oaAppObject Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaAppObject:


Public Methods

void destroy ()
oaAppObjectDefgetAppObjectDef () const

Static Public Methods

oaAppObject * create (oaObject *database, oaAppObjectDef *def)

Detailed Description

The oaAppObject class implements an extension object. You can create extension objects for object extensions that are registered in a database. Functions for creating, deleting, and querying extension object attributes are in this class.

The oaAppObject class can be observed by deriving from oaObserver<oaAppObject>.

Member Function Documentation

oaAppObject * oaAppObject::create oaObject *    database,
oaAppObjectDef *    ext

This function creates a new extension object for the ext object extension in the specified database. For more information, see Extending the Database in the Programmers Guide.


void oaAppObject::destroy  

This function destroys this extension object, removing it from the database.

oaAppObjectDef * oaAppObject::getAppObjectDef   const

The function returns the oaAppObjectDef for this object.

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