oaEnumPropIter Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaEnumPropIter (oaEnumIterState *sub)
 oaEnumPropIter (oaEnumPropIter &iterIn)
 ~oaEnumPropIter ()
oaEnumPropIter & operator= (oaEnumPropIter &iterIn)
oaBoolean getNext (oaString &enumV)
void reset ()

Detailed Description

The oaEnumPropIter class implements a special case iterator. This class returns enumeration values of an oaEnumProp object.

The intended usage of oaEnumPropIter is shown in the following example:

    oaEnumPropIter  iter(enumProp->getEnums());
    oaString        enum;
    while (iter.getNext(enum)) { ... }

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaEnumPropIter::oaEnumPropIter oaEnumIterState *    iterIn [inline]

This function constructs a new oaEnumPropIter object. The argument is generally created implicitly by casting an oaEnumCollection that was returned by oaEnumProp::getEnums() as shown in the class description.

oaEnumPropIter::oaEnumPropIter oaEnumPropIter &    iterIn [inline]

This function constructs a new oaEnumPropIter class and iterates over the same set of objects as the oaEnumPropIter handed in. The new iterator starts at the beginning of the collection.

iterIn The iterator value to use

oaEnumPropIter::~oaEnumPropIter   [inline]

This function destroys this oaEnumPropIter.

Member Function Documentation

oaBoolean oaEnumPropIter::getNext oaString &    enumV [inline]

This function returns an oaString that contains the name of the next enumeration value in the list of valid enum values for the property. This function returns false when there are no more objects to return.

enumV The name of the next enumeration value in the list of enums

oaEnumPropIter & oaEnumPropIter::operator= oaEnumPropIter &    iterIn [inline]

This is the assignment operator for the VerilogNS class. It copies the state of iterIn to this enumPropIter.

iterIn rhs oaEnumPropIter to assign to this enumPropIter

void oaEnumPropIter::reset   [inline]

This function restarts the iterator. The next call to getNext() for this oaEnumPropIter returns the first object in the collection.

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