oaSystemTime Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaSystemTime ()
void getCurrentTime ()
oaUInt4 getYear () const
oaUInt4 getMonth () const
oaUInt4 getDay () const
oaUInt4 getHour () const
oaUInt4 getMinute () const
oaUInt4 getSecond () const

Detailed Description

oaSystemTime is a utility class that implements a systemTime object. systemTime is stored by year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


This is the constructor for the oaSystemTime object. All time values are set to 0.

Member Function Documentation

void oaSystemTime::getCurrentTime  

This function loads the systemTime object with the current time.

oaUInt4 oaSystemTime::getDay   const [inline]

This function returns the day-of-month portion of the current time as a value between 1 and 31.

oaUInt4 oaSystemTime::getHour   const [inline]

This function returns the hour-of-day portion of the current time as a value between 0 and 23, specified as the number of hours past midnight.

oaUInt4 oaSystemTime::getMinute   const [inline]

This function returns the minute-of-hour portion of the current time as a value between 0 and 59.

oaUInt4 oaSystemTime::getMonth   const [inline]

This function returns the month-of-year portion of the current time as a value between 1 and 12.

oaUInt4 oaSystemTime::getSecond   const [inline]

This function returns the seconds-of-minute portion of the current time normally as a value between 0 and 59 but allowing for 60 and 61 when leap seconds are present.

oaUInt4 oaSystemTime::getYear   const [inline]

This function returns the year portion of the current time. The year is supplied AD (thus 1900 AD is returned as 1900 and not as 0).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

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