPACING data in the LEF file is correct.",
50029   "LAYER %s: An overlap layer already exists with the name %s. This new definition was ignored. Verify that the MACROs use the correct OVERLAP layer.",
50030   "LAYER %s: The layer type %s is not supported. This layer was ignored. Verify that a valid layer type is specified.",
50031   "LAYER %s: The DENSITY attribute does not have a complete table of values. This attribute was ignored. Verify that the DENSITY information is correctly specified.",
50032   "LAYER %s: The ACCURRENDENSITY attribute does not have a complete table of values. This attribute was ignored. Verify that the ACCURRENTDENSITY information is correctly specified.",
50033   "LAYER %s: The MINIMUMCUT attribute has redundant values for numCuts: %d and width: %11g. This attribute was ignored.",
50034   "NONDEFAULTRULE %s: A rule with this name already exists. This new definition was ignored.",
50035   "NONDEFAULTRULE %s: The layer %s is not a routing layer. This layer was ignored. Ensure that the non-default rule only specifies routing layers.",
50036   "NONDEFAULTRULE %s: The via %s was not found. This via was ignored. Ensure that the vias used in a non-default rule are defined in the technology data.",
50037   "NONDEFAULTRULE %s: The via rule %s was not found. This via rule was ignored. Ensure that the via rules used in a non-default rule are defined in the technology data.",
50038   "VIA %s: A via with the same name but different geometry already exists. This new definition was ignored.",
50039   "VIA %s: The via uses more than three layers. This via was ignored. Ensure that the vias are correctly defined.",
50040   "VIA %s: The via has fewer than three layers. This via was ignored. Ensure that the vias are correctly defined.",
50041   "VIA %s: The via contains a non-rectangular shape. A custom via was created for this via.",
50042   "VIA %s: A matching via rule cannot be found. A custom via was created for this via.",
50043   "VIA %s: The via contains multiple cut layers. This via was ignored. Ensure that the vias are correctly defined.",
50044   "VIA %s: The via has no cut layer defined. This via was ignored. Ensure that the vias are correctly defined.",
50045   "VIA %s: The via is missing top or bottom routing layers. This via was ignored. Ensure that the vias are correctly defined.",
50046   "VIA %s: There was an error in the cut pattern definition. This via was ignored. Ensure that the vias are correctly defined.",
50047   "VIA %s: The via has no geometries defined. This via was ignored. Ensure that the via geometries are correctly defined.",
50048   "VIA %s: The master design for this via was not found. This via was ignored. Ensure that the vias are correctly defined in the technology database.",
50049   "VIA %s: The via definition is not bound. This via was ignored. Ensure that the vias are correctly defined in the technology database.",
50050   "VIARULE %s: The via rule has no cut layer defined. This rule was ignored. Ensure that the via rule is correctly defined.",
50051   "VIARULE %s: The via %s was not found. This via was ignored. Ensure that the vias used in a via rule are defined in the technology database.",
50052   "VIARULE %s: The layers of via %s do not match the via rule. This via was ignored. Ensure that the layers of the via match the layers of the via rule.",
50053   "SITE %s: The referenced site %s was not found. This site was ignored. Ensure that the site is defined in the technology database.",
50054   "MACRO %s: The macro is missing the SIZE attribute. This macro was ignored. Ensure that the size of the macro is defined.",
50055   "MACRO %s: The macro requires that the EEQ master cell %s be defined before macro use. This attribute was ignored.",
50056   "MACRO %s: The macro has non-continuous overlap shapes. This macro was ignored. Ensure that the overlap shapes form a single continuous shape.",
50057   "MACRO %s: The macro attempts to redefine obstructions, but updating physical data is not supported. The new obstructions were ignored. Use the -overwrite option to create the designs from scratch.",
50058   "PIN %s: This is not a legal name for a terminal. It should be a scalar or vector bit name. This pin was ignored. Ensure that the terminal names are legal in the oaLefNS/oaDefNS namespaces.",
50059   "PIN %s: The must-join terminal %s was not found. This attribute was ignored. Ensure that the must-join terminal is defined before this terminal.",
50060   "PIN %s: The routing rule %s was not found. This attribute was ignored. Ensure that the routing rule is defined before this terminal is used.",
50061   "PIN %s: The net expression %s is not valid. This attribute was ignored. Ensure that a valid net expression is used.",
50062   "PIN %s: The default net %s in the net expression is not valid. This attribute was ignored. Ensure that a valid net expression is used.",
50063   "PIN %s: Combining 5.3 and 5.4 antenna syntax is not allowed. The antenna information for this pin was ignored. Ensure that the same LEF antenna syntax is used throughout the file.",
50064   "PIN %s: The antenna size cannot be positive. This attribute was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50065   "PIN %s: The antenna metal area cannot be negative. This attribute was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50066   "PIN %s: The antenna metal length cannot be negative. This attribute was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50067   "PIN %s: There was no layer specified to map ANTENNAMETALLENGTH to 5.4 syntax. This attribute was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50068   "PIN %s: The thickness for layer %s was not found. This attribute is necessary to map ANTENNAMETALLENGTH to 5.4 syntax. This attribute was ignored. Ensure that the THICKNESS is specified in the technology database.",
50069   "PIN %s: The antenna model %s is not supported. This attribute was ignored. Verify that the antenna data is correct.",
