oaComplex.inl File Reference


#define oaComplex_I


template<class obj> oaComplex< obj > operator+ (const oaComplex< obj > &c1, const oaComplex< obj > &c2)
template<class obj> oaComplex< obj > operator- (const oaComplex< obj > &c1, const oaComplex< obj > &c2)
template<class obj> oaComplex< obj > operator * (const oaComplex< obj > &c1, const oaComplex< obj > &c2)
template<class obj> oaComplex< obj > operator/ (const oaComplex< obj > &c1, const oaComplex< obj > &c2)

Define Documentation

#define oaComplex_I

Function Documentation

template<class obj>
oaComplex<obj> operator * const oaComplex< obj > &    c1,
const oaComplex< obj > &    c2

template<class obj>
oaComplex<obj> operator+ const oaComplex< obj > &    c1,
const oaComplex< obj > &    c2

template<class obj>
oaComplex<obj> operator- const oaComplex< obj > &    c1,
const oaComplex< obj > &    c2

template<class obj>
oaComplex<obj> operator/ const oaComplex< obj > &    c1,
const oaComplex< obj > &    c2

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