oaChangeSetBase Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaChangeSetBase:


Public Methods

virtual ~oaChangeSetBase ()
virtual oaHierChangeRecgetCurrentChangeRec (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr database)=0
virtual oaHierChangeRecbeginChangeRec (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr database)=0
virtual void endChangeRec (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr database)=0
virtual void addChangeRec (oaLeafChangeRec *lcr)=0
virtual void rollBackChangeRecs (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr dbRef, oaMarkerChangeRec *target=NULL, oaBoolean inclusive=false)=0
virtual bool removeChangeRec (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr dbRef, oaLeafChangeRec *rec)=0
virtual void passivateRefs (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr dbRef)=0
virtual oaSetAttributeChangeRecallocSetAttributeChangeRec (sr::srAttributeBase::SPtr value)=0
virtual oaUnsetAttributeChangeRecallocUnsetAttributeChangeRec (oaCMObjectRef::SPtr owner, sd::sdAttribute *attr)=0
virtual oaCreate1to1RelationshipChangeRecallocCreate1to1RelationshipChangeRec (sr::sr1to1Relationship::SPtr value)=0
virtual oaCreate1toNRelationshipChangeRecallocCreate1toNRelationshipChangeRec (sr::sr1toNRelationship::SPtr value)=0
virtual oaDestroy1to1RelationshipChangeRecallocDestroy1to1RelationshipChangeRec (sr::sr1to1Relationship::SPtr value)=0
virtual oaDestroy1toNRelationshipChangeRecallocDestroy1toNRelationshipChangeRec (sr::sr1toNRelationship::SPtr value)=0
virtual oaCreateObjectChangeRecallocCreateObjectChangeRec (oaCMObjectRef::SPtr object, oaCMObjectStateEntry::SPtr state)=0
virtual oaDestroyObjectChangeRecallocDestroyObjectChangeRec (oaCMObjectRef::SPtr object)=0
virtual oaConvertObjectChangeRecallocConvertObjectChangeRec (oaCMObjectRef::SPtr object, oaCMObjectRef::SPtr newObject)=0
virtual oaHierChangeRecallocHierChangeRec ()=0
virtual oaMarkerChangeRecfindLastMarkerChangeRec (oaMarkerChangeRecTypeEnum typeIn, oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr dbRef)=0
virtual oaConvertObjectChangeRecfindLastConvertObjectChangeRec (oaHierChangeRec *hcr) const=0
virtual oaExportMarkerChangeRecallocExportMarkerChangeRec (oaMarkerChangeRecTypeEnum typeIn, oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr dbRef)=0
virtual oaTransientMarkerChangeRecallocTransientMarkerChangeRec (oaMarkerChangeRecTypeEnum typeIn, oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr dbRef)=0
virtual oaMarkerChangeReccloneMarkerChangeRec (oaExportMarkerChangeRec &cr)=0
virtual oaMarkerChangeReccloneMarkerChangeRec (oaTransientMarkerChangeRec &cr)=0
virtual oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr findDatabaseRef (void *obj) const=0
virtual oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr allocDatabaseRef (void *obj, const sd::sdObject *sd, oaBoolean isNew=false)=0
virtual oaCMObjectIDRef::SPtr findObjectIDRef (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr database, void *obj) const=0
virtual oaCMObjectIDRef::SPtr allocObjectIDRef (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr database, void *obj, const sd::sdObject *sd, oaBoolean isNew=false, oaCMObjectRef::SPtr scope=NULL)=0
virtual oaCMObjectStateRef::SPtr findObjectStateRef (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr database, void *obj) const=0
virtual oaCMObjectStateRef::SPtr allocObjectStateRef (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr database, void *obj, const sd::sdObject *sd, oaBoolean isNew=false, oaCMObjectRef::SPtr scope=NULL)=0
virtual oaCMObjectStateEntry::SPtr allocObjectStateEntry (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr database, const sd::sdObject *def, const sr::srObjectState::AttributeMap &attributes, const sr::srObjectState::RelationshipMap &relationships)=0
virtual oaCMStringEntry::SPtr findStringEntry (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr database, const oaString &string)=0
virtual oaCMStringEntry::SPtr allocStringEntry (oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr database, const oaString &string)=0
virtual void accept (oaChangeSetVisitor *visitor)=0
virtual void accept (oaChangeRecVisitor *visitor, oaTimeStamp minAge=0)=0
virtual void getName (oaString &name) const=0
virtual oaBoolean isActive () const=0
virtual void setActive (oaBoolean state)=0
virtual oaBoolean isExported () const=0
virtual void setExported ()=0
virtual oaTimeStamp getTimeStamp () const=0
virtual oaChangeRecallocAttributeChangeRec (sr::srAttributeBase::SPtr value, sd::sdAttributeActionType action, sd::sdAttributeContainerType type)=0
virtual oaChangeRecallocRelationshipChangeRec (sr::srRelationshipBase::SPtr value, sd::sdRelationshipActionType action, sd::sdRelationshipContainerType type)=0