50070   "PIN %s: A terminal with a different net assignment already exists. This new definition was ignored. Verify that the connectivity is correct.",
50071   "PIN %s: The block domain terminal was not found. This pin was ignored. Verify that the connectivity is correct.",
50072   "PIN %s: The terminal was not found in the existing design. This pin was ignored. Verify that the connectivity is correct.",
50073   "PIN %s: The connectivity could not be changed from %s to %s in update mode. Check whether the connectivity matches the existing design.",
50074   "No layer was defined for the geometry. The geometry was ignored. Ensure that the layer is specified for the geometry.",
50075   "The via %s was not found. The via shapes were ignored. Ensure that the via is defined in the technology database.",
50076   "GROUP %s: The region %s was not found. This region attribute was ignored. Ensure that the region is defined before it is used.",
50077   "GROUP %s: The instance %s was already assigned to a group or region. It was not added to this group. Ensure that the instance only belongs to one group or region.",
50078   "GROUP %s: A region with the same name already exists. This group was renamed to %s.",
50079   "COMPONENT %s: The master %s for this instance was not found. BBox and placement coordinates may not be correct. Use the -masterLibs and -masterViews options to specify the correct instance master designs.",
50080   "COMPONENT %s: The instance references its own design. This instance was ignored. Ensure that there is no recursion in instance masters.",
50081   "COMPONENT %s: The instance was not found in the existing design. This instance was ignored. Check whether the data matches the existing design.",
50082   "COMPONENT %s: This is not a legal name for an instance. This instance was ignored. Ensure that the instance names are legal in the oaLefNS/oaDefNS namespaces.",
50083   "COMPONENT %s: The weight %d is an invalid value. This attribute was ignored. Ensure that the weight value is in the range of 0 - 128.",
50084   "COMPONENT %s: Invalid source %s. This attribute was ignored. Verify that the source is a valid DEF keyword.",
50085   "COMPONENT %s: Invalid EEQ %s (does not match master's EEQ). This attribute was ignored. Ensure that the EEQ attribute matches the master design's EEQ attribute.",
50086   "COMPONENT %s: Cannot find region %s. This attribute was ignored. Ensure that the region is defined before it is used.",
50087   "NET %s: This is not a legal name for a net. It should be a scalar or vector bit name. This net was ignored. Ensure that the net names are legal in the oaLefNS/oaDefNS namespaces.",
50088   "NET %s: This block domain net was not found. The net was ignored. Check whether the connectivity is correct.",
50089   "NET %s: The original net %s was not found. This attribute was ignored. Check whether the original net is defined.",
50090   "NET %s: The shield net %s was not found. This attribute was ignored. Ensure that the shield net is defined before it is used.",
50091   "NET %s: The routing rule %s was not found. This attribute was ignored. Ensure that the routing rule is defined before it is used.",
50092   "NET %s: The via %s was not found. The routing for this net was ignored. Check whether the vias used in this design are defined in the technology database.",
50093   "NET %s: The layers of via %s at ( %d %d ) do not match the route segments. Following route segments for this net might not be created on the correct layer. Ensure that the vias used in this design are specified in the correct order.",
50094   "STYLE %d: This style number was not previously defined. The routing for this net was ignored. Ensure that the style number is defined in the STYLES section.",
50095   "NET %s: This net was not found in the existing design. The net was ignored. Check whether the connectivity matches the existing design.",
50096   "ROW %s: The siteDef %s was not found. This row was ignored. Ensure that the site is defined in the technology database.",
50097   "ROW %s: The row orientation could not be determined because both X and Y are greater than 1. This row was ignored. Check whether the row is horizontal or vertical.",
50098   "ROW %s: The row step cannot be smaller than the size of the site. This row was ignored. Ensure that the site definition matches the row step.",
50099   "SCANCHAIN %s: The output pin is not specified, and no COMMONSCANPIN is defined. This scan chain was ignored. Ensure that an output pin is specified.",
50100   "SCANCHAIN %s: The input pin is not specified, and no COMMONSCANPIN is defined. This scan chain was ignored. Ensure that an input pin is specified.",
50101   "PROPERTY %s: The value for this property is out of range. This property was ignored. Ensure that the property value is in the range specified in the PROPERTYDEFINITIONS section.",
50102   "Cannot find cell '%s' in library '%s'. This cell was ignored. Check whether the correct cell is specified.",
50103   "Cannot find view(s) '%s' for cell '%s' in library '%s'. This cellview was ignored. Check whether the correct cellview was specified.",
50104   "LAYER %s: The routing direction for this layer is not supported. A HORIZONTAL routing direction was assumed. Ensure that the specified routing direction is a valid LEF keyword.",
50105   "MACRO %s: The FOREIGN container view for this design was not found: %s. Check whether a layout view for this design exists.",
50106   "NET %s: The connection %s/%s was not found in the existing design. This connection was ignored. Check whether the connectivity matches the existing design.",
50107   "NET %s: The direction of via %s do not match the route segments. The direction was corrected in the output. Ensure that the vias used in this design have their direction set."

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