oaSessionObject Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaSessionObject:

oaObject oaAppDef oaAppObjectDef oaConstraintDef oaConstraintGroupDef oaConstraintParamDef oaDerivedLayerDef oaDerivedLayerParamDef oaFeature oaGroupDef oaLibDefList oaLibDefListMem oaSession oaViewType

Public Methods

oaSessiongetSession () const

Detailed Description

The oaSessionObject class is an abstract class that is the base for all OpenAccess session objects.

The oaSession database is a non-persistent database which serves as the database parent to all session objects. Session objects are transient objects which are valid across the entire OA session.

Session objects may have a persistent representation which is tied to a persistent database such as a oaDesign, oaTech or oaLib database. In some cases, the session objects represent a union or superset of information compiled from databases which are opened in the OA session.

It is not legal to create properties or appDefs on session objects, nor is it legal to add these objects to groups.

Member Function Documentation

oaSession * oaSessionObject::getSession   const

This function returns the oaSession database associated with this oaSessionObject.

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