oaCMObjectVisitor Class Reference

Public Methods

virtual ~oaCMObjectVisitor ()
virtual void visit (oaCMObjectIDRef *node)=0
virtual void visit (oaCMDatabaseRef *node)=0
virtual void visit (oaCMObjectStateRef *node)=0

Detailed Description

The oaCM classes support visitor design pattern interfaces. A visitor design pattern interface uses a dual dispatch technique. Each concrete node in the data structure has an accept method, which provides access to a visitor. The accept method sends a message to the visitor that includes the node's class. The visitor can then execute its behavior for that element.

The oaCMObjectVisitor class is the interface for the visitor, which is capable of visiting concrete oaCM nodes. This class can be derived to define specific actions.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual oaCMObjectVisitor::~oaCMObjectVisitor   [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void oaCMObjectVisitor::visit oaCMObjectStateRef *    node [pure virtual]

This function visits a concrete oaCMObjectStateRef node. It is called with the oaCMObjectStateRef::accept function.

This function can be reimplemented in derived classes to define specific behaviors.

node A pointer to the concrete oaCMObjectStateRef.

void oaCMObjectVisitor::visit oaCMDatabaseRef *    node [pure virtual]

This function visits a concrete oaCMDatabaseRef node. It is called with the oaCMDatabaseRef::accept function.

This function can be reimplemented in derived classes to define specific behaviors.

node A pointer to the concrete oaCMDatabaseRef.

void oaCMObjectVisitor::visit oaCMObjectIDRef *    node [pure virtual]

This function visits a concrete oaCMObjectIDRef node. It is called with the oaCMObjectIDRef::accept function.

This function can be reimplemented in derived classes to define specific behaviors.

node A pointer to the concrete oaCMObjectIDRef.

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