oaCMProtocolArray Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaCMProtocolArray (oaUInt4 sizeIn=0)
 oaCMProtocolArray (const oaCMProtocolArray &arrayIn)
oaUInt4 findByName (const oaString &nameIn, const oaString &plugInNameIn) const
oaBoolean validate (const oaCMProtocol &protoIn) const
oaCMProtocolArray & operator= (const oaCMProtocolArray &rhs)

Detailed Description

An oaCMProtocolArray is an array of oaCMProtocols. A oaCMProtocolArray generally represents the array of oaCMProtocols supported by a plug-in and available for selection by an application.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaCMProtocolArray::oaCMProtocolArray oaUInt4    sizeIn = 0

This is the oaCMProtocolArray constructor.

sizeIn The number of array elements to construct (0 is the default size).

oaCMProtocolArray::oaCMProtocolArray const oaCMProtocolArray &    arrayIn

This is the oaCMProtocolArray copy constructor.

arrayIn The protocol array to copy.

Member Function Documentation

oaUInt4 oaCMProtocolArray::findByName const oaString &    nameIn,
const oaString &    plugInNameIn

This function returns the index of the protocol with the matching nameIn and plugInNameIn. If a matching protocol is not found, oacNullIndex is returned.

nameIn The protocol name to find.
plugInNameIn The plug-in name to find

oaCMProtocolArray & oaCMProtocolArray::operator= const oaCMProtocolArray &    rhs

This is the oaCMProtocolArray assignment operator. It copies the rhs protocol array to this protocol array.

rhs The protocol array to assign to this protocol array.

oaBoolean oaCMProtocolArray::validate const oaCMProtocol &    protoIn const

This function checks whether the specified protoIn matches a protocol in this array. A match occurs if all fixed attributes in an array protocol match those in protoIn and all modifiable attributes in that array protocol have the same names and values as protoIn.

protoIn The protocol to match in this array

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