oaPointArray Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaPointArray:

oaArray<oaPoint> oaArrayBase<oaPoint>

Public Methods

 oaPointArray (oaUInt4 sizeIn=0)
 oaPointArray (const oaPointArray &pointsIn)
 oaPointArray (const oaPointArray &pointsIn, const oaTransform &xform)
 oaPointArray (const oaPointArray &pointsIn, const oaPoint &offset)
 oaPointArray (const oaPoint pointsIn[], oaUInt4 numPointsIn)
 oaPointArray (const oaBox &rectIn)
oaBoolean isSelfIntersecting (oaBoolean isClosed=true) const
oaBoolean isOrthogonal (oaBoolean isClosed=true) const
oaBoolean isRectangle () const
oaBoolean onEdge (const oaPoint &point, oaBoolean isClosed=true) const
oaBoolean contains (const oaPoint &point, oaBoolean includeEdges=true) const
oaBoolean contains (const oaBox &box) const
oaBoolean overlaps (const oaBox &box, oaBoolean closed=true) const
oaDouble distanceFrom2 (const oaPoint &point) const
oaDouble getArea () const
oaBoolean hasExtraPoints (oaBoolean isClosed=true) const
void compress (oaPointArray &pointsOut, oaBoolean isClosed=true) const
void compress (oaBoolean isClosed=true)
void transform (const oaTransform &xform, oaPointArray &result) const
void transform (const oaTransform &xform)
void transform (const oaPoint &offset, oaPointArray &result) const
void transform (const oaPoint &offset)
void transform (oaDouble scale, oaDouble angle, oaPointArray &result) const
void transform (oaDouble scale, oaDouble angle)
void getBBox (oaBox &bBox) const


class oaUndoData

Detailed Description

The oaPointArray class represents an array of two-dimensional integer points. These are used in the API to specify a number of figures such as oaPolygons and oaPaths. See oaPolygon::create for an example.

PointArrays can be used either to indicate a closed figure, such as a polygon, or an open set of points such as a line. When used to describe a closed figure, the connection between the first and last point is always implicit. In such usage it is an error to have the first and last point be the same. Some member functions of oaPointArray have an isClosed flag to indicate whether the array is intended to describe a closed figure or an open line. Many functions that use PointArrays only apply to closed figures, and a flag is not needed for these functions.

PointArrays used as arguments to member functions of oaFig classes should always be well-formed such that they do not contain duplicate or collinear points. oaPointArray::compress() can be used to remove such points from the array.

Like all oaArray classes, oaPointArrays have separate counts for their allocated size and for the number of elements currently in use. For good performance be sure to avoid small incremental allocations as elements are added to an array.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaPointArray::oaPointArray oaUInt4    sizeIn = 0 [inline]

This function constructs an oaPointArray object and allocates storage for as many points as specified by numPoints.

oaPointArray::oaPointArray const oaPointArray &    pointArray [inline]

This function constructs an oaPointArray object, creating a copy of the specified pointArray.

oaPointArray::oaPointArray const oaPointArray &    pointArray,
const oaTransform &    xform

This function constructs an oaPointArray object, creating a copy of the specified pointArray after it is transformed using the specified xform oaTransform.

oaPointArray::oaPointArray const oaPointArray &    pointArray,
const oaPoint &    offset

This function constructs an oaPointArray object, creating a copy of the specified pointArray, and applying an offset contained in the specified oaPoint object.

oaPointArray::oaPointArray const oaPoint    pointsIn[],
oaUInt4    numPointsIn

This function constructs an oaPointArray object by copying in an array of oaPoint. The number of elements in the array is indicated by numPointsIn.

oaPointArray::oaPointArray const oaBox &    rectIn [inline]

This oaPointArray constructor function creates an array consisting of the four corners of the specified rectIn rectangle, starting at the lower-left and moving clockwise.

rectIn oaBox input parameter used for point array construction

Member Function Documentation

void oaPointArray::compress oaBoolean    isClosed = true [inline]

This function removes all collinear and coincident points from this oaPointArray.

An oaPointArray contains coincident points if two adjacent points are identical. An oaPointArray contains collinear points if three adjacent points lie on the same line. For closed oaPointArrays (isClosed = true), the first and last point are considered adjacent.

The result of this function is not valid for oaPointArrays containing two adjacent edges that overlap. Such oaPointArrays are considered illegal for use in figures.

Note: compress() will produce incorrect results if the edges connected by the points in the point array cross.

isClosed Specify true if the first and last points in the array should be treated as connected (the figure described by the point array is closed); specify false if the first and last points should be treated as unconnected (the figure described by the point array is open)

void oaPointArray::compress oaPointArray &    pointsOut,
oaBoolean    isClosed = true

This function returns in pointsOut the point array that is created by removing all collinear and coincident points from this oaPointArray.