Detailed Description

The oaChangeSetBase class is the abstract base class for oaChangeSet, which defines its interface.

A change set manages individual change records, which represent changes made to a design. The oaChangeSet and oaChangeRec classes are involved in the communication between tracking and export plug-ins in the OpenAccess change management system (CMS).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaChangeSetBase::~oaChangeSetBase   [virtual]

This is the oaChangeSetBase destructor.

Member Function Documentation

void oaChangeSetBase::accept oaChangeRecVisitor *    visitor,
oaTimeStamp    minAge = 0
[pure virtual]

This function accepts a change record visitor and enables the visitor to access all the change records managed by this change set.

visitor A pointer to the visitor to call on this object.
minAge A timestamp that specifies the minimum age of the change records to visit.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

void oaChangeSetBase::accept oaChangeSetVisitor *    visitor [pure virtual]

This function accepts a change set visitor. It calls the visit function of the specified visitor on this object.

visitor A pointer to the visitor to call on this object.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

void oaChangeSetBase::addChangeRec oaLeafChangeRec *    lcr [pure virtual]

This function adds a leaf change record to the change set if there is no top-level hierarchical change record.

lcr Pointer to the leaf change record to add to the change set.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

virtual oaChangeRec* oaChangeSetBase::allocAttributeChangeRec sr::srAttributeBase::SPtr    value,
sd::sdAttributeActionType    action,
sd::sdAttributeContainerType    type
[pure virtual]

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaConvertObjectChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocConvertObjectChangeRec oaCMObjectRef::SPtr    object,
oaCMObjectRef::SPtr    newObject
[pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the oaConvertObjectChangeRec type. Applications that define derived change records supply the analogous virtual function to allocate memory for their derived class.

object A smart pointer to an object reference for the object before type-conversion.
newObject A smart pointer to the new object reference after type-conversion.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCreate1to1RelationshipChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocCreate1to1RelationshipChangeRec sr::sr1to1Relationship::SPtr    value [pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the Create1to1RelationshipChangeRec type.

value A smart pointer to the 1-to-1 relationship.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCreate1toNRelationshipChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocCreate1toNRelationshipChangeRec sr::sr1toNRelationship::SPtr    value [pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the Create1toNRelationshipChangeRec type.

value A smart pointer to the 1-to-N relationship.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCreateObjectChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocCreateObjectChangeRec oaCMObjectRef::SPtr    object,
oaCMObjectStateEntry::SPtr    state
[pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the oaCreateObjectChangeRec type.

object A smart pointer to an object reference.
state A smart pointer to an oaCMObjectStateEntry, which identifies an object according to a set of unique attributes.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr oaChangeSetBase::allocDatabaseRef void *    obj,
const sd::sdObject *    sd,
oaBoolean    isNew = false
[pure virtual]

This function returns a smart pointer to an allocation record of the oaCMDatabaseRef type.

obj A pointer to the object.
sd The schema definition of the database object.
isNew A boolean that indicates whether or not this object is a newly created object.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaDestroy1to1RelationshipChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocDestroy1to1RelationshipChangeRec sr::sr1to1Relationship::SPtr    value [pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the oaDestroy1to1RelationshipChangeRec type.

