srVisitorMgr Class Reference

Public Methods

 srVisitorMgr ()
 ~srVisitorMgr ()
void reset ()
void addVisitor (const sd::sdNameSpace *nameSpace, srVisitor *visitor)
srVisitorgetVisitor (const sd::sdNameSpace *nameSpace) const

Detailed Description

The srVisitorMgr class implements a manager for the visitor classes.

srVisitorMgr maps the visitors by sdNameSpace so that the correct visitor can be invoked on each schema representation object based on the data model to which it belongs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


This is the srVisitorMgr constructor.


This is the srVisitorMgr destructor.

Member Function Documentation

void srVisitorMgr::addVisitor const sd::sdNameSpace *    nameSpace,
srVisitor *    visitor

This function adds a visitor to the map.

nameSpace The namespace to which to add the visitor.
visitor The visitor to add.

srVisitor * srVisitorMgr::getVisitor const sd::sdNameSpace *    nameSpace const

This function returns a visitor (that was registered using addVisitor) for the specified namespace.

nameSpace The specified sdNameSpace.

void srVisitorMgr::reset  

This function resets the mapping of the srVisitors.

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