oaAssignmentDef Class Reference

Public Methods

 oaAssignmentDef ()
 oaAssignmentDef (const oaString &assignmentNameIn, const oaScalarName &defaultNameIn)
 oaAssignmentDef (const oaString &assignmentNameIn, const oaVectorBitName &defaultNameIn)
const oaStringassignmentName () const
const oaSimpleNamedefaultName () const
void setAssignmentName (const oaString &assignmentNameIn)
void setDefaultName (const oaScalarName &defaultNameIn)
void setDefaultName (const oaVectorBitName &defaultNameIn)

Detailed Description

The oaAssignmentDef class is a utility class used with the oaConnectDef and oaAssigAssignment objects. The oaAssignmentDef class specifies an assignment name and a default net name. The assignment name specifies the name of an oaAssignment to search for when resolving connectivity associated with an oaConnectDef.

When an oaAssignmentDef is used with an oaNetConnectDef, the default net name specifies the name to default to for the net if a corresponding assignment is not found.

When an oaAssignmentDef is used with an oaTermConnectDef, the default net name specifies the name to default to for the net to externally connect the terminal to if a corresponding assignment is not found.

When an oaAssignmentDef is used with an oaAssignAssignment, its assignment name and default net name override those on the oaAssignmentDef of the corresponding oaConnectDef and the search for a matching assignment continues using the new assignment name. If an assignment is still not found, then the default net name in the oaAssignAssignment is used to resolve the connectivity.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oaAssignmentDef::oaAssignmentDef   [inline]

This function constructs an empty oaAssignmentDef object. This is useful for constructing an oaAssignmentDef object that can be used to get the connection definition from an oaConnectDef or oaAssigAssignment object.

oaAssignmentDef::oaAssignmentDef const oaString &    assignmentName,
const oaScalarName &    defaultName

This function constructs an oaAssignmentDef object with the given assignmentName and defaultName where the defaultName is an oaScalarName.

assignmentName This specifies the name of the assignment to search for when resolving the connectivity for a corresponding oaConnectDef
defaultName This is the net name to default to if no matching oaAssignment is found

oaAssignmentDef::oaAssignmentDef const oaString &    assignmentName,
const oaVectorBitName &    defaultName

This function constructs an oaAssignmentDef object with the given assignmentName and defaultName where the defaultName is an oaVectorBitName.

assignmentName This specifies the name of the assignment to search for when resolving the connectivity for an associated oaConnectDef
defaultName This is the net name to default to if no matching oaAssignment is found

Member Function Documentation

const oaString & oaAssignmentDef::assignmentName   const [inline]

This function returns a const reference to the assignment name in this oaAssignmentDef. The assignmentName is the name of an oaAssignment to search for when resolving the connectivity for a corresponding oaNetConnectDef or oaTermConnectDef object.

const oaSimpleName & oaAssignmentDef::defaultName   const [inline]

This function returns a const reference to the oaSimpleName stored in this oaAssignmentDef. The name is either an oaScalarName or oaVectorBitName and specifies a single-bit net name. You can query the name type in order to access the corresponding oaScalarName or oaVectorBitName information.

void oaAssignmentDef::setAssignmentName const oaString &    assignmentName [inline]

This function changes the assignment name in this assignment definition.

void oaAssignmentDef::setDefaultName const oaVectorBitName &    defaultName [inline]

This function changes the default net name in this assignment definition.

void oaAssignmentDef::setDefaultName const oaScalarName &    defaultName [inline]

This function changes the default net name in this assignment definition.

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