IException Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for IException:

ExceptionBase IPlugInException oaPlugInError

Public Methods

virtual oa::oaUInt4 getMsgId () const=0
virtual const char * getMsg () const=0

Detailed Description

This is an abstract class that can be used by the plug-in implementation to pass an exception back to the application side.

Member Function Documentation

const char * IException::getMsg   const [pure virtual]

This function returns a string that represents the error message for the exception being thrown.

Implemented in ExceptionBase, and oaPlugInError.

uint32 IException::getMsgId   const [pure virtual]

This function returns the id of the exception message. Note that this id can have different meanings dependent on the package that the plug-in that threw the exception belongs to.

Implemented in ExceptionBase, and oaPlugInError.

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