oaParam Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaParam ()
 oaParam (const oaParam &param)
 oaParam (const oaString &nameIn, oaInt4 value)
 oaParam (const oaString &nameIn, oaFloat value)
 oaParam (const oaString &nameIn, const oaString &value)
 oaParam (const oaString &nameIn, oaDouble value)
 oaParam (const oaString &nameIn, const oaString &appTypeIn, oaUInt4 numBytesIn, const oaByte *byteDataIn)
 ~oaParam ()
void getName (oaString &name) const
oaParamType getType () const
oaInt4 getIntVal () const
oaFloat getFloatVal () const
const oaChargetStringVal () const
oaDouble getDoubleVal () const
oaBoolean getBooleanVal () const
oaTime getTimeVal () const
void getStringVal (oaString &value) const
void getAppVal (oaByte *byteData) const
oaUInt4 getNumBytes () const
void getAppType (oaString &value) const
void setAppType (const oaChar *value)
void setAppVal (oaUInt4 numBytes, const oaByte *byteData)
void setName (const oaChar *nameIn)
void setIntVal (oaInt4 value)
void setFloatVal (oaFloat value)
void setStringVal (const oaChar *value)
void setDoubleVal (oaDouble value)
void setBooleanVal (oaBoolean value)
void setTimeVal (oaTime value)
oaParam & operator= (const oaParam &param)
oaBoolean operator== (const oaParam &p) const
oaBoolean operator!= (const oaParam &p) const


class oaParamArray
class oaParamTbl
class oaIntParamTbl
class oaStringParamTbl
class oaFloatParamTbl
class oaDoubleParamTbl
class oaBooleanParamTbl
class oaTimeParamTbl
class oaAppParamTbl

Detailed Description

The oaParam utility class represents a parameter used to specify a desired customization of a pcell. Pcells are parameterized designs that can be modified for each instance by specifying appropriate parameter values.

A parameter is essentially a name/type/value triplet. Each oaParam can be of any of the supported types. The type of its value must be consistent with the type of the oaParam. It is permissible to change the param's type from one type to another by calling a set() function on a param object.

Note: It is illegal to perform a get() call on a parameter with the wrong value type -- for example, if you call getStringVal() on a parameter of type oacIntParamType. If you perform an illegal get() call with the debug version of OpenAccess, it will throw an oacParamTypeDoesNotMatchWithGetFunction exception. If you perform an illegal get() call with the optimized version, function behavior is undefined, and your program may crash.

While oaParam objects may be constructed by themselves, when they are used in the API for pcells they are always elements of an oaParamArray. Hence that is the most common way for applications to use them.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaParam::oaParam   [inline]

This function constructs an empty oaParam object which has an undefined value and type.

oaParam::oaParam const oaParam &    param

This function constructs a copy of the oaParam object 'param' being passed in.

param A reference to the oaParam object whose copy is to be made

oaParam::oaParam const oaString &    nameIn,
oaInt4    value

This function constructs an oaParam object with an integer 'value' and which has the specified name 'nameIn'.

nameIn The name to assign to the new oaParam object
value An integer value to be assigned to the oaParam object

oaParam::oaParam const oaString &    nameIn,
oaFloat    value

This function constructs an oaParam object with a float 'value' and which has the specified name 'nameIn'.

nameIn The name to assign to the new oaParam object
value A float value to be assigned to the oaParam object

oaParam::oaParam const oaString &    nameIn,
const oaString &    value

This function constructs an oaParam object with a string 'value' and which has the specified name 'nameIn'.

nameIn The name to assign to the new oaParam object
value A reference to an oaString object to be assigned to the oaParam object

oaParam::oaParam const oaString &    nameIn,
oaDouble    value

This function constructs an oaParam object with a double 'value' and which has the specified name 'nameIn'.

nameIn The name to assign to the new oaParam object
value A double value to be assigned to the oaParam object

oaParam::oaParam const oaString &    nameIn,
const oaString &    appTypeIn,
oaUInt4    numBytesIn,
const oaByte *    byteDataIn

This function constructs an oaParam object that has an arbitrary set of application-defined bytes for a value. This kind of parameter has an additional string associated with it that is defined by the application to further define what the value is.

Note that the database cannot do byte-swapping for embedded binary fields (such as integers) in this value when it is written on one kind of computer and read on another. Hence the use of this type of param is discouraged.

nameIn The name to assign to the new oaParam object
appTypeIn A reference to an oaString object to specify additional application specific information
numBytesIn An integer value indicating the number of bytes being assigned to this oaParam object with 'byteDataIn'
byteDataIn A pointer to an array of bytes to be assigned to this oaParam object


This is the destructor for this oaParam object.

