oaCompatibilityError Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaCompatibilityError:


Public Methods

const oaStringgetAppBuildName () const
const oaStringgetKitBuildName () const
const oaStringgetDataModelBuildName () const
const oaStringgetDatabaseName () const
oaUInt4 getAppDataModelRev () const
oaUInt4 getKitDataModelRev () const
oaUInt4 getDBDataModelRev () const
const oaFeatureArraygetFeatures () const

Detailed Description

The oaCompatiblityError class represents the exceptions that OpenAccess throws when it detects features in a database that are not supported by the version of OpenAccess the application is running against.

The message string associated with an oaCompatibilityError is generated in one of two formats:

  1. message ID (oacDataNotCompatibleOnOpen|oacDataNotCompatibleOnOpenInAppendMode), dbtype ("Design|Tech|Wafer"), dataModelBuildName "built against" appBuildName
  2. message ID (oacDataNotCompatibleOnOpen|oacDataNotCompatibleOnOpenInAppendMode), dbtype ("Design|Tech|Wafer"), dataModelBuildName "running with" kitBuildName)

See Compatibility for OpenAccess Applications and Data in the Programmers Guide for more information.

Member Function Documentation

const oaString & oaCompatibilityError::getAppBuildName   const

This function returns the name of the OpenAccess build that the application is built against.

oaUInt4 oaCompatibilityError::getAppDataModelRev   const

This function returns the data model revision of the database.

const oaString & oaCompatibilityError::getDatabaseName   const

This function returns the user-friendly name of the database that generated this error. Some examples are as follows:

  • design lib/cell/view
  • technology database in library lib
  • wafer lib/cell/view

const oaString & oaCompatibilityError::getDataModelBuildName   const

This function returns the name of the earliest OpenAccess build that supports the data model for the new data.

oaUInt4 oaCompatibilityError::getDBDataModelRev   const

This function returns the database data model revision that triggered this error.

const oaFeatureArray & oaCompatibilityError::getFeatures   const

This function returns the array of features that caused this compatibility exception to be thrown by OpenAccess.

const oaString & oaCompatibilityError::getKitBuildName   const

This function returns the name of the OpenAccess kit that this application is running with.

oaUInt4 oaCompatibilityError::getKitDataModelRev   const

This function returns the data model revision that the OpenAccess shared library supports.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

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