The result of this function is not valid for oaPointArrays containing two adjacent edges that overlap. Such oaPointArrays are considered illegal for use in figures.

Note: compress() will produce incorrect results if the edges connected by the points in the point array cross.

pointsOut a reference to the compressed oaPointArray produced by this function
isClosed specify true if the first and last points in the array should be treated as connected (the figure described by the point array is closed); specify false if the first and last points should be treated as unconnected (the figure described by the point array is open)

oaBoolean oaPointArray::contains const oaBox &    box const

This function returns a boolean indicating whether or not this pointArray, which is assumed to be closed, contains the specified oaBox.

box the oaBox to test against

oaBoolean oaPointArray::contains const oaPoint &    point,
oaBoolean    includeEdges = true

This function returns a boolean indicating whether or not the specified point is inside or on the edge of this pointArray.

Note: the point array is assumed to be closed--that is, the first and last points in the array are treated as connected.

point the point to test
includeEdges boolean that specifies whether or not points on the edge of the point array are assumed to be contained.

double oaPointArray::distanceFrom2 const oaPoint &    point const

This function returns the square of the distance from the specified point to the closest point on this oaPointArray.

Note: the point array is assumed to be closed--that is, the first and last points in the array are treated as connected.

oaDouble oaPointArray::getArea   const

This function returns the area in DBUU contained by the oaPointArray. The PointArray is assumed to be closed.

Note: The points in the array can either be a clockwise or a counter-clockwise enclosure. However they must not be self-intersecting.

void oaPointArray::getBBox oaBox &    bBox const

This function calculates the bounding box of the points in this oaPointArray.

oaBoolean oaPointArray::hasExtraPoints oaBoolean    isClosed = true const

This function returns true if this pointArray has any collinear or coincident points. Also returns true if isClosed = true (see below) and the last and first points of the array specify the same point.

isClosed specify true if the first and last points in the array should be treated as connected (the figure described by the point array is closed); specify false if the first and last points should be treated as unconnected (the figure described by the point array is open)

oaBoolean oaPointArray::isOrthogonal oaBoolean    isClosed = true const

This function returns a boolean value that indicates if all of the angles in this oaPointArray are multiples of 90 degrees.

isClosed specify true if the first and last points in the array should be treated as connected (the figure described by the point array is closed); specify false if the first and last points should be treated as unconnected (the figure described by the point array is open)

oaBoolean oaPointArray::isRectangle   const

This function returns true if this oaPointArray describes a rectangle that could be created as an oaRect. Specifically, to return true the point array must have four points after collinear and coincident points have been removed, and those points must be the corners of a rectangle with horizontal and vertical sides.

oaBoolean oaPointArray::isSelfIntersecting oaBoolean    isClosed = true const

This function returns a boolean value that indicates if this oaPointArray intersects itself. This does not include self-touching oaPointArrays.

isClosed specify true if the first and last points in the array should be treated as connected (the figure described by the point array is closed); specify false if the first and last points should be treated as unconnected (the figure described by the point array is open)

oaBoolean oaPointArray::onEdge const oaPoint &    point,
oaBoolean    isClosed = true

This function returns a boolean value that indicates if the specified point is on this oaPointArray.

point the point to look for on this oaPointArray
isClosed specify true if the first and last points in the array should be treated as connected (the figure described by the point array is closed); specify false if the first and last points should be treated as unconnected (the figure described by the point array is open)

oaBoolean oaPointArray::overlaps const oaBox &    box,
oaBoolean    closed = true

This function returns a boolean value that indicates if the specified box overlaps or touches this oaPointArray.

Note: overlaps() assumes that the points in the array are specified in clockwise order.

box the oaBox to test against
closed indicates whether the pointArray is closed.

void oaPointArray::transform oaDouble    scale,
oaDouble    angle

This function transforms this oaPointArray by the specified scale factor and rotation angle. The points are rotated about the origin.

void oaPointArray::transform oaDouble    scale,
oaDouble    angle,
oaPointArray &    result

This function transforms this oaPointArray by the specified scale factor and rotation angle. The points are rotated about the origin. The result is stored in result, which can be the same point.

void oaPointArray::transform const oaPoint &    offset [inline]

This function transforms this oaPointArray with the specified offset.

void oaPointArray::transform const oaPoint &    offset,
oaPointArray &    result

This function transforms this oaPointArray with the specified offset and stores the result in result, which can be the same oaPointArray. The result is assumed the same size as the pointArray.

void oaPointArray::transform const oaTransform &    xform [inline]

This function transforms this oaPointArray with the specified transform.

void oaPointArray::transform const oaTransform &    xform,
oaPointArray &    result

This function transforms this oaPointArray with the specified transform and stores the result in result, which can be the same oaPointArray. The result is assumed the same size as the oaPointArray.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class oaUndoData [friend]

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