oaDiode Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for oaDiode:

oaStdDevice oaDevice oaDesignObject oaObject

Static Public Methods

oaDiode * create (oaNode *fromNode, oaNode *toNode)
oaDiode * create (oaNode *fromNode, oaNode *toNode, oaUInt4 id)

Detailed Description

The oaDiode class represents an ideal clamping diode in a parasitic network for a net. Each diode object has one value for each analysis point that the parasitic network represents. Each value specifies the cut-in voltage, below which no current will flow through the diode.

Member Function Documentation

oaDiode * oaDiode::create oaNode *    fromNode,
oaNode *    toNode,
oaUInt4    id

This function creates a diode that belongs to the parasitic network containing fromNode and toNode. Diodes have a polarity, so the assignment of endpoints of the diode is significant: current flows through the diode from fromNode to toNode. An exception will be thrown if fromNode and toNode do not belong to the same network. An explicit unique ID id is required to be specified. An exception will be thrown if the id is the reserved oacInvalidDeviceID value or if a device with the specified id value already exists. The hasId() function will return true for devices created with this function and the getId() function will return the user-specified id.

Diodes can be created between nodes in different partitions of the same root parasitic network, where one of the partitions must be an ancestor of the other. In this case, the diode will be created in the lower level partition, and the node in the higher level partition must have an id so that it can be found when loading the lower level partition.

fromNode The starting node for the diode
toNode The ending node for the diode
id The unique ID to be assigned to the diode created

oaDiode * oaDiode::create oaNode *    fromNode,
oaNode *    toNode

This function creates a diode belonging to the parasitic network containing fromNode and toNode. Diodes have a polarity, and therefore the assignment of the endpoints of the diode is significant; current flows through the diode from fromNode to toNode. An exception will be thrown if fromNode and toNode do not belong to the same network. The device created will not have an ID associated with it. The hasId() function will return false for these devices and the getId() function will return an oacInvalidDeviceID value.

Diodes can be created between nodes in different partitions of the same root parasitic network, where one of the partitions must be an ancestor of the other. In this case, the diode will be created in the lower level partition, and the node in the higher level partition must have an id so that it can be found when loading the lower level partition.

fromNode The starting node for the diode
toNode The ending node for the diode

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