value A smart pointer to the 1-to-1 relationship that was destroyed.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaDestroy1toNRelationshipChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocDestroy1toNRelationshipChangeRec sr::sr1toNRelationship::SPtr    value [pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the oaDestroy1toNRelationshipChangeRec type.

value A smart pointer to the 1-to-N relationship that was destroyed.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaDestroyObjectChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocDestroyObjectChangeRec oaCMObjectRef::SPtr    object [pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the oaDestroyObjectChangeRec type.

object A smart pointer to the object reference for an object that was destroyed.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaMarkerChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocExportMarkerChangeRec oaMarkerChangeRecTypeEnum    typeIn,
oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    dbRef
[pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the oaMarkerChangeRec type.

typeIn The type of the change marker.
dbRef A smart pointer to the database reference.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaHierChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocHierChangeRec   [pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the oaHierChangeRec type.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCMObjectIDRef::SPtr oaChangeSetBase::allocObjectIDRef oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    database,
void *    obj,
const sd::sdObject *    sd,
oaBoolean    isNew = false,
oaCMObjectRef::SPtr    scope = NULL
[pure virtual]

This function returns a smart pointer to an allocation record of the oaCMObjectIDRef type.

database Smart pointer to the database reference.
obj A pointer to an object.
sd The schema definition of the object.
isNew A boolean that indicates whether or not this object is a newly created object.
scope The scope within the database to which the object belongs.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCMObjectStateEntry::SPtr oaChangeSetBase::allocObjectStateEntry oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    database,
const sd::sdObject *    def,
const sr::srObjectState::AttributeMap &    attributes,
const sr::srObjectState::RelationshipMap &    relationships
[pure virtual]

This function returns a smart pointer to an allocation record of the oaCMObjectStateEntry type.

database A smart pointer to a database reference object.
def The schema definition of the object.
attributes The attributes of the object state.
relationships The relationships of the object state.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCMObjectStateRef::SPtr oaChangeSetBase::allocObjectStateRef oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    database,
void *    obj,
const sd::sdObject *    sd,
oaBoolean    isNew = false,
oaCMObjectRef::SPtr    scope = NULL
[pure virtual]

This function returns a smart pointer to an allocation record of the oaCMObjectStateRef type.

database A smart pointer to a database reference object.
obj A pointer to an object.
sd The schema definition of the object.
isNew A boolean that indicates whether or not this object is a newly created object.
scope The scope within the database to which the object belongs.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

virtual oaChangeRec* oaChangeSetBase::allocRelationshipChangeRec sr::srRelationshipBase::SPtr    value,
sd::sdRelationshipActionType    action,
sd::sdRelationshipContainerType    type
[pure virtual]

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaSetAttributeChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocSetAttributeChangeRec sr::srAttributeBase::SPtr    value [pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the SetAttributeChangeRec type.

value A smart pointer to the srAttribute.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCMStringEntry::SPtr oaChangeSetBase::allocStringEntry oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    database,
const oaString &    string
[pure virtual]

This function returns a smart pointer to an allocation record of the oaCMStringEntry type.

database A smart pointer to a database reference object.
string The string to be contained in the string entry.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaMarkerChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocTransientMarkerChangeRec oaMarkerChangeRecTypeEnum    typeIn,
oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    dbRef
[pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the oaMarkerChangeRec type.

typeIn The type of the change marker.
dbRef A smart pointer to the database reference.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaUnsetAttributeChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::allocUnsetAttributeChangeRec oaCMObjectRef::SPtr    owner,
sd::sdAttribute *    attr
[pure virtual]

This function returns a pointer to an allocation record of the UnsetAttributeChangeRec type.

owner A smart pointer to the object reference for the object whose attribute was unset.
attr A pointer to the schema definition for the attribute of an object.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaHierChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::beginChangeRec oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    database [pure virtual]

This function begins a new hierarchical change record on the specified database.

database A smart pointer to the database reference.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaMarkerChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::cloneMarkerChangeRec oaTransientMarkerChangeRec &    cr [pure virtual]