Member Function Documentation

void oaParam::getAppType oaString &    appTypeIn const

This function retrieves the oaAppType string of this application-type oaParam object using the 'appTypeIn' parameter.

appTypeIn A reference to an oaString to be populated with the appType information

void oaParam::getAppVal oaByte *    value const

This function gets the value of this application-type oaParam object. It assumes that the application had earlier assigned such a value to the oaParam object. A fatal application error can occur if an attempt is made to retrieve a value that was not stored earlier.

value A pointer to an array of bytes to be populated

oaBoolean oaParam::getBooleanVal   const [inline]

This function returns the value of this boolean-type oaParam object. If the param isn't storing a boolean value, then the result is indeterminate.

oaDouble oaParam::getDoubleVal   const [inline]

This function returns the value of this double-type oaParam object. If the param isn't storing a double value then the result is indeterminate.

oaFloat oaParam::getFloatVal   const [inline]

This function returns the value of this float-type oaParam object. If the param isn't storing a float value then the result is indeterminate.

oaInt4 oaParam::getIntVal   const [inline]

This function returns the value of this integer-type oaParam object. If the param isn't storing an integer value then the result is indeterminate.

void oaParam::getName oaString &    nameIn const [inline]

This function retrieves the name of this oaParam object in the 'nameIn' parameter.

nameIn A reference to an oaString object to be populated with the name of this oaParam object

oaUInt4 oaParam::getNumBytes   const [inline]

This function returns the number of bytes of this application-type oaParam object. If it isn't storing an application param then it returns 0.

void oaParam::getStringVal oaString &    value const [inline]

This function retrieves the value of this string-type oaParam object in the 'value' parameter. If it isn't storing a string value then the result is indeterminate.

value A reference to an oaString object to be populated with the string value that this oaParam object represents

const char * oaParam::getStringVal   const [inline]

This function returns a pointer to the string value of this string-type oaParam object. If it isn't storing a string value then the result is indeterminate.

oaTime oaParam::getTimeVal   const [inline]

This function returns the value of this time-type oaParam object. If it isn't storing a time value then the result is indeterminate.

oaParamType oaParam::getType   const [inline]

This function returns the type of this oaParam object which specifies the form of its value.

oaBoolean oaParam::operator!= const oaParam &    param const [inline]

This is the inequality operator for the oaParam class. It compares this oaParam with the specified param, and returns true if the oaParam values are not equal.

oaParam & oaParam::operator= const oaParam &    param

This function is the assignment operator that copies the specified oaParam object 'param' and returns a reference to its duplicate. The function copies all member data so the duplicate does not rely on information from the original.

param A reference to the oaParam object to be copied

oaBoolean oaParam::operator== const oaParam &    param const

This is the equality operator for the oaParam class. It compares this oaParam with the specified param, and returns true if the oaParam values are equal.

void oaParam::setAppType const oaChar *    value

This function sets the appType string for this application-type oaParam object. The oaAppType string distinguishes this application-type parameter from other application-type parameters that can have the same name.

If this param isn't an application param then this call has no effect. So if you are using an oaParam that previously held a different type and you are setting it to be an application-type param, you must call setAppVal before calling setAppType.

value The appType string to be associated with this oaParam object

void oaParam::setAppVal oaUInt4    numBytesIn,
const oaByte *    byteDataIn

This function sets the value of this application-type oaParam object to be the raw array of bytes 'byteDataIn' with a length of 'numBytesIn'.

numBytesIn The number of bytes to be assigned to this oaParam object
byteDataIn A pointer to the location where the byte array starts

void oaParam::setBooleanVal oaBoolean    value [inline]

This function sets this oaParam to be a boolean-type param with the specified 'value'.

value The boolean value to be assigned to this oaParam object

void oaParam::setDoubleVal oaDouble    value [inline]

This function sets this oaParam to be a double-type param with the specified 'value'.

value A double value to be assigned to this oaParam object

void oaParam::setFloatVal oaFloat    value [inline]

This function sets this oaParam to be a float-type param with the specified 'value'.

value A float value to be assigned to this oaParam object

void oaParam::setIntVal oaInt4    value [inline]

This function sets this oaParam to be an integer-type param with the specified 'value'.

value An integer value to be assigned to this oaParam object

void oaParam::setName const oaChar *    nameIn [inline]

This function sets the name of this oaParam object to that specified by the string parameter 'nameIn'.

nameIn A string representing the name to be assigned to this oaParam object

void oaParam::setStringVal const oaChar *    value

This function sets this oaParam to be a string-type param with the specified 'value'.

value A string to be assigned to this oaParam object as its new value

void oaParam::setTimeVal oaTime    value [inline]

This function sets this oaParam to be a time-type param with the specified 'value'.

value An oaTime value to be assigned to this oaParam object

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class oaAppParamTbl [friend]

friend class oaBooleanParamTbl [friend]

friend class oaDoubleParamTbl [friend]

friend class oaFloatParamTbl [friend]

friend class oaIntParamTbl [friend]

friend class oaParamArray [friend]

friend class oaParamTbl [friend]

friend class oaStringParamTbl [friend]

friend class oaTimeParamTbl [friend]

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