oaAppProp Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaAppProp:

oaProp oaObject

Public Methods

oaUInt4 getSize () const
void getValue (oaByte *value) const
void getAppType (oaString &appType) const
void setAppType (const oaString &appType)
void setValue (oaUInt4 size, const oaByte *value)
void getValue (oaByteArray &valueArray) const
void setValue (const oaByteArray &valueArray)

Static Public Methods

oaAppProp * create (oaObject *object, const oaString &name, const oaString &appType, const oaUInt4 size, const oaByte *value)
oaAppProp * create (oaObject *object, const oaString &name, const oaString &appType, const oaByteArray &valueArray)

Detailed Description

The oaAppProp class is an application-specific property whose value is an arbitrary set of bytes. The database does not provide any interpretation of those bytes. If the value stored on an oaAppProp instance contains multi-byte fields (such as an integer), the database cannot do byte-swapping for these fields if they are written on one type of machine and read on another type of machine.

Properties are application-defined values that can be added to any managed object in oaDesign, oaTech, and oaWafer databases except for the following paged objects: oaDevice, oaNode, oaParasiticNetwork, and oaSubNetwork.

To create properties on DM Objects, create the corresponding oaDMData object (using oaLibDMData::open, oaCellDMData::open, oaViewDMData::open, or oaCellViewDMData::open), then create properties on that oaDMData object.

See oaProp for a general discussion of properties.

Member Function Documentation

oaAppProp * oaAppProp::create oaObject *    object,
const oaString &    name,
const oaString &    appType,
const oaByteArray &    valueArray

This function creates an application property with the specified attributes. An oacPropNameUsed exception is thrown if a property already exists on the object with the specified name.

object The object on which to create the property.
name The name for the property.
appType A string identifying the type of application.
valueArray The values for the property.

oaAppProp * oaAppProp::create oaObject *    object,
const oaString &    name,
const oaString &    appType,
const oaUInt4    size,
const oaByte *    value

This function is deprecated. Refer to the create function that takes an oaByteArray value.

This function creates an application property with the specified attributes. The specified name is checked to verify it is unique for properties on the specified object.


void oaAppProp::getAppType oaString &    appType const

This function returns the application type of this property.

oaUInt4 oaAppProp::getSize   const

This function returns the size of this property value.

void oaAppProp::getValue oaByteArray &    valueArray const

This function returns the values of this property.

valueArray The array of values for the property.

void oaAppProp::getValue oaByte *    value const

This function is deprecated. Refer to the getValue function that gets an oaByteArray value.

This function returns the value of this property.

void oaAppProp::setAppType const oaString &    appType

This function sets the application type of this property. The appType is interpreted by the application. It is not interpreted by OpenAccess.

appType The string corresponding to the application type.

void oaAppProp::setValue const oaByteArray &    valueArray

This function sets this property to have the specified values.

valueArray The values for the property.

void oaAppProp::setValue oaUInt4    size,
const oaByte *    value

This function is deprecated. Refer to the setValue function that takes an oaByteArray value.

This function sets the value of this property.

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