oaBaseObserver Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaBaseObserver:

oaObserver<oaChangeMgr> oaPcellObserver oaRecursionObserver oaStdObserver oaVCObserver oaObserver<oaAppDef> oaObserver<oaConstraintDef> oaObserver<oaConstraintGroupDef> oaObserver<oaConstraintParamDef> oaObserver<oaDerivedLayerDef> oaObserver<oaDerivedLayerParamDef> oaObserver<oaDesign> oaObserver<oaDMData> oaObserver<oaGroupDef> oaObserver<oaLib> oaObserver<oaLibDefList> oaObserver<oaParasiticNetwork> oaObserver<oaTech> oaObserver<oaViewType> oaObserver<oaWafer>

Public Methods

 oaBaseObserver (oaUInt4 priorityIn, oaBoolean enabledIn=true)
virtual ~oaBaseObserver ()
oaBoolean isEnabled () const
void enable (oaBoolean enabledIn)

Detailed Description

The oaBaseObserver <> class is a base class for oaObservers. It supports functions that set and get the enabled status of an observer object.

See oaObserver for information on using OpenAccess observer classes to derive and instantiate observers in an application.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaBaseObserver::oaBaseObserver oaUInt4    priorityIn,
oaBoolean    enabledIn = true

This is the constructor for the oaBaseObserver class. Observers are ordered by priority from lowest to highest.

priorityIn priority of this observer relative to other BaseObservers
enabledIn Determines whether this observer is called when an observed event occurs

oaBaseObserver::~oaBaseObserver   [inline, virtual]

This is the destructor for the oaBaseObserver class.

Member Function Documentation

void oaBaseObserver::enable oaBoolean    enabledIn [inline]

This function sets the enabled status of this observer according to the enabledIn parameter passed to the function.

enabledIn specify true to set enable this observer; false to disable this observer.

oaBoolean oaBaseObserver::isEnabled   const [inline]

This function returns true if this observer is enabled; otherwise, it returns false.

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