oaCommonTypes.inl File Reference


#define oaCommonTypes_I


BEGIN_OA_COMMON_NAMESPACE bool operator== (const Guid &guid, const Guid &other)
bool operator!= (const Guid &guid, const Guid &other)
bool operator< (const Guid &guid, const Guid &other)
bool operator> (const Guid &guid, const Guid &other)

Define Documentation

#define oaCommonTypes_I

Function Documentation

bool operator!= const Guid &    guid,
const Guid &    other

bool operator< const Guid &    guid,
const Guid &    other

BEGIN_OA_COMMON_NAMESPACE bool operator== const Guid &    guid,
const Guid &    other

bool operator> const Guid &    guid,
const Guid &    other

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