oacRoutingBlockageType |
No vias or routes (either as oaRoutes or as oaShapes) for a wire should be created in this area. oacRoutingBlockageType may appear on routing or on cut layers. They block all routing geometry. When they are used on a cut layer, they have the effect of blocking Vias through that cut layer. |
oacViaBlockageType |
No vias should be placed in the blockage area that touch the given layer. Note: oacViaBlockageType will be deprecated. Use oacRoutingBlockageType on a cut layer to block Vias. |
oacPlacementBlockageType |
No instances should be placed in this region such that the PRBoundary for the instance master overlaps the blockage. This blockage type is automatically set on all oaAreaBlockages and oaAreaHalos, and should never be set on an oaLayerBlockage or oaLayerHalo. |
oacWiringBlockageType |
No wires (shapes or routes) should be created in the blockage area on the given layer. However, stacked vias may pass through here. oacWiringBlockageType should only appear on routing layers. They block geometry that is part of a net, but not that is part of an oaVia. They would not be used in a flow where a via could exists as a set of shapes and not as an oaVia. |
oacFillBlockageType |
No fill should be created in the blockage area on its layer. |
oacSlotBlockageType |
No slotting should be created in the blockage area on its layer. |
oacPinBlockageType |
No pins may be created in the blockage area and layer. |
oacFeedthruBlockageType |
No feedthrus may be created in the blockage area. |
oacScreenBlockageType |
Nets may only be created in the blockage area until they reach the maximum density specified on the blockage. |