This function creates an exact copy of the specified oaTransientMarkerChangeRec, including an identical timestamp.

cr The oaTransientMarkerChangeRec to clone.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaMarkerChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::cloneMarkerChangeRec oaExportMarkerChangeRec &    cr [pure virtual]

This function creates an exact copy of the specified oaExportMarkerChangeRec, including an identical timestamp.

cr The oaExportMarkerChangeRec to clone.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

void oaChangeSetBase::endChangeRec oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    database [pure virtual]

This function ends the current hierarchical change record on the specified database.

database A smart pointer to the database reference.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr oaChangeSetBase::findDatabaseRef void *    obj const [pure virtual]

This function attempts to find the database reference object managed by this change set.

obj A pointer to an object.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaConvertObjectChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::findLastConvertObjectChangeRec oaHierChangeRec *    hcr const [pure virtual]

This function finds the last oaConvertObjectChangeRec in the list of change records associated with the hcr hierarchical change record. NULL is returned if one is not found.

hcr A pointer to the hierarchical change record.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaMarkerChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::findLastMarkerChangeRec oaMarkerChangeRecTypeEnum    typeIn,
oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    dbRef
[pure virtual]

This function returns the last oaMarkerChangeRec of type typeIn on the list of change records associated with the specified database reference.

typeIn Type of the oaMarkerChangeRec.
dbRef A smart pointer to the database reference.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCMObjectIDRef::SPtr oaChangeSetBase::findObjectIDRef oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    database,
void *    obj
const [pure virtual]

This function attempts to find the ID reference object managed by this change set.

database A smart pointer to the database reference.
obj A pointer to an object.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCMObjectStateRef::SPtr oaChangeSetBase::findObjectStateRef oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    database,
void *    obj
const [pure virtual]

This function attempts to find the state reference object managed by this change set.

database A smart pointer to a database reference object.
obj A pointer to an object.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaCMStringEntry::SPtr oaChangeSetBase::findStringEntry oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    database,
const oaString &    string
[pure virtual]

This function finds the string entry in the database managed by this change set.

database A smart pointer to the database reference object.
string The string for which to find the string entry.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaHierChangeRec * oaChangeSetBase::getCurrentChangeRec oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    database [pure virtual]

This function gets the current hierarchical change record for the specified database.

database A smart pointer to the database reference.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

void oaChangeSetBase::getName oaString &    name const [pure virtual]

This function retrieves the name of this change set in name.

name The retrieved name of this change set.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaTimeStamp oaChangeSetBase::getTimeStamp   const [pure virtual]

A change set has a counter that it increments each time a change record is added. This function returns the oaTimeStamp object that represents the current value of the counter.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaBoolean oaChangeSetBase::isActive   const [pure virtual]

This function returns a boolean indicating whether tracking is active on this change set.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

oaBoolean oaChangeSetBase::isExported   const [pure virtual]

This function returns a boolean indicating whether or not this change set has been exported.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

void oaChangeSetBase::passivateRefs oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    dbRef [pure virtual]

This function passivates the references that describe the change records in the change set.

dbRef The database reference for which to passivate references.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

virtual bool oaChangeSetBase::removeChangeRec oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    dbRef,
oaLeafChangeRec *    rec
[pure virtual]

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

void oaChangeSetBase::rollBackChangeRecs oaCMDatabaseRef::SPtr    dbRef,
oaMarkerChangeRec *    target = NULL,
oaBoolean    inclusive = false
[pure virtual]

This function removes changes records from the change set associated with the specified database reference. All changes that occurred after the target marker change record are removed. If inclusive is set to true, the change marker itself is also removed.

dbRef The database reference associated with the change set for which to rollback changes.
target The marker change record to delimit the rollback.
inclusive A boolean that specifies whether or not the target marker change record itself is removed as part of the rollback.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

void oaChangeSetBase::setActive oaBoolean    state [pure virtual]

This function sets a boolean to indicate whether or not tracking is active on this change set.

state True (active) or false (non-active)

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

void oaChangeSetBase::setExported   [pure virtual]

This function sets the status of this change set to exported.

Implemented in oaChangeSet